Last thread deleted because mods are fags

Last thread deleted because mods are fags.


Other urls found in this thread:

Piece of shit tie in game for a piece of shit cartoon.

What exactly is there to discuss, faggot?

babbys first dragonball ripoff

We can discuss how fucking awful your taste is and how you can redeem yourself by downing a gallon of bleach.

Only it's not very much like Dragonball since that's just about martial arts and aliens while this is about mystical artifacts and demons.

OP is in serious damage control mode right now.

You need to be 18 to post here, kid.

Speak for yourself fag. Go somewhere else if you don't like the topic.

How did that little yellow creature not get called out as a huge racist caricature?

Why dont you kill yourself instead of shitting up this board with your shovelware?

They were all stereotypes of their respective homelands. It was never really a factor in the show other than occasional comic relief like Clay getting down on some teriyaki pork or something.

Why don't you kill yourself instead of shitting up this board with your worthless opinions? I'm trying to discuss video games here. Go to your shitty waifu thread or /trash/ if you want something else so bad.

The chick is clearly Asian. The guy is yellow ah so ah so ching chong man.

I'm not offended, I'm just amazed it got through.

Bro not even him if you wanna discuss the damn cartoon just go to Sup Forums. This game you're trying to discuss is dogshit.

creator of the show is asian.

It was a different time user
Anyway the chick was jp, and then there was the br who was very greedy, the typical cowboy and finally the chink monk
Great show

I hope you fucking die faggot.

I discuss real vidya with real gamers, not this casual trash you seem to think is worth of its own thread.

Fucking gay boi.

Omi (yellow dude) is probably from China if I remember correctly.

Kimiko (girl) is from Japan.

Raimundo is from Brazil.

Clay is from Texas.

I think they just wanted to make it campy and have some characters that stand out. There might have been another reason Omi was yellow but I haven't seen the show in forever so I don't remember.

Can confirm, I am me, he is not me.

I actually do feel like discussing the game because it was good, and you would know that had you even played it. Please leave and stop shitposting.

You are fucking autistic if you think this shit was "good" gtfo of this board, faggot

>real vidya
Like what lol you mean Overwatch or some other Call of Duty bullshit? This is a no less a real game. I've got a physical copy. It's real, I can hold and feel it. You don't make the rules so gtfo.

>the BR becomes the leader of the group

I call shenanigans

Lol babbys first thread

Look you cuntsucking underage faggot, Xialin Showdown is not "real vidya" it's a fucking piece of shit churned out by a shitty dev to sell to shitty little faggots like yourself who cant form a single intelligent thought.

Now get on with killing yourself, faggot.

kimiko was worst girl

Make me, fagmeister.

You don't own the place and I can discuss whatever fucking video game I want. Go back to rebbit if you want to constantly be surrounded only by people who think like you.

Not him but calm down. I don't see the harm if someone wants to discuss this. I mean it's true, no one is forced to participate in this thread so if some people do, it's whatever.

Didn't that show get a sequel?

Prove you're not him with screencap

Look you abortion pussy biscuit, Xiolin Showdown is "real vidya" because it's a video game that can be played on a video game system. You don't make the parameters for what video games are.

Now get on with killing yourself, faggot.

Yes, and it was terrible. They retcon Raimundo becoming the leader for some reason.

It takes up valuable board space which could be used to discuss real hardcore games, you fucking gimp.

Not if I report you, cuntface.

I have a lot of influence with the mods.

Then go make your own thread, faggot.

Or are you just mad because every thread you make is shit and nobody replies?

I usually get around 200 to 300 replies every time I create a thread.

I am beyond on you and your shitty tastes.

Good luck with that buddy. You're more likely to get banned from shitposting as well as submitting a false report.

I literally started this thread.

So suck my fucking dick, bitch.

>only 200 to 300 replies

Fucking casual. Go to some other shitposting site. Nobody wants you or your worthless empty threads.

I also have over 9000 (you)'s

So literally get fucked m8


People discuss games of all types, licensed or not. At least it's on topic. I agree that OP should calm down that's all I'll say, since he's not doing a good job making himself look good.

>No Meme's Sky
Meme games get guaranteed replies anyway so bait harder.

This cuck is jelly as fuck

OP here. I really don't give a fuck if I look good or not. This thread was opened for the discussion of this video game and people can get the fuck over themselves if they're so booty blasted about it.

It's relevant to the times and its hardcore vidya, meme or not you cuntsucking cuck.

Kimiko never used Changing Chopsticks and Reversing Mirror to satisfy my giant waifu fetish

Feels bad man.

>No Meme's Sky
>hardcore vidya
>literally an indie floating simulator with fuck all to do

This is funny as fuck. Please continue.

Your opinion is worthless.

It's more hardcore than Xialin Showdown thats for damn sure

You are in a thread about a game you both don't like and have never played. Your opinion is literally worth less than nothing.

Seriously I'm not going anywhere and neither is the thread. Just get over yourself and take your shitposting elsewhere.

I'm merely educating you pathetic swine so that you will play proper games and discuss proper games.

Are you fucking retarded?

Posting Wuya

Who says this is the only game I play?

This is just something that I played a long time ago that is worthy of discussion.

Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant because I couldn't give a shit less about what people who have never played it have to say about it.

You are bumping my thread and yet you want it to go away. You are the retarded one.

This game was rad OP

Although the final level was a bit of a let down.

Probably one of the better licensed games out there.


Thats a good thing because he was objectively the best character.

I AM SAGE you fuck stick

Much appreciated user.

Man I never realized how well animated it was.


>implying you youngsters know how to sage

Please user stop embarrassing yourself.


I honestly can't even remember what the final boss was. I want to say it was Chase. I remember he kicked my ass a few times.


You just know he fucking hit that. No sane man wouldn't.


>Make a thread to talk about an actual game
>It gets deleted

>Make a thread to talk about e-celeb shit
>Nothing happens

I love this place.


>you'll never EVER have an Olympian palace full of vidya and two qt's at your beck and call


To be fair the last one was poorly made since the OP was mostly talking about the show.

He did ask everyone how they'd go about making a game but didn't realize one already existed.

Please tell me there's pr0nz

The REAL shame is that there was never a proper Samurai Jack game.
What a fucking gem of a show

At least he got some decent flash games. XSD got this.

I just finished the weird reboot and wow the original looks amazing when compared.

There was a reboot?

Wuya is amazing, I would server her forever. When she made the car and started posing on it my dick became diamonds.

Yes and it's awful.

Xiaolin Chronicles is a reboot with another yellow kid.
