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How's the PC port?

really solid, runs good, only thing I was upset about was no beserk armor, and the menu song was changed

everyone modded it back in though

>everyone modded it back in though
What, the menu song or berserk armor? Also is MK still dropping frames?

I log in a few minutes just to take a nice stroll while exterminating goblin scum same thing I did on ps3

Really fun game


the song, the armors data is in the game but the meshes are gone

wat game this?

post cute pawns

do not, I repeat DO NOT post if your pawn is not cute

>the armors data is in the game but the meshes are gone
That depresses me, maybe when we can finally properly emulate games we could pull the meshes from the console version? If it works like that I dunno.

I haven't played it for months. I wonder how fucked up my poor pawn is?

>make a noble-looking Arisen that has the will and determination to stand up to any foe
>pawn is basically the Mtn from GoT
>He reads me tales of his old days as a pawn when we camp
>He is my guide
>He is my guardian
>His name is Grog

Damn. This game is too comfy


There really is a lot better classes you could showcase than the warrior.

All you do is jumping light and maybe 1 attack after.

>Standing perfectly still, arms crossed
Just you wait you motherfuckers
>Staring intensely at the yellow bar waiting for it to turn orange
This is going to be sick as shit I swear to fucking god
>The bar turns orange
Ooooooh here it comes!
>Tempest Harness activates

lrn2google you dumb bastard


Mystick Knight's the fucking best
>Air dashin
>Royal guardin
>Great cannonin
It was fucking Dante: The Vocation

>there will never be a DD2 where you can mix and match skills to actually make Dante

Just some random MK webbums I made.


Is that sorcerer in the foreground a dude with the dutchesses dress on?
I know that armor is good, but cmon man.

you're a hero

Oh shit that looks sweet
Is ddo still only available for nips tho?

>name pawn ME,DIO!
>play through game
>put it down for a while mid bitterback post game
>Log back in
>have been given the highest level weapons that can actually be sent as gifts along with about a dozen other high tier loots
>ungodly amount of points
>max ratings

yes and the game isn't actually good from what I've seen.

ruins what made DD good.

I've played DD:DA into the dirt on console, and reached level infinite on my Arisen and Pawn.

Basically I'm burnt out.

Would you guys still recommend getting it on PC and starting over, even though I've done almost everything there is to do on the console version?

Watching some of these webms is making me want to play it, but I'm scared I'll get bored and drop it before I even get to Gran Soren

After beating the game does your pawn stay in the rift for other players to use?
I beat it several months ago and am wondering if Charles has still been getting around

Are there any mods that make hand to hand good? I wanna punch shit.

Well, beating the game doesn't remove your pawn, (s)he just won't level, so yours should still be there being used.

Nah it's a chick. It was my buddy's pawn. He had that armor on for ages. I begged him to take it off, but to no avail.

Yes. This game is godlike on silky smooth 60 FPS.

Totally worth playing again.

List some of the recommended mods to fuck around



The HD resolutions and 60fps is worth it. There are mods too.

Some mods for you to look into:

Mod to make enemies random sizes and a mod that increases spawns by 3x(though it is a bit buggy).

Dinput mod for expanding gameplay, for instance using any piece of gear with any class or using a bow while you're a warrior. you can also adjust how fast you cast spells with this, among many other things.

Read the first page for the majority of the functions, the dinput mod is a refined cheat table for the most part but I like using a cheat table for free cam and slow motion.

ENB/reshade, this one is the best 1 no doubt

pawn manager if you want to customize all of your pawns

remove carry weight and sprint stamina mod and/or nude mod, they conflict so find which one you want, if you want any of this. there's also a mod that lets you jump higher.

Various magic mods if you want more useful magic.

Yeah, truth be told I had to convince myself to switch from it too. But finding other decent pieces more than made up for the stat buffs that the dress gives
Not to my knowledge. hand to hand isn't in the game by default anyways.

>Mod to make enemies random sizes.
god fucking damn it

That's literally daimon.

Do you think B'z incorporated "The Wind is Pushing Me" because of the line from the game or do you think B'z were the ones that came up with the line and Capcom added it to the game?

When is that line in the game?

The original japanese version was released in 1998 iirc, so probably the latter

Are there any mods that make warrior a little faster/fun to play?

The way I see it, because it's online there are a lot more Arisen around in order to try to fuck their pawn waifus so that checks out.

