How come Pokemon don't just communicate with people directly when its been shown that they have the ability to do so?

How come Pokemon don't just communicate with people directly when its been shown that they have the ability to do so?

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Because it's a stupid fucking kid's show that has gone on for a fucking decade who gives a flying fuck.

How come ash is so fucking retarded?

Because its tough as balls.

Meowth spent like a month going through hell learnin' how to talk and walk upright. Nopokemon's got time for that shit.

Pikachu has had over a decade

>Took a pokemon a month

Nigga really? Even if it takes them a year surely they have time for that shit. What else do they do all day?

They're lazy

Dream scenes sure are fun OP.

Not to mention Meowth's terrible in battle because of it. And if your Pokemon isn't mentally ill, it enjoys battling, and would rather focus on that than being able to speak your language, since you can get by fine without talking anyways.

It shows they have the capacity to understand human speech so why don't they make more of an effort in communication?

Because then it'd be Digimon.

Dunno really, dragonite and alakazan are smart as fuck as said in the pokedex.

>mfw those pokemon mystery dungeon specials where it showed pokemon having perfectly normal conversation with eachother, just like in the game
>mfw imagining how "pika pi pikaaaaa" would somehow translate to anything in any universal pokemon language

What does everyone even fucking eat in the Pokemon world, the meat has to come from somewhere.

Because it isn't needed. They just want to battle, they don't need to speak human language for trainers to know what they need.

Trainers most of the time learn how to understand Pokemon as well, so that further separates the need.

I think Pokemon just want to avoid paying taxes and getting a real job

They eat Pokemon. Gen 4 games covered that. Gen 2 also briefly touched it with Slowpoke tails.

As said, if they learn to speak English or Japanese or whatever, it holds back their battle prowess. And Pokemon are naturally inclined towards battling.

It's not like they need to be able to speak back to communicate fine with the sort of relationship Trainers and Pokemon have.

fucking pokemiggers reeeeeee




Gummis, apples, berries, seeds and grimy food.