Alright Sup Forums can we all just agree that Khezu is the ultimate casual filter?

Alright Sup Forums can we all just agree that Khezu is the ultimate casual filter?

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Only if you give me suace

>that doujin where a female hunter is abducted into a breeding program with humans and monsters and gets impregnated by a Khezu, later giving birth to their hybrid child that's a hideous monstrosity and she loses her fucking mind on the spot

鉈デココ准将 on pixiv

Not even hard at all.

question, I've noticed that the khezu uses it's tail when he is going to do an electrical attack, can I cut so it can't do it no more or just to weaken the damage it deals?

I've found his profile but I can't find that particular khezu pic.
Does he post stuff on twitter or something?

Khezu isn't even fucking hard, he's just annoying. And there's far more annoying fights that aren't giant punching bags.


Is he supposed to be hard? Not even trying to be some kind of tryhard, I had a hell of a time with Monster Hunter 4. But Khezu was one of the very few that didn't give me any trouble. Is he harder in another game?

More like the ultimate patience tester for melee hunters.

>zap zap zap roar roar zap roar roar roar roar zap

Half the reason why I started using an LBG, and then eventually the Teostra meme bow.

He's just a damage sponge, and the fact that he fucks around on the ceiling and roars a lot is annoying. Moderately dangerous if he can combo you.
Tigrex is more of a casual filter.

Remove Khezu
Bring back Gigginox


Khezu isn't a casual filter. It's a boring fight where all it does is scream. Sometimes it doesn't even move.
Fucking dromes and Jaggi do a better job.

He's tougher if you have short reach because he can cover his body in electricity. As a GL, I can shell his ass all day when he does that.

Those were giggi subspecies you pleb. Speaking of which shindol's mh doujin is still the best one.


>still no tamama x hunter doujin
>still no sfv doujin
>still no overwatch doujin
>pic related hasn't even been translated yet

no khezu is kinda lame once you learn how he works. he's very slow

yeah fuck the nostalgia kids Gigginox is the superior monster

I don't think anyone was nostalgic about khezu's return.

Nope, I found it exactly the same. I guess his behaviour is annoying with his lightning field, screaming and ceiling bullshit, but that's about it.
It's especially easy in Generations because Adept dodges completely trivialise half his moveset.

>Tigrex is more of a casual filter.
Also the Raths. Zinogre and Steve too, but I guess they're usually too far in to be an actual filter.

Source on the doujin?

>hey do all these shitty gathering and small monster quests
>Hey how about doing them again, but as a shitty cat instead?!


Not a filter, just super tedious bad design bossfight.
>no bgm
zero hype, nothing compared to gigginox. Every single flagmonster have been more hype than a fucking khezu and I dare say even more difficult than the faggot who warns of his every move by 3 seconds or something.

>tfw poisoned
>tfw your hot drink wore off
>tfw its charging at you
shit was tense

what game?

you forgot Gigginox dark area battles in Tri

It's not even the best casual filter in its own series.

I just fell through the fucking arena

I have never had this happen in a monster hunter before

the goddamn nargacuga pushed me through a corner of the geometry and now I'm on some subfloor with no farcaster

these fucking goldfish eating zipperheads are really trying my patience

Or you could just use what user
said and google shindol + monster hunter but whatever

im a 3u babby, looking at footage of it it looks neat
mh needs to come to a console already, the atmosphere would be amazing

No idea why they removed the darkness feature. Removing it really made torches obsolete.

Why does Capcom have such a hardon for genwun monsters?

It's like they released Tri, said "no fuck this" and undid everything new.

Probably because of "muh glare" since Japan is obsessed with playing on handhelds with tiny resolutions.



Are there any translated versions?

Why would I agree to that? How is it a casual filter at all?

It fits perfectly on the difficulty curve.

no he's piss easy, just annoying

the ultimate casual filter was barroth in tri (not the shitty nerfed 3U version) or plesioth in FU with bullshit hitboxes

On rank 5 in player union area. Please tell me there is still a lot more after rank 7.

I'm on my phone so I get the sad panda...

In MHFU, or at least when I jumped on, everything was smooth sailing and just timing blocking and occasionally healing but then came this electrical faggot that has retarded electricity lunges that do turbo damage.

If you try to dispach khezu like every other mob before it in FU you will get fucking rolled over and over untill you learn to respect the monsters fight patterns and telegraphs and to ALWAYS USE PAINTBALLS.

I actually had the thing hide from me for a whole hour once and the fucker timed me out so seeing Khezu in later games for me is like seeing an old rival, the fucker almost made me give up desu but I got through it.

Monster Hunter fampai

then for what reason is he back? because of the penis joke?

MH is for porn

started thith tri and Great Jaggi fuck me up for a solid week or something before I got gud enough.... looking back at it makes me cringe a little but that week pretty much cemented him as my favorite raptor

Seriously most Gen 2 monsters are direct Improvements over old monster with Nibble and Great wroggi being my favorite examples but then they threw most of them out and brought back the unfortunate Gen 1 stuff

Of the monsters. Not shitty hentai generic

>-aggi is basically just a wholesale replacement for -drome family that isn't complete garbage
>suddenly -dromes every fucking where again

>not Rathian
Gypceros is a fucking cunt too

God damn, I love the solo hunter series. There is just something about OP characters willingly becoming breeding farms because they are bored.

Rathian and Rathalos were my speed bump.
Fucking homing attack.

That wasn't the one I was talking about.

I'm so sick of Dromes holy fuck I just want the great raptors back

He's the first major casual filter in Freedom Unite. Because he's still very annoying and it forces you to try different weapondms from your go to.

The Giadrome, and Yian KutKu, you can kinda blitz with your goto strategy, and a bit of patience, but the Khezu is the first to force you to totally rethink the way you do things.

Tigrex is more like the first najor test of everything you've learned.

Khezu is indeed tma casual filter in FU, as it's the first major roadblock newbies encounter that will likely force many to quit. Those who beat the Khezu, usually stick it out through the Tigrex and everything after. Esp since once you beat the Tigrex you get his awesome equipment.

FU was fun, it had good progression.

really? I found them to be easy because they have shit long animation. As long as i don't use slow ass weapon, it is easy to kill.

In MH frontier, i usually farm him for golden eggs.

How about you post a link fampai?

Fuck man I'm getting some flashbacks to Tri. One of the best fights in the series.

Mud-puppy-dino was so good. I'm always bumed any time I realize he's not coming back with each new release