>You are close, now. So very close to me!

I love warrior, switched back to it from Mystic Knight because I missed it

The most important thing is the evasion slash to dodge everything
and then Arc of course

What about Lash?

>spending hours trying to find a pawn with inclination that isnt guardian/medicant/nexus/
>cant filter by inclinations

worst part of the game for me also i have autism

>O! How I have seen the Dragon's Dogma!

>aiming for jewtits/dutchess/loli witch as my beloved
>get Fornival instead

There's a 6 skills mod I think

>Trained my Fighter to perfect block fucking everything and made him Scather/Utilitarian
Felt great

Yeah I ran with Lash in the third spot often because of how it looks and it's ability to stun and interrupt almost anything but that third ability is constantly shifting. Sometimes you need Corona

Best class for bbi? MK seems lackluster

MA or ranger

I get goosebumps every time.

dis fukin seneschal

Daimon did nothing wrong

>tfw started with the 360 version of DA
>tfw getting the PC port and finally feeling the wind pushing me

Too bad the fight ends so goddamn quickly. There's barely any time to take it all in

I snicker like a fucking child in gradeschool every time I hear them sing "begyved"

what if I'm cute and my pawn isnt?

>double jump
>instant reset
>brain splitter
>fastest baseline climb speed
>can get even more height with leaping/soaring stone
>never take fall damage thanks to brain splitter
>big damage
>access to ranged attacks with shortbow
>can even abuse master thief and steal BBI gear from the chained goreclops without initiating the fight

Why would I ever not want to play Strider?



Because then you wouldn't be playing Mystick Knight

Fuk u

>Block counters that aren't as satisfying as Fighter's instant blocks
>Spam cannons and smack them
Yeah that sounds like a lot of fun.


And Dark Souls' combat is infinitely more satisfying.

Oh hey, I gave you a divine razor.
10/10 pawn.



>He doesn't know the joys of Holy perfect parrying into two cannons and melting your computer as you airdash into a dragon's face
I feel bad for you

Watching this pawn is more enjoyable than playing MK.

I started a new game on Hard mode on PC and got addicted all over again.

>5 head
He said, you dickhead.

Is this the power of true AI?


Don't talk about my waifu's hair or my pawn like that or I'll fuck you up.

MK just puts down cannons and stands there.

>made Steiner Arisen
>no other interesting characters from FF9 that are possible to make in the engine
Such a shame because it was a joy to discover you could make his exact face

Playing Mage Knight still ruined my GPU

My dick is pushing me
Into the game again

Your GPU is shit.

>Sorcerer that high
>Strider that low
Sure Strider is just worse Assassin but it's great for speedrun mode

Dragon's Dogma x Monster Hunter Action MMO when capcom?

Strider has the single most damaging move in the game

Assassin is just the class you play to get augments to make Strider even more fun
Same for Ranger

if only my pawn would do that on purpose

That's why I stopped playing MK cause I was 90% of the time just cannon and whammin.

yeah. jap only and its actually kinda boring. would much prefer DD2

Assassin is what you play for 6 STR per level up until level 100.

It's nice to log in to see what my pawn's been up to whenever these threads pop up.

>Strider is just worse Assassin
They're pretty equal, I'd say. Brain splitter alone can match gale harness+kisses and doesn't require the constant charge time setup that gale harness does, plus you get faster climb speed than without the harness. Assassin is alright but not as fun if you aren't using all the different weapon types, which itself can be a chore thanks to the menu system.

I'd love to do shit like this more often but sword/shield sucks for general use and swapping to it all the time gets old really fast. Between that and needing to use harness to match strider's maneuverability I'd rather just play strider.

>muh stat growths
Hombre I don't give a FRICK, I play what I want and you may not like it but you GOTTA respeck it

a lot of stuff from dragon's dogma is reused in DDO

>stop playing for months
>log back in yesterday
>pawn comes back from rents with 50k RC
The power of qt pawns.

I spent most of my time bashing shits in the face with Sky Rapture and Ripostes
It was fun, used the cannons on flying stuff and ghosts, or if I knocked something oveer
My only complaint with the class is that enchantments didn't last anywhere near long enough


Yeah especially considering some of the charge times, even augmented and all that it's way too short especially for some of the nastier enemies with health bars out the arse.

>dressed my pawn in slutwear
>come back a week later
>she comes back with 90k RC
I feel dirty