Get gifted rust through humble bundle

>get gifted rust through humble bundle
>heard about the game before this, mostly curious what kind of character I'd get
>start game up
>after a long time of loading finally in
>time to see what my character is!
>given a black guy with a micro penis
>immediately close game
>13 minutes played

Well that's that I guess. I never want to touch that again.

>play games to escape reality
>play game and be reminded of exactly why reality is terrible

At least I got a significantly better outcome on my real life self I guess.

Come on someone reply to my thread fuck

Gifted through humble bundle as you bought the bundle or got a spare code from someone for free?

Regardless, the game is a hollow shell of it's former self. Features and content keep getting removed for no purpose, making the game even more boring to play.

>Zombies removed long ago, bears and wolves are OP as they still clip through/speed over walls, mountains, buildings and rape your face
>Radiation Towns completely useless now as they've removed blue prints and fragments, can no longer destroy found items to learn their blueprints either
>XP and point system, similar to ARK (but with no fucking content) means players can just hide in corners of the map gathering materials to level
>Player interaction and PvP completely pointless

Is Rust fun?
Is it worth 5.60?
I'm only interested in Rust, Shelter 2, and Kholat in the current bundle.

Also OP
>implying that isn't hilarious

If you like the genre it should be fun. The big problem people have with it is that you can't make your own character. If that doesn't matter to you then do whatever you want.

I got a white female with blue eyes. Guess that's ok

>Gifted through humble bundle as you bought the bundle or got a spare code from someone for free?

Got gifted it. I didn't buy anything. I still appreciate the gift though, I think it was sweet of them to buy games for me.

>Also OP
>>implying that isn't hilarious

Eh it just made me feel depressed because I'm not content with my real life self as is even though I got much luckier in real life than in Rust. I suppose it should have made me feel good but it just made me feel bad because it brought up feelings I have to suppress in order to maintain my sanity.

I would like Games like Rust and Ark and I really want to but they all have the same problem that just triggers my Autism.
You start out making shit like spears and bows but then you quickly end up with Guns and shit like that and it just ruins the whole experience for me.
I wanna be a fucking caveman killing Bears and other players and shit with a pointy stick not fucking go to town on everything with a machinegun and explosives and shit

just go to a new server, the race/sex changes

There are different official servers for ARK that limit tools and such to primitive levels. Was also a recent (free) DLC for even more primitive content.

Prepare to grind on normal servers and be warned that the modded servers may have shit admins that will cheat. Or if not admins then moderators.

But don't expect to have fun playing alone. its really meant for groups. And its not even a fun PVP experience. Mostly the "Oh god I hope this faggot doesn't have ten other players ready to gang me to death"

Oh, really?

Thanks for your input. how about ARK? I have a friend who plays it but it seems insanely janky.

yea its serverside, one its generated you keep the same sex/race on one server

ARK is still poorly optimized, but it's fucking fun. Taming dinos, joining clans, wrecking other player's bases and dinos, etc.

Or play like I do now, just find a nice PvE server with some fun mods and enjoy building and collecting tons of dinos.

ARK is extremely fun. Not really optimized, But Fun

Fucking love the centipedes, don't have a screenshot of my 2 I tamed recently, so here's a dated pic of some dilos I got bored and tamed one day.

I have a picture of one of the seagulls painted like the joker. let me try to find it.

Couldn't find it. Here's a photo of my raptor Hideki instead

Nice. I got some cool shots somewhere, like of me carrying a perfectly tamed Rex on top of a Quetzal to take it back home.

I never really got that advanced into it. Furthest me and a few buds ever got was creating the krusty towers and air raiding peoples houses by carrying one guy with grenades on an argentavis while he threw them at houses below us. that sort of satisfied us.

>Try Ark on free weekend
>Spawn in somewhere frozen and icy
>"You are freezing!"
>Oh god what do I do uhhhhhh can't find anything nope probably can't punch that pack of flying large eagles to death, nothing in that direction, can I make a fire with the woo-

I don't quote understand the game. Plus the menus feel designed like some kind of old 2006 game mod, which is a little blaring of a difference between how sleek the logo is.

