Does anyone play this?
I was thinking about trying it out instead of going to wow.
Does anyone play this?
I was thinking about trying it out instead of going to wow.
I did at launch.
Its okay. But honestly WoW is much better (especially with recent changes) or if you really dont want to play WoW then play Final Fantasy.
I play it. Bought a new sky for my house yesterday, now I have a fuckhuge sun.
I tried playing wow cause my friend wanted me to try it. I say it feels worse than wildstar. I'm sure it has a ton more stuff though, I mean it has to what with over a decade of updates behind it.
wow has a better artstyle
Personally I like wildstar's better but I'm biased because it's both scifi and cartoony.
I'm honestly not interested in investing time in it because I suspect it will shut down soon.
The game's crippled, and probably won't recover, even though the healing classes in it are far better than the standard MMO faire
>b..b.b.b.ut Wildstar is a killer
This was only ever said by falseflaggers like yourself.
I couldn't hit max level in Wildstar, it was just really boring.
I really liked GW2, then again I only played it for the PvP (and the exploration) and I had a guild
FF14 is okay but fuck ever paying a monthly fee for a game ever again. Looking forward to Camelot Unchained, assuming I'm still alive by then
>I'm honestly not interested in investing time in it because I suspect it will shut down soon.
That's really a shame but you're not the only one who thinks that way. Seems every other day there's someone in chat asking if the game is shutting down soon. The game will never get better if people refuse to play even when they do enjoy it.
what happened to it?
As far as I know a messy launch killed it, and free to play didn't do enough to bring it back around. It's costing more money than it makes afaik
It's too bad, cuz if I had a few friends to play it with I think I'd really enjoy it, but there's far more stable MMOs on the market.
>liked GW 2
>played it for PvP
Pick one you retard. And only one.
It launched as a very unfinished beta. I was in the closed beta for about a year and it had a lot of potential and I loved it personally, but as a beta.
Once it launched with all those beta problems glaring at me, I couldn't stand it anymore.
>reeeeee stop liking what i don't like
>content too hard for some people
>long tedious attunement made worse by progression impeding bugs
>not enough for casuals to do
>bugs in general
>40 man raid wasn't a good idea after all
F2P launch
>horrible server and connection issues that lasted for a full week
>new mandatory 2 step verification not working for some people
And also just poor optimization. They've done a lot to fix those issues though. By about the 4th big content patch was when it got to where it should've been at release.
>if I had a few friends to play it with I think I'd really enjoy it
Why don't you just join a guild? There's plenty and not all of them are hardcore progression raid fags.
You might as well play Wildstar, you don't have to pay money
I was also permaB& on the forums for saying I hate Chinese hackers in a support forum soon after launch... By a mod with a pony avatar no less.
They considered it a racist statement.
I swear WoW is like a bad ex. I keep hearing my friends go on about how the game is shit and the lore is ruined and they stopped playing and yet every expac they re-sub and fire up a new character or level their old ones or something.
>They considered it a racist statement.
It is though. You could've just said you hate hackers, you didn't have to make race a part of it. Fucking racist.
But the pvp in GW 2 was undeniably shit.
WvW was a mess for the first year, with more bugs and the only reason to play it was to run in a circle to lvl and trade posts with other factions. Not to mention giant invisible warbands because anet couldn't fix shit forever. And there are little to no rewards to keeping and holding keeps.
The rest of pvp... is just arena. GW 1 on launch had halls of heroes, random arena, team arena, and GvG with guild halls.
Also GW 1 had actual counterplaying, while GW 2 is just a clusterfuck where the nerfs and buffs actually mean more than the skill composition your team takes into the arena.
Nostalgia's a hell of a drug.
>reeeee stop liking what I don't like
If user found it fun, they found it fun.
You can't tell them they didn't have fun.
I play Wildstar and I enjoy it.
MMOs are dying though. I'd honestly suggest waiting ten years for MMOs to die and reboot
Watch me.
Wildstar has some pretty crazy shoulders too, especially on granok.
Fuck you nigger
>No random fuckhuge head of something
I don't make meme plots. My house is rp friendly.
>tfw haven't finished renovating my house STILL
I keep fucking up the exterior and can't get it right so the interior is still unfinished.
