Unpopular Opinions

Unpopular Opinions thread.

Mass Effect 1 is the weakest of the trilogy. The combat is an absolute clusterfuck, the characters barely interact with each other and the exploration Sup Forums gushes over is just the same patch land with an identical bunker on it on every fucking planet.

It felt like star trek kinda and I enjoyed that

SSX Tricky is great, but SSX 3 is better.

Dragon's Dogma is as shitty as Skyrim but Sup Forums sucks its dick because it's Japanese.

ME1 had the best atmosphere
ME2 had the best squad members
ME3 had the best gameplay
Zaeed was the best character

I understand that, but the exploration was disappointing. None of the areas were fleshed out. But I understand what you mean, I liked ME2 because it reminded me of a cheesy 80s action movie.

Sup Forums sucks its dick because it's less popular you fucking retard

I don't think that's too much of an unpopular opinion. The combat was, to many, the worst part about ME1. I feel like ME2 had a much better balance between gameplay and story.

That being said, in hindsight you could already see a lot of RPG elements falling away from the game once ME2 was released, and by the time ME3 came around it felt more like a third person action game with story taking the back seat.

I also enjoy skyrim.

Have you played Dragon's Dogma? It honestly plays nothing like Skyrim, and the more you play it the more fun it gets. I felt that Skyrim was the other way around.

I replayed ME3 not that long ago and I was surprised by how many RPG elements it has. Probably more than ME2 actually.

Still shallow as fuck, but I felt like there was more there to make my own character and explore compared to 2.

The inventory was cancer aswell in one. Two was probably just as good as one but I always put it down because I miss the Mako.

>no aloha ice jam
>no more 90's snowboard party theme
>rock infecting the soundtrack
Fuck outta here, it was good but they moved in the complete wrong direction which resulted in the abomination that was the reboot.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Yeah, ME2 had less thinkering with skill points and items, but actual role-playing mattered more. In ME2 the way you treated your companions mattered in the final mission, if you didn't do their side quests some of them were going to die. Same with upgrading the ship. In ME3 Tuchanka and Rannoch's outcomes depend heavily on the way you treated Legion, Tali and Wrex.

I agree, outside of the main hubworlds exploration was essentially non-existent. I really enjoyed 2 because it was just forming a team of space bros and shooting up criminals like as you said an 80's action film. For mass effect 3 I liked the addition of war assets and the blurbs written about each one. The only part of the ending I didnt like was how it really closed off the series. That and it ruins my head cannon soldier femshep who learns how to move again and raises a family with liara

Love again*

In literally what way does Dragon's Dogma feel like Skyrim?

>That and it ruins my head cannon soldier femshep who learns how to move again and raises a family with liara

Why? Shepard can live in the destroy ending.

I probably need to try and replay it again. I recently went through 1 and 2 for a nostalgia trip, and had a blast playing both.

Oh yeah, and it rarely felt like there was any actual impact from it. I wish they had kept the Mako in 2 as well.

I agree with you, I guess the word I'm looking for is depth? Items, stats, and leveling aren't the most exciting part of many RPGs, but it feels like you're creating Shepard more in a specific image when you have more variables to work with.

It was still just as campy, the levels still had most of Tricky's flavor while being seamlessly interconnected, and the rock was a non-issue, especially with the introduction of Atomika.

This is alongside mechanical improvements and it being the pinnacle of the series in terms of sheer content. It had everything and then some.

I don't like to argue with people that think SSX Tricky is better because in the end they're still bros in my book, but I really do think SSX 3 is the epitome of the franchise.

> it feels like you're creating Shepard more in a specific image when you have more variables to work with.

I suppose, but I never saw Shepard as "my" character, like I would the Bhaalspawn in BG or the PC in NWN. I always saw him as a pre-existing character I could control, like Geralt. You could influence his personality, but there were parts of his character you couldn't change.

Mass Effect at all is fucking atrocious

This opinion is popular with me.

Is the ME trilogy worth buying at full price $30?

No. It's EA, just pirate it.

Yeah, though I just pirated it.

Pirate it and all the DLC

Fucking do not buy ME games. Even in the bundle available now you will be paying the game's price over again in DLC if you want to see everything.

Pirate all bioware and ea games.

Mass Effect in general sucks, except for some of the characters in ME2 and some music tracks here and there, which were okay.

Saint's Row 3 was fun during missions. Saint's Row 4 was garbage entirely.

>tfw I just played SR4
>enjoyed the fuck out of it

Why do people give SR3 and 4 such shit? Just because it's not SR2?

i kinda enjoyed Risen 2 for what it was

>Mass Effect 1 is the weakest of the trilogy

That's a VERY common opinion among the people I know.

I tried playing it, and told people it bored me, and they say "Well the first one isn't the best."

Alright. NOW I wanna spend 30 hours or whatever on it.

I liked SR3 but SR4 just didn't feel right to me. I just didn't enjoy it for whatever reason. SR2 will always be the best.

Speaking of shitty RPG's.

I enjoyed Two Worlds 1 and Dragon Age 2.
I think I just have a thing for bad RPG's.

Skip one, read the story summary, go to 2, use the interactive comic thing to inject your story choices, go from there.

So much better.

>Saint's Row 3 was fun during missions. Saint's Row 4 was garbage entirely.

Oh, please. Is SR4 a bit shallower and derivative of 3? Sure! But SR4 has so much of 3 in it that a statement like this makes zero sense.

Now Saint's Row 2, THAT'S a garbage game.

I could see that. I didn't much care about it either until I replayed it a few weeks ago.

Same with 3 for that matter thinking about it.

>Now Saint's Row 2, THAT'S a garbage game.
Nah. I personally think 3 is the best one just because it plays the best, and that's generally the most important part of games. But SR2 has the better story by far and is still a damn enjoyable experience.

I also enjoyed it.I bought the third on a sale a year ago and still haven't tried it.

I think it was just because it didn't feel that much like a Saints Row to me. SR3 was more wacky than the previous entries but still felt like a Saints Row. Maybe if I played it without comparing it to much to the previous games I might enjoy it more.

you can finish it in 12 hours with the dlc and all the sidequests

I think video games are fun.

I don't disagree with that. But as a game I still think it's a fun ride.

Not to many sandbox games allow you to be a superhero without cheats.


We back to 9gag now.

This, SR4 made me want a Flash game.

Halo 3 back in it's prime was one of the best online FPS experiences ever created.