>sit down to play vidya
>get up after only 4-5 hours
>start feeling super dizzy for few minutes before feeling fine
Is this normal? This has been happening frequently but I'm pretty sure its just cause my sleep cycle is shit.
>sit down to play vidya
>get up after only 4-5 hours
>start feeling super dizzy for few minutes before feeling fine
Is this normal? This has been happening frequently but I'm pretty sure its just cause my sleep cycle is shit.
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Must be cancer.
Does your vision kind of go black too? If so I think it is probably low blood pressure
it's because you're a cuck
Pretty sure that's an early symptom of a brain aneurysm, op.
Eat more beef
Protip: I was diagnosed with diabetes. Lack of exercise, combined with a poor diet, and lots of soda/pop.
Does you vision start to go gray with speckles of color, moving like tv static
Do you feel stiff and numb throughout your whole body
Does your head feel hot and swelling
And does anyone know what these symptoms mean
Reminder to eat at least once a day user
Don't know what it's called, but if that occurs frequently it means you need to stay hydrated, eat enough, and cut back on the sugar. If it's a thing you don't experience occasionally, it means you just stood up too fast.
>playing only 4-5 hours
What's your blood pressure?
That's a symptom of low blood presure.
only sitting still for 5 hours?
must be cancer
>get up after only 4-5 hours
user, you're supposed to get up and move around a little every hour.
Of course nobody sticks to that strictly, but if you're spending 1/4th to 1/3rd of your day immobile, and thinking it was "only" that long, you got bigger problems than your sleep habits.
Sometimes I get vertigo while doing this. Btw the term you are looking for with those symptoms is vertigo.
Its low blood pressure because youve been sitting on your ass all day and night
Didnt Guns of the Patriots teach you to have a 15 break every hour?
>not playing for 30 minutes then browsing multiple boards for 6 hours, then playing for 15 minutes, then browsing for 6 more hours, only to realize games arent fun anymore and repeat this routine every day of the week
All these niggas telling you it's low BP are only partly right.
It's temporary low BP, happens to everyone if they sit or lie down for a while and stand up quickly.
Bloods rushing outta your brain, starving it of oxygen for a sec. (Has to do with pressures n shit, it's complicated)
Nowadays I do the Vaso-vagal to counteract it. Same shit jet pilots do when they're fighting Gs.
Kys normie.
Fuck, *valsalva*. I've gotta hit the sack.
You fucking retard. Don't suppress the urge to walk around. At least stand up once every 30 minutes.
blood pressure related. I sometimes get it so bad that I have to lay down and cover my head with my my hands. One time I straight up fainted when I went for the fridge.
>hands/wrists/joints starts to hurt after an intense gaming session or long periods of shitposting/playing with keyboard
I'm 18 what the fuck? How can we call ourselves an advanced civilization if humans still have shitty problems like this?
Whatever you say, baby humpty.
>standing up
>not rolling around the house in a computer chair
Low blood pressure. Drink more water and move more instead of sitting in place for so long.
>the urge to walk around
Kys normie.
How fucking fat are you?
I've tested extensively why my left wrist starts to hurt from prolonged typing. My conclusion was keeping your fingers on WASD as we all learned from gaming is cancer for typing. There's too much distance from a's to t's or g's, and so I strain my hand to the point of it hurting if I have to type for 10+ minutes straight.
stop playing now if you dont want to have permanent problems
I'm actually a certified NEET who sits on his ass all day and had to compensate in various ways for the atrocious ergonomics. You really should take care of your posture and sit properly or you will lose ALL the energy even for gaming. The depression that comes after isn't worth it, user.
>play stressful part in game (usually a boss fight)
>face gets red
>body gets hot
>feel sick and have to lie down for a while
every time
Jesus tap dancing Christ, do any of you people ever just go for a fucking walk?
>sit on shitty chair for 4 years
>get new chair
>realize it hurts to sit normally
Was my wake up call to take posture seriously.
180cm and 77kg?
Fun fact, there are more tunnel syndromes than just carpal.
I have a moderately bad case of cubital myself. It didn't occur to me anything was going weird until I realized my elbow was hurting all the fucking time.
Some simple fucking stretches do wonders for it though. Don't have to be a /fit/faggot, but even the most closeted NEET should take a little bit of care of their body if they want to keep using it to play vidya with.
Word. I used to have a BRILLIANT idea of sitting in a sort of reclining chair because I didn't realize my back muscles actually have to be active not to atrophy. After a few months not only did I not have the energy to keep my back straight, but my ass and tailbone also were hurting without the cushy padding.
>play with Vita
>150 minutes and palms start to hurt
How the fuck are you supposed to hold this unergonomic POS?
>tfw entire back and neck in pain after a couple of hours sitting
>tfw shitty $50 chair
I spend most of my time in bed these days.
5 months max.
Yeah it was a reclining chair too. If there are any reclinefags in here, don't do it.
