Is there anything wrong with buying a game purely for fanservice/hot girls? Have you ever done such a thing?
Is there anything wrong with buying a game purely for fanservice/hot girls? Have you ever done such a thing?
I watch certain anime if they feature cute girls but if the fanservice is overdone it's a bit offputting.
but if people want to pay out of the ass to play with their waifu's titties in VR who am i to object to that
>tfw you un-ironically enjoyed the fanservice
Thanks Kojima!
>want to buy a game just cause of the graphics
>its ok to just buy a game cause of fanservice
Ehh, if I'm after that sort of thing I don't turn to gaming for it. Porn is so readily available if I'm hard up I'd buy a fleshlight. Though porn be games could be awesome. With technology advancing as it is, who knows?
Is it wrong? No
Would I buy a game for fanservice? No
No, but it shows how easily you are swayed to pay 60 bucks for ass and tits you can never touch.
Truth be told I get irratated by the amount of fans service at times. Japs do this so much it really makes you realize how little they think of their customers intelligence.
Of course the do it for money any ways so it's our own damn fault.
Is this real
Fuck my typing in the ass hole.
no, the original on the right is her with a pack of gum
i'm so pathetic for knowing this
You probably save more if you just go to a strip club.
only if you are strong enough to ignore the truth.
user, you will fare well in your life if you just believe...
>ass and tits you can never touch
Do you mean in a "it's not real" sense? Isn't that the same as everything else in games? (Or are you talking about tease games vs. explicit porn games?)
This is a strange way of thinking. Tits and ass are just another element of games like any other content, be it pretty landscapes or bitchin' soundtracks or whatever.
Unless you just mean it in a game-mechanics-purist kind of way, like being "swayed" by graphics and music, but if that's all it is, "mechanics vs. everything else" has been discussed to death already.
No, Yes. Nukige
nothing wrong, really, maybe it'll affect the market for others but it's doubtful
neps and wayforward, both were ok, switch force is actually seriously fun, would be even without patty's cute thighs
I bought Neptunia and regret it.
Did any good r34 come out of mgsv? I'm not talking SFM here
No. People are free to spend their money for whatever reasons they wish. No need to judge them. I don't personally do it.
No. You either give me hot chicks I can fuck in the game or no deal. It's why I enjoy visual novels so much. I get the fanservice AND I know I'm going to tap that.
depends on the how.
the way MGSV did it for example is terrible. Lie to people about why, pretend its deep and meaningful when its never even close, and do it at the expense of characters who matter to the core of the game.
Witcher 3 does it fucking perfectly, Dragon Age 3 seems to be the only one thats doing well for female fanservice outside japan who rely on fanservice to keep their industry afloat due to bad corporate positioning and have made it an artform. Which also shows a problem with overreliance on it, too much and you start becoming more and more niche.
Nothing wrong with being right user
>buys condoms
>cums in mouth without them anyway
As i would buy MGS4 again if i didn't already have it, no i don't see anything wrong with that.
But i have never bought a game for that reason.
>Do you mean in a "it's not real" sense? Isn't that the same as everything else in games? (Or are you talking about tease games vs. explicit porn games?)
You have a point, however would you have some real tits and ass or video game ones?
My point is, it seems cheap to make a game to pander to our hormones than to make a meaningful game.
Though it's not wrong, it makes me stop and think is this all I play games for? For fan service that I can't touch or even manipulate in game. Am I just a horn dog to these companies that can't tell the difference between a good game or a bad one as long as they waggle video tits in my face? I just feel it's an insult to my intelligence, though dragons crown is completely different because that is the art style.
Wtf did her boobs shrink?
quiet wasn't even that hot
>t. virgin
>hot girls
pic unrelated, I assume
Thank you
Where she's from she's considered MAYBE a 7/10 at best.
But I guess you burgerclaps are amazed at anything female that doesn't weigh over 200 pounds
Well, kojima said what they will not put hot girl in the game, they didn't. Everything is fine.
you don't deserve these (You)'s
Her body was. Her face is literally horse.
>Her body was
It was like a sock filled with mashed potatoes
What was the secret?
I can go walk the streets right now and immediately find girls way prettier than her.
Can I come?
>Is there anything wrong with buying a game purely for fanservice/hot girls
No because the people that buy those games are niché and it hurts no one except the feelings of faggots.
I wish actually the Senran Kagura dev would team up with Black Lilith to bring us a Taimanin inspired Senran Kagura game.
Wut? You aren't gonna nut at a stripclub unless you somehow convince them to give head for $200 or whatever.
I play Tera for this reason alone.
No one said bustin a nut, I was talking bout touching
If it's what you like, and you're aware of what you're getting into it should be fine. A shame that some developers are willing to be risque as a marketing tool for shitty games.
I enjoy fanservice in games to be titillated. If I want porn I'll watch porn, or read some nukige or play actual porn games.
I don't have my dick out while playing Senrans, it's part of the humor of the game.
The creator of that picture sure is a lazy piece of shit.
>wrong skin color
>wrong moles
>wrong chin
>wrong jaw
>wrong philtrum
>focus of the picture:
>wrong lip shape
>wrong lip width
>wrong lip shade
>wrong lip depth
>while joosten is famous for her horseteeth, the girl on the right has completely different ones
>boutta use these condoms guys -> posts facial instead