Today's lol thread was brought to you by the letters S, J and W and sponsored in part by J-List, where the ads you accidentally click on in a worksafe board leads to an online shop where you can buy Japanese porn and sex toys.
And faggots who suck dicks like you, thank you!
>Fiction Police
You mean the Localization team?
> the dude drawn in the top left
is the artist a huge fan of gravity falls or something
>do a comic like this about SJWs
>lol epic!!!11 haha we showed those sjws!
>do a comic like this about anti-SJWs
>muh strawman!
we're off to a rollicking start
Could you imagine if we still lived in an age where people got beat up for this type of shit?
I don't know what to do anymore. This board is at an all time low.
It's time to leave user, most of Sup Forums's original users probably found a way out by now. What's left is millennials
I don't know what kind of high standard you were expecting in a LOL thread.
Was this drawn by the creator of gravity falls?
Can confirm this is false
I don't get why people want to relive being used as pawns by conservatives that hate them.
>stupid Sup Forums! Be more funny!
Hirsh is a leftist sjw himself.
Shut up and post comics.
if anything it's not millenials, since millenials are in their late 20 mid 30's now.
"anti-SJW" aren't trying to silence people who hurt their feelings.
yes they are
It took me a second or so to get it but I like it, have a (you)
By lobbying politicians to revoke the freedom of speech if it is deemed toxic? Oh wait a second...
>propaganda that favors the author's political preferences and worldviews disguised as a comic
>made exclusively for dickheads who want to confirm their own bias and masturbate their own "us vs them" mentalities
Are there any good webcomics anymore / where there ever any good ones?
>Are there any good webcomics anymore / where there ever any good ones?
What are you looking for and what is your stance on furries
Post some fucking comics you assholes
Because the conservatives you see on Sup Forums are mostly Gen Z kiddies who are rebelling against the establishment because it's cool. They literally don't remember what it was like to live during the Bush era, so they're easily fooled.
How'd you type that post with straw hands?
>That gif
Fuck I wish I remembered what the name of that game was
Hello, it seems you missed and went into the wrong board!
As you can see, this is the Sup Forums - Video Games board and not the Sup Forums - Political Incorrect board!
Please, keep your board discussions inside your own board to keep a good and decent level in this website.
You people are completely pathetic.
It was shit
>Implying shit like SJW policing aren't happening in vidya
The fucking meltdown people had over the witcher 3 having no black people is proof it happens. Hell they tried to get the guy fired for saying no blacks lived in in the area the game was based off in that time, which they didn't.
>It was shit
I still want to experience the letdown and disappointment for myself.
Soos is so fucking strong he had to be chained to the ground, that little twink Nin is going to get fucked hard.
yeah thank god for obama, who continues the same shit and makes it worse in many cases. See the NDAA.
no thanks, I don't have to like bush or obama
Why is she all shiny?
Nin is ready to rumble though.
It's a pretty classic STR vs DEX situation, I'd say.
I don't mind them
Except D cups are perfectly fine and natural, it's flat that makes them think the character is underage.
Given the quality and dialogue I can immediately assume this is vore.
Wolf Girl Liru and You
Something like that
it was ok, you can find everything on gelbooru
Saw this one on /d/ before
I literally enjoy this comic unironically.
I'm-a gonna ween
You're not even wrong senpai, hate how nazi my country is becoming.
Next world war can someone nuke us off the planet please?
Literally just image search.
If you knew the name of the character it would be easy to find too. I'll never understand why Sup Forums obsesses over porn of a character whose show they never even watched.
>"anti-SJW" aren't trying to silence people who hurt their feelings.
I really feel for you.
Also, I've heard, it's a pain to get citizenship (or just those I've talked too are lazy fucks).
>how can i win an argument?
Nobody could ever disagree with me for logical issues....they must all be too young to agree with me....yeah haha....that's it.....thank you Obama for all the hope and change you brought us by bringing race relations to an all time proud of the first black proud....
>implying people on this website virtually ever talk like that
Well that's new. But still immunity cat.
Lackadaisy Cats, Nawls, Doc Rat, Plush and Blood, Power Nap, The Whiteboard, Poppy O'Possum, Freefall. Just some quick suggestions. Don't want to waste my time typing out explanations without knowing what exactly you're after, but that selection should cover just about everything outside of y'know, outright smut.
Obongo's been so much better, right?
Man, it's so hard to remember that moeshit has drama and real conflicts at times. I actually watched every episode of picrelated and seeing the screencap still surprised me.
>A small vocal minority represents everyone in the movement
>no vore
Keep going.
It ends in implied disposal.
Pretty sure the anti-sjw posting in LOL threads is just that one tripfag.
I know you're the OP you fucking faggot. You show up in every one of these threads and just start an endless chain of retarded SJW comics to try and get a circlejerk going. Go die you cunt.
I liked these threads so much better when they just devolved into porn dumps.
>of a character whose show they never even watched.
But user, I have watched the show. Pachira is best girl anyway. I just forgot what the exact name of the game was.
I won't post the full thing while at work, you do it
>Trying to stop your country being fucked by 3rd world scuzzbags is the same as trying to stop someone from making titty games
>How can I win an argument?
>I know I'll post dorky fedora wearing teenagers
shouldn't you be crying about bernie back on leftypol or r/communism?
Read your post and then realize how much of a hypocrite you are.
I'm not even the poster of the alt-right pic :^)
Static ip.
Oh, right, you are "moderate" white supremacists
That's a big girl
>Implying bush was a conservative
no, john, you are the Gen Z kiddy.
As opposed to being used by Liberals that hate them?
I was going to put that in the post but i forgot
>jumping to conclusion
>rewriting people's life when they make you sad online
like a clockwork.
Came here to post this.
>lolicon fantasy
I've always found that one page to be better than the source.
Yeah what a jerk to oppose a retarded ideology.
At last I truly see....the man in the middle makes so much sense I am also too above it all to take sides in anything.....I can't believe this whole time, the only reason his argument was stupid was because he was drawn to be an makes complete sense now...
>Someone hasn't been to Sup Forums
Either that, or you spend too much time there. That place is full of retards.
Climate Change deniers
White Nationalists
Flat Earthers
The moment you assume your worldview is the absolute correct one, is the moment you've failed. It makes you no diffetent from the SJWs and Leftists who pretty much blindly believe the same. True wisdom comes from constantly challenging and renewing your ideas, not from stubbornly clinging to them out of fear of identity loss.
Yes, it IS horseshoe theory.
There are some things I agree about with Sup Forums, but defintely not everything.
A lot of people shit on Jack, but I actually kind of liked it in one of those cheesy B-movie sort of ways.
does she have a dick? or is it boring ss
Nothing can be worse than the gamer gate shitstorm. I actually left Sup Forums for a few months after years of almost daily browsing because of all the garbage that was spewed. and I'm not even a "SJW" or anything, but man, the level of retarded manchild rage over women and video games was too much.
but this is fine. SJW are the new gamefaqs idiots are the new gaiafags etc etc.
Video Games?
>everyone who is against sjws is a white supremacist
And here we go.
Do you know your computer stuff, Sup Forums?
You just said that SJWs are no different from White nationalists, climate change deniers, flat earthers, and christcucks.
Did you even read your own post?
>SJW are just a new scapegoat, there's nothing really wrong with them!
You gotta, how else can you play video games on a computer?
If you think your worldview is incorrect, then please stop sharing it with us. Thanks. I'd rather not hear information from someone who doesn't even believe it.
This. I actually side with Sup Forums on some issues such as how political correctness and mass immigration are bad, but they tend to go a bit nuts and sometimes outright genocidal.