I hate that the housing plot size increase had fucked my previous house
then you're retarded.
Oh yea, sorry for not loving a game that dragged down a quality prequel and shat on all the amazing things they had.
Maybe I'll set it to download overnight and look into it.
>bad graphics
>bad optimization
>boring questing and grind
>bugs and lags
But it's free so you can try and see it yourself.
I'm going to give carbine money for a BMO pet.
>bad graphics
Why do people say this?
The graphics aren't bad, they're just a style you don't like.
Nobody said you had to love it dumbfuck.
But that user enjoyed it, and you're in no position to say they shouldn't.
The steam forum should have a guild thread you can look through to see if any guild seems like a fit.
have fun shelling out 15 bucks a month(almost 200 bucks a year) if you play wow. I tried playing it, and I like the atmosphere and cartoony medieval art style, but the graphics are pretty low quality. I don't see how the game could possibly be worth 15 bucks a month, when it is so dated, and there are better free alternatives out there. I have heard good things about tera.
niqqa what do you think this thread is?
>Still have a base shitty house
>Made it 2 stories
I thought it´s dead? How many player does it have? 2 000?
I hit max level in Wildstar over like 2 weekends, had a blast
im still sad that wildstar ending up being shit.
its one of the few mmos that had the best looking females that werent anime looking.
those big ass and big titty aliens. fucking diamonds.
>want the black hole house
>only way to get it is to buy the most expensive starter pack
steam players currently peak out at around 1500 a day. No one knows how many play though the original launcher.
Have you seen the inside? Great potential to put a monster of the deep right beneath your feet
Playing it right now.
It's a 15$ a month MMO that's free. There's a shitload of everything and it might just steal your heart. Nothing to lose m80
Most don't, since launching the game through steam has/had issues with the IP verification process.
Honestly I think it's been memed to death
I've been lucky to have no verification issues and I run though steam.
Some people definitely love to hate it. It's pretty common to see comments like 'how'd that hardcore pandering pay out for you? lol' in videos about wildstar.
I started running it through steam and the verification works but it's a bit wonky.
It's also made the game start loading weird
It's like the worst parts of WoW and FFXIV rolled into one package.
In case you don't know, every time your ip changes you'll have to do the verification.
I've had small hardware changes trigger it, I think the last time was just from adding ram. I really kind of like that it's that sensitive though. I fucking hate Chinese hackers.
It works fine, it's just weird sometimes.
The loading is the real issue.
It takes longer to load the game, and when it does load in I have to wait another 10 seconds for the UI to pop in even though it had been better before I switched to Steam
post costumes
post houses
post BiS i120 shields
I still play it
It's not very populated but enough to get stuff done and the housing is enough to keep me hooked Tbh
Is there any way to check population numbers? Last time I tried it, the game was completely and utterly dead and devoid of life. Even fucking Carbine is on life support.
I don't know of a single better housing system in an MMO
It's so good
Used to play this a lot before. One of the best MMOs I've played gameplay-wise
It's not as dead as it used to be.
Steam brought some life to it, and they fixed a lot of the shit that was broken at launch.
Unfortunately most people don't use the steam launcher so there's no good way to determine numbers unless they show us.
That kind of thinking isn't really relevant to the MMO genre anymore. The numbers are spread all over the place and are very transient
The best way to do it anymore, if you like the whole MMO thing as a general concept, is to just play the one that interests you in the short term and not just new ones. MMOs mature and adapt.
Someone will get that balance right at some point.
Well yeah but at the same time, I don't want to invest time in a game that may not be here next year.
Even if that's the case, steam reports ~400 people and that's fucking abysmal. Real numbers can't be good, even with the ones not using Steam.
Why don't you just play it now and enjoy it while you can?
>w* numbers up
i-it's gon be k guies
If you don't want to play a game that might die, don't play any MMOs at all for a while.
It's a dying genre. Just play it, it's free so there's nothing to lose.
I was really into the hype of this game, then it went SJW retard and I and my friends ost interest and went back to wow.
Seriously what's with these developers going SJW? This and battleborn killed themselves.
>their oldest game is making the most money
>gw2 dying
yessssss yeeesss
>then it went SJW retard
oh boy, this shit again. It's always someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.
