How can we make Fallout 4 a playable and satisfying experience?
Am I on the right track?
How can we make Fallout 4 a playable and satisfying experience?
Am I on the right track?
>he's a Waifu faggot
You tell me.
needs bigger boobs and you're getting there.
>those thighs
Are there sex mods for this yet? Really shouldn't have bought fallout 4
I won't truly have fun until I can have a loli companion
Or they give the game content but that's less likely to happen
Needs some stray red pubes peeking out from the crotch of her leotard.
You cant. Especially not with that face.
The way special operates and how the dialogue system is implemented ruins the game. Mods wont even save it.
Didnt even bother pirating the DLC
Is there a tps mod that doesn't work like shit?
I've been playing nothing but emulators on my new rig looking to play something new even though these are not my type of games.
Is there a mod yet that turns the player characters silent and removes the camera angles showing them talking?
>wanting nigger bodies.
Here you go hotshot.
>Nigger bodies
Blacks normally focus on the legs and ass.
Speaking of a DFC younger model mod would be pretty good
Got a link to that vault bikini?
Cool beans. Thanks, user. It looks like it still has the lipsync in, but at least he said he's planning to strip that too. Finally being able to roleplay better might actually get me to play again.
Jesus you people are pathetic
What about a mod that makes the game good?
Is there anything like that?
Install sex mod and make it your ultimate goal to have sex with all the female in the game
> Strip and replace weapons
> Strip and replace gunplay
> Strip and replace enemies
> Strip and replace terrain
> Strip and replace quests
Top link is the leotard. These are all the mods in this screenshot, bar CBBE, but that's easy to get. Bodyslide settings are actually the vanilla FO4 body with tits shrunk and THICC so that the harness/backpack/belts shit you see on their fits, since those don't have bodyslide yet.
Take every bethesda design decicion and do it backwards. Kick Pete Hines in the dick too.
Thanks motherfucker.
No problem.
>not liking thick and loli
Your loss etna-san
No Bethesda game is playable. Sure, you can load up on thousands of mods and make the game even more buggy and prone to crashing, but what are you left with?
A few new unfinished quests with no voice acting or terrible voice acting. Some crappy sex systems that are just "push X to rape/get raped". Combat mods that either trivialise the already simple gameplay, or make it into a dull battle of attrition where you wind up cheesing every fight.
You can polish a turd, but at the end of the day, it's still a turd underneath.
No, you're a retarded fat ''''thicc lmao xDDD''''' meme faggot. You realize this shitty meme was started by fat neckbeards who wanted to justify their landwhale girlfriends since they can't get aesthetically pleasing girls?
And that's that. Sorry about the face, I just went with the default since the face sculpting's fucked up, probably due to either this being an old version of FO4 or Bethesda quality programming. Probably both.
Thanks Todd, best $0 I ever spent or not, New Vegas was great but I just can't start a game in this pile of shit. The settlement building was fun but that ship sunk when I realized that was all I was doing. Fuck you for putting in this voice acted parental turd who is just enough of a pre-defined character that I can't pretend it's an extension of me and form headcanon like I fucking should be able to do in an RPG like this. I've resorted to making my character a slut as a last resort to try and enjoy what I can out of this; this should be an experience enhancer, not what it takes to even play the game. Fuck you Todd and you can keep your DLC..
We get it, you're low test and can't get hot girls.
>New Vegas is great
When will this meme end?
How can people enjoy Fallout New Vegas if it plays and looks like horseshit? The only thing that's decent in the game are the RPG elements the story, but it's not like they're amazing. It's barely better than 3 and 4
>inb4 "Bethesda had put a time limit on Obsidian!!!"
Don't care. I'm not going to play a shit game out of pity
If you can't appreciate New Vegas for the myriad of different ways to play through the game then we're not going to sit here and explain why NV is factually a better RPG than either of the Fallouts Bethesda has shat out.
Also, saying 4 even HAS RPG elements is laughable.
Cut out the main story along with all references to it. With whats left of the game, give some actual branching storylines with real options and consequences.
>NV is factually a better RPG than either of the Fallouts Bethesda has shat out.
So what? Being better than a plate of shit isn't anything impressive.
Why is it that NV retards always try and defend their opinion by shitting on the Bethesda titles, as if anyone with a brain considers them good examples of RPGs.
>NV is factually a better RPG than either of the Fallouts Bethesda has shat out
When did I say it wasn't?
>Also, saying 4 even HAS RPG elements
When did I say this?
Take an actual back shot.
What is the point of you being in this thread then if you don't like Fallout?
New Vegas is a great game if you like RPG elements and doing things (mostly) your own way.
Obviously if you don't like this you'll think it's a shit game.
>New Vegas is great
>>When will this meme end?
The implication here is you think people saying NV is great is a meme, and that it isn't really a good game.
>>Only thing that's decent... are the RPG elements. ...barely better than 3 or 4
Due to the ambiguity of your statement it isn't unreasonable to think you believe 4 has RPG elements.
>>What is the point of you being in this thread then if you don't like Fallout?
I like Fallout, you pathetic little shitstain. I don't like terrible FPS games that remove most of the RPG elements and have laughable story progression, which is true of all 3 of the recent titles. One being slightly better than the other 2 doesn't stop it being an insult to the name.
>4 has RPG elements.
The game has skills you can choose and experience points. It's got RPG elements, dude.
Gotcha. I can also back out a bit if this is too much ass and too little everything else.
