It's tail time

It's tail time

Let me guess: your parents don't understand you.





Oh Sup Forums...


What would a modern day Gex be like? what kind of pop references would he say?

It would be all internet memes.

i dunno like what everyone else is doing. be like marvel films and only marvel films

awww man. gex was my shiiiittttttt. such a good james bondish, sly cooper, platformer.

ratchet and clank got a remake. why not this.


Go back and play it now.
Complete garbage.

Probably references to what's popular now.

So super heroes, netflix, the internet, reboots, maybe other video games.

>PAL regions got a much shittier Gex voice

I know what you're thinking: it's tail time.

sadly I went back and played Gex 2 recently and I agree, it's fucking horrible. I can't believe I ever liked it. It looks bad and it's tedious and empty and the controls are awful.

Gex was a favourite avatar for forum trolls.

I'm nostalgia-blinded as fuck, dude. I fist-pump every time I hear that it's tail time, I laugh every time Gex makes a slip of the tongue joke, I feel the hype whenever I enter a kung-fu or cyberspace level, and I can pogo-bounce everywhere with a smile on my face. With the N64 version.

Nostalgia is a powerful drug.

>tfw if Gex was released today he would be full of memes.