Yeah, the game with harems, fuccbois, hooker boots and sexualized robots is totally SJW
>but dey nurfed dem tiddies
Not because some tumblrite was offended, and they added the option to have big tits before release anyway, see
No new MMOs can compete. Everyone who likes MMOs has already picked one, and until they die nothing new is going to make any waves.
>Everyone who likes MMOs has already picked one
And they shill them every chance they get
>guys, play ffxiv, it's the best mmo on the market!
>fuck that, new wow expac coming bois!
>dudes, check this fucking SICK vindictus webm, you're literally fucking GUTSU!!!
Gotta keep your choice alive in the race to the grave.
That's why I shill wildstar when I see a thread
After Anarchy Online died and I got permabanned for something I didn't do I held out hope that Wildstar would be the next big sci fi MMO that I could get into.
I spent hours every week scouring news for new MMOs to get into and all I could come up with was EVE.
Why can't someone make a classic MMORPG without carebear but not too hardcore world PVP and just attract a few 100k players?
Why does everyone have to be stylised cartoony garbage and instanced PVP? Why does it have to be fantashit instead of sci fi?
Instead I've done nothing but play FPS games with ranked competitive for the last 5 years.
kill me
>Lineage 2 has nearly 10x the amount of sales than Wildstar
How is this possible?
I think the problem lies within, friend. Dare to dip your toes.
If you're a filthy degenerate then wildstar has something for you too. The ERP scene is alive and well.
pic related
note: the image has been edited in order to protect the identity of the players.
>genuinely great combat
>fun dungeons
>great art style
What killed it was casuals. I did a group dungeon with fucking idiots that didn't know how to save their stun for the interrupt armor, despite being told to do so for 20 minutes straight. Eventually they all quit, without saying a single word, and it was then I knew this game was doomed. Also Carbine management were fucking idiots.
In Wildstar?
Does it have world PVP?
Can you pop out of sneak and gank some roleplaying teenager in a city and run away from the guards to safety?
Can you destroy some kids building that he was using to buff a certain skill to equip an item?
I'm at the MMO equivalent of someone who played Q3A in it's heyday and simply can't enjoy playing inferior but newer and more popular FPS'.
>gank some roleplaying teenager
You sound the teenager here, kiddo.
I completed the vanilla storyline on a Dominion character (at least that's what I think the bad guys were called)
It was pretty good. I stopped because all my online friends went back to play Warlords of Draenor for some ungodly reason. I mean Wildstar wasn't superb, but how could they go back to WoW of all games baffles me. Anyway I stopped and haven't touched an MMO since
>bad guys
Whatever, youknow what happened and you know it caused a mass outcry.
Most MMO players are sexist cunts that like titties, the devs shot themeslves right in the boipussy.
no, what killed it was lies, downgrades, and sjw pandering
idiots and casuals are just the only people who would still play the game to begin with
It has world PVP, unfortunately PVP servers are dead because >casuals.
Shame because the world PVP was amazing. There's a zone where both factions get to control a giant mech for their respective quests, and you could have mech battles with the opposing faction. Or just fuck around running around the area absolutely destroying anyone who wasn't in a mech.
man, I gotta admit, I enjoyed Wildstars hype train. The ad's they released definitely helped.
Imagine if they had gone for a different payment model entirely.
Oh well.
What does Wildstar and Battleborn have in common, aside from them both being flops?
Ugly ass characters.
we need some robutt gifs/webms up in here now.
thanks user
Separating PVP and PVM into different servers is asinine. A large percentage of PVPers I knew were forced into by whichever game they played or lured by the rewards and ended up changing their opinion on it.
Actually, before deleting one of my characters, I logged onto him to mail out his inventory. I was PvP flagged and I didn't know it (I had it on because if you're flagged for PvP, you get a tiny bit of battleground currency by killing mobs out in the world). Right after I finished, in the middle of my capital city beside the AH, a stalker came out of cloak and instagibbed me. Disappeared, gone forever. I never ressed and just deleted him right there.
But you have to choose to flag yourself unless you infiltrate enemy zones.
>destroy some kids building that he was using to buff a certain skill to equip an item?
I mean, if you're a Soldier, you can set fire to op-fac Settler's buildings. It's funny, but rather pointless.