You spawned in the north zone didn't ya? without proper fortitude or fur armor you'll freeze out there asap. East and South zones are probably the safest.

I bought the latest humble bundle, mostly for rust
>I'm an ugly black bald woman with pancake tits and fat grotesque hips
>3 minutes played

oh well, guess I'll play that shitty shelter game or something

Black characters have a good advantage at night if your naked. You're pretty much invisible

>Play Rust for the first time
>Spawn in
>Wonder around
>Gather some wood and stone
>No less than 5 minutes later
>Get shot to death by three different guys with AKs and full armor.
>Huh. Part of the game I guess
>Gather some resources
>Get beat to death by a naked guy with a rock
>Well that was awkward, I mean I just spawned too, what's the point of killing me when I don't have anything?
>Gather resources
>Get a little shitshack going
>Go out for some more stone
>Shot to death by an arrow from some guy in burlap clothes
>What's with these guys? Are they psychotic or something?
>Find shitshack again
>Doing good for about an hour
>Got some blueprints going, feeling pretty good
>Same three guys from before waste me mercilessly saying that I got owned, took what little I had
>Fuck it, at least my stuff is safe inside my hous-
>Blew up my house, nothing but the foundation remained
>Maybe I can establish trade, get some blueprints for shitloads of resources
>Get a shitload of resources with no issue
>Go to deliver
>"Thanks man, I really appreciate you doing this for me"
>Get shot to death

If Rust had servers with mandatory factions, I could see myself enjoying it, otherwise it's not for me, I'm simply not psychotic enough and I don't have friends that play the game.

it was fun a few weeks ago. but the xp system has turned this game into a grind fest

its fun if you like staring at trees and rocks holding right click

no it isnt

Ark is amazing. Find a good server and you'll have a blast. I bought Rust too and despite not being able to create a character it is good fun.

>My cousin gifted it me
>had it in my wishlist
>Start game
>Join a server
>t doesnt work
>Whats the problem here
>Search on google
>Find like 10 solutions
>All sligltly different than the problems i have but okay
>try them ALL out
>4 hours later
>Find it finally on fucking Reddit
>The bug is known since 2015
>It happens to a lot of people
>I use the solution, step by step
>It doesnt work
>close the game, deleted it and made a new folder called "Dogshit"

And thats the reason i never played a Early Access game
Fuck Rust and the niggers developing for it

ark is turd tier honestly

rust was 100 times funner than ark until they added xp. pre xp rust was probably the best game ive ever played period. I have like 600 hours on it in a year

cant even play it now they added that shit heap xp system. they traded in the bp system and research system which was a unique thing to rust. for xp and levels (the most archaic game feature imaginable)

its almost like a practical joke

>make addictive fun social game
>only to ruin it by trying to add game features that haven't been fun since 2004

smashing a barrel and seeing that blue symbol etched over the top of an item

the only feeling comparable to that is opening a packet of pokemon cards and finding that shiny ass card in the deck
bring it back. make rust great again

Could just play legacy.

whenever I launch rust my computer starts lagging and steam crashes so I just uninstalled

Why does the micropenis matter at all? Can you actually use the penis in game? Will having it be a micropenis hinder you in some way?

One year ago it was a grind hell, how is it today?

You can, and it will. No one will group with you.

>ARK is extremely fun.

>Try ARK
>Make an Auschwitz survivor
>Get into game
>Punch trees
>Want to uninstall game but bear it
>Make tools, clothes
>Spend a long time making a nice lodge between cliffs and a river
>Explore the island
>Die a few times to dinos early on
>Make a Crossbow and never die to anything again.
>Start taming Dinos. It's stupidly tedious.
>Once you have a strong carnivor nothing is a threat.
>Walk around the island. Nothing to do. Nothing is a threat.
>No actual survival elements past the first few hours of the game.
>Nothing to do.
>Nothing to do.

I don't understand games like this.

Build a remote cell in a forest and kidnap other player