Low blood pressure and/or you're not dehydrated enough.
fatso's please
Blood circulation in the legs may become comprised during long session of sitting down or lying down.
Problem can be solved by either moving every x minutes or keeping your lower body slightly active during gaming like tapping your feet to the music or some shit.
>not dehydrated enough
nice typo.
>i feel like shit when I move because I rarely move
Better go ask Sup Forums!
You probably have diabeetus you dumb fuck.
It's a blood pressure thing m8, I'm a 6'5" 165lbs (195cm 75 kg) skelly and it happens to me after long gaming sessions
It's a headrush. Like what other anons have said it's due to low blood pressure. Check with your doctor, OP; you made need more iron in your diet.
>made need
may need*
Low blood pressure you sloth. Stand up slowly and stretch before running to your hot pocket.
Maybe he should actually keep some hotpockets around him to prevent low pressure? Pretty sure that stuff doesn't come from being overweight.
Yeah I use this
It works for the most part, I also try to minimize hand movement as much as possible, spending time inbetween vidya watching anime or movies while my hands rest.
Are you skinny? Or do you normally not eat very much?
If so, there's your answer.
It comes from not doing shit for hours and standing up too fast... to go eat a salty burger and fries. Moral of the story, be more active and eat better. REEEEEEEEEE!!!
>tfw you hear the story of this guy
Is that how normies are? They grind their muscles and ligaments until they stop working entirely and just shut their brains off as they go through the worst ordeals? Fucking cringe.
your chair must be a toilet, to your left, minifridge with microwave on top to warm up hot pockets. To your right, cases of water and toilet paper. Don't stop gaming till you fuse to the toilet seat
I think you're confusing things. I remember feeling lightheaded on several occasions after quickly standing up... for 20 seconds. He says minutes, which is something else.
Lulz Evolution is a wonderful thing, user.
It *can* be relatively normal because of a drop in bloodpressure due to suddenly getting up. Some people are more sensitive to this than others. It doesn't help if you haven't had anything to eat/drink in a while either.
That said, if you are only experiencing this recently, you should definitely go to the doctor OP.
Sup Forums is more likely than any other board to experience problems related to prolonged gaming, retard.
Sorry OP but thats a sign of death
It's a blood pressure issue, basically when you stand up very quickly the blood flow to your brain decelerates causing you to lose balance, vision, and even possibly fainting.
Easy fix is to rise slowly and hold a stationary object if the dizziness persists.
I'm 19 and currently unable to use my right hand without a decent amount of discomfort and pain.
I'm actually going to the doctors about it in around half an hour.
i go to bed at around 9AM and get up around 4 or 5PM every single day. NEET for life
If it a "headache", your brain needs water. Not carbonated sugar drink or juice, water. It's clear, btw you'll find some I promise.
don't get my hopes up
Maybe. I've been keeping well hydrated for the last 5 years and I don't remember ever feeling light headed recently. Obviously I'm not the guy going through that, but probably good advice.
Everybody should semi-frequently change positions while playing vidya, drink water and take short breaks.
Deep vein thrombosis is deadly.
>There are people on Sup Forums who drink softdrink multiple times a day, every day
>cases of water
you mean mountain dew and energy drinks
>only 4-5 hours
What, do you average 12-14 hours per session?
>There are people on Sup Forums who drink softdrink multiple times a day, every day
Hey fuck you buddy. You sound like my wife.
What does her son have to say about your liquid cancer addiction?
You leave my wife's son out of this
I have a thing called trigger finger. Sometimes my fingers just lock up and I can't move them with full range of motion without pain. They kind of loosen up after a few hours though. Its not too bad.
What's worse is I sometimes just get random shoulder pains for no reason. Some days I'll wake up and I won't be able to raise my arm above my head. It used to be a lot worse until I started doing specific stretches and exercises. I also have extremely tight hips from sitting all day, this was made worse by falling for the SS meme and doing squats 3x a week.
I don't know how much of this is caused by gaming or just having shitty genetics.
>tfw only drink tap water while on the computer nowadays
>this was made worse by falling for the SS meme and doing squats 3x a week
But 20 squats in the morning are literally a godsend for my legs, user.
Maybe that works for you, but I get pain in the front of my hip when I do squats. It all depends on where your pain is and whats causing it. For me its extremely tight hip flexors, so stretches like pic related help me.
>Drinking secret government chemical concoctions designed to boost your estrogen levels and make your kids have autism and Minecraft sex mod fetishes
Get up and drink water after every hour. Someday you will faint.
>play vidya
>wrist pains
>elbow pains
>back pain
>stomach pain and acid reflux
>chronic fatigue
>inner thigh pain
>right testicle pain
Feels just fucking great man and no i'm not fat i'm 185 lbs and 6 ft1.
>living in some shit hole with a government built on religion and retards running for president
Yes you are fatty
185 lbs is pretty overweight for a skinny fat
Depends on your body type but with those numbers you could definitely be considered overweight.
>living in a third world shithole