Same. Fuck, the modders who were worth their salt gave up on this piece of shit. Console t ards ruined it for them
I meant to convey that NV is barely a better GAME than 3 and 4, not RPG. I can see where the confusion came from tho
Edgy pirate.
That looks ridiculous
Nothing wrong with a little ass, user. After all, it's why we always pick the girl.
>stop downloading mods
>install mods (this is optional and 100% unnecessary)
>start fallout4.exe
>start actually playing the game
ok todd
Anyone got a torrents list for the DLC? Don't wanna pay for the modder-tier DLC
>torso is the shape of a dick
jesus christ
>playing fallout 4 without mods
>playing fallout 4
I like ass, but I like ass that doesn't look super fake
>inb4 it's a video game
Is it really that bad? All my normie "friends" played the shit out of this on release
I really wish there was some kind of mostly complete auto installer for Skyrim that just installed most of the mods and pre-requisites, and then I could just add on the few fetish mods I'm missing.
Instead, it takes 20 hours and 5 different programs just to fucking get the game in a playable state, no thanks.
this is how you play
how do i make automatic weapons good?
in default its just a waste of ammo.
stupid how automatic weapons do less damage per bullet than semi auto.
its as if greater ammo consumption and more recoil weren't big enough disadvantages.
Also why is the pipe weapon stage of the game the most comfiest?
Rate this, Sup Forums
No mods installed when I took the screenshot.
i played FO4 on PS4 and enjoyed it for a total of 250-260 hours
i got a fucking platinum on it
i had to literally make all of my settlers be doctors to get their happiness to 100
you should be proud of your PC privilege desu
I don't give a shit that you're 12 years old and braindead, dude. You could very easily be playing a decent game right now through emulation, and yet instead you're playing lazy trash developed by idiots, why would I have any sympathy for you?
Pretty kawaii nigress. Shame F4's voice acting insists your white.
It's fine, and I use that term with special care. It is not a game that treats its franchise material with respect but if you're looking for a mindless timewaster with a modest supply of mods at hand, it does its job well.
What are you talking about? Fallout 4 is a masterpiece of open world gaming, the only way it could be improved is by legally purchasing all of its dlc!
It was a good waifu-simulator at least. After my first playthrough I went back to Fallout New Vegas and never touched it again
gameplay-wise it was at least as good as new vegas
the visuals look fucking amazing
>playing a decent game
i am, user
battleborn :^)
except it's a good game, so i guess i've one-upped you there
I have this sitting installed on my computer since it released, but I've been too bitter to play it. Gonna drop the ego and give it a try.
I'm no stranger to having to mod out a Bethesda game before I play it, is that going to be the case here as well?
Anyone have any general tips as to how to enjoy the game in terms of which skills to go with, settings to pick, or which quests to pursue first?
Not todday, Tod.
Someone please tell where Robotits are. I don't want to go to /fog/. I don't even want to remember that place.
>no matter how much you mod it you can't rid of the hazed over, waxy look of the game
is there really nothing you can do in the ck to fix it?
>dark skin
What the fuck did you just say?
>not being a waifu faggot
wtf you doing on Sup Forums ? Are you lost ?
i liked it as it was
the intro is pretty bad, forces too much onto you and feels forced while also being too short and feeling rushed.
also, it's oversaturated.
beyond there it's a pretty solid fallout game. i'd say keep playing story quests, take breaks to explore now and then. charisma is almost unnecessary due to autismethesda making it luck-based, but on low charisma you're going to be save/reloading 10 fucking times or more for harder speech checks, so don't do that
"Let's take the core aspects that make this game a Fallout RPG and throw them out the fucking window"
While everyone played fallout 4 I played the original. It was fucking great.
People who make games like this now are so fucking stupid and I hope they step in dog shit every day for the rest of their life.
Is there a simple mod to just replace the % based chance to succeed with hard requirements a la New Vegas?
become a shrewd businessman and buy out Zeni max so we don't have to deal with this shit anymore.
>not wanting a woman with assets
Sorry bud, you must've gotten the shitty DNA
Calm down Todd. Look, here's a bodyslide preset I think is absolutely perfect for you.
fuck, what armor is that?
i dunno, i'm a consolefag
Nigger culture is all about the ass you parrot.
>can only have fun with games by using porn mods
No wonder Sup Forums has such shit taste in games
designated african-american thread
>no horsecock dangling between her legs
Close, but you're not quite there yet.
>those mountains
>I like Fallout, you pathetic little shitstain. I don't like terrible FPS games that remove most of the RPG elements and have laughable story progression, which is true of all 3 of the recent titles. One being slightly better than the other 2 doesn't stop it being an insult to the name.
fuck off and play fo1 and fo2 until the end of time already.
some of us want more than that, even if it's not perfect.
I'd love more than 1 and 2. I just don't want to play games that are a direct downgrade in every single area.
3 & 4 have better porn mods.
is fallout 4 the best game to make my old hs crush in it?
how hard is it to recreate a face from a bunch of photos?
So, does Fallout 4 have any good porn mods yet like Skyrim?
A lot of big skyrim modders aren't interested in Fallout.
Fantasy is more popular than post apo.
Rewrite the entire Main story and add a ton of new side quests that actually affect something other than you end the game with X faction as the last man standing.
Reduce the number of settlements and add scripted encounters and (not radiant) side quests when they reach a certain level of prosperity.
you can't