New alolan forms soon

New alolan forms soon

What are your hopes?

Hopefully dragonite will actually look similar to Dratini/Dragonair this time

How about something that's not genwun pandering?

I hope you go back to /vp/ and stay there.

For Dragonite to not look like a Sesame Street character.

Anything other than barney the dragon with little retard wings would be fine.

Other fucking gens than 1 pandering.

>Alola dragonite is actually a serpent like its previous forms

Zubat will get an Alolan form?
So that means you will be able to encounter both the regular Zubat and the Alolan Zubat in Sun & Moon?

Because we saw Team Skull use regular Zubats in the trailer.



>It's still fat and stupid looking

I hope Aloan Zubat keeps its speed. Removing poison makes Crobat a psychic type's nightmare

fuck off babby. you already got a RS remake with Mega forms

Crobat is my favourite pokemon. I have used one in every game ever since Silver.
If it's getting an Alola version then I am hoping for the best.

gen 2 pokemon won't get revisions
it will stop evolving at golbat

This. Why are all Alolan Forms from Gen 1?

>Alona Dragonite is a flying/ice type

Why do retards keep posting pokemon shit? /vp/ exists for a reason, stay on your contain board

A defensive flying/ice type.


>Fire/Dragon serpent form

>Water/Ground Kingler

Man please make it Alolan Crobat instead of Alolan Golbat


Dragon/Ghost, Dragon/Fairy, or Dragon/Fire

>yfw it's just Zubat and maybe Golbat

>anti-genwunners getting BTFO yet again

They know good and well the most marketable pokemon are the latest gen and gen 1.

>Secondary type being what the main is strong against
that's like having a fire/water or grass/rock

It can be both. they're entire evolution lines, not just single pokemon

alola dragonite lost the use of flying and became fater and purple

But so far Alolan forms are genwun only

Cap this, because I guarantee Dragonite's new form is going to be Fire/Ice or Fire/Water, representing a snowcapped volcano or the formation of islands

Something that isn't Gen 1 for a change? What's next, alolan Charizard?

that's going to happen, isn't it

It's gonna by Dragon/Fairy.

This to a degree.

Plus it's the fucking anniversary. No shit are they going to reference RGBY.

But I still do hope there's more than just Gen 1, but since all the designs so far have been pretty great I'll be disappointed at best worst.

kys newgenners

20th Anniversary of Gen 1 + Gen 1 on VC with transferability + region is based on a place with close connections to Japan when Gen 1 was based in Japan
Gee I wonder why they're pushing Gen 1 so hard

Muh dick

A few Pokémon like that already exist, Chinchou and Lantern are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head though. Oh and Barboach and Whiscash are Water/Ground iirc.

Which would make an Alolan form Zubat really cool. Crobat is cool.

there's pokemon Go too somewhere. Even though they couldn't predict the fad, they still had soe open door to crossplay with it.

>Kingler with a Fucking Shell.
>High defense pokemon.
>High SP Defense pokemon.
>Decently ATTK stat.
>no fucking speed but who gives a shit it takes a beating.

Rip an tear indeed.

Some new fucking pokemon. I mean holy shit it feels like they've shown more Gen 1 mon than they have Gen 7.

This is Gen 6 all over again. Expect another 70 new pokemon if we're fucking lucky.

>Zubat doesn't get an Alolan form
>The reveal is Crobat getting a Mega evolution
>So does Dragonite
YFW? I love Crobat, the first Zubat I ever encountered in Diamond was shiny and he earnt a place on my team and in my heart.

any cool island bat that could work on zubat?
grass flying fruitbat maybe?
Or fire flying living in volcanos?

I just want zubat to be wearing a lei. Nothing more.

There are already a few water/ground types out there already besides there are a shit ton of water/rock, poison/grass or bug/flying out there already and water/ground is nowhere are countrer intuitive as something like grass/ice wich also already exist.

>new type
>new visual
>new stat spread
>new ability
>new movepool
>b.b.but I want a number in a list of the pokedex ;_;

God I want Kingler to be relevant I've always really liked him

Retard, can you even read japanese?
Even if you couldn't you could just find the tweet and google translate it.

>Crobat is one of my favorite pokemon
>Picking Rowlet
>My autism will not allow me to use two flying types

You know what the biggest FUCK YOU would be?
Alolan Zubat
Alolan Golbat
Then it evolves into..a regular Crobat
Because fuck you only Pokemon having an Alolan forms are Gen 1 Pokemon

during ww2 the united states had bombs with timed incendiary charges strapped to them

they would drop the bomb, the bats would come out of the bomb, and roost in the japanese paper houses and start on fire shortly later

chances are, we're not going to be seeing fire bats from hawaii


forgot to mention in the first line, the charges were strapped to the bats, not the bomb

triple type grass/water/bug Parasect

Anyone have that mspaint pic of dragonair evolving?

Yeah I'd like what the player thought he'd get: a suped up dragonair.

alola parasct will obviously be a version where the bug snipped off the mushrooms before it was too late
no more grass type needed

What happens when alola form Pokemon evolve? Do their evolutions have alola forms, or do they just look normal?

If they fuck up Dragonite, the chances of me ever buying this game will slip into the negatives.

It's going to be Dragon/Water and everyone is going to scream hax.

Aloan Syther is Bug/Dragon

If I get this one thing I can die happy. I want that typing on Yanmega, but I assume they're sticking with the gen 1 trend.

Not only that there seems to be a pattern of Gen 1 always getting something new once in a while. Gens 2 and 4 gave quite a few evos to Gen 1 mons.

>water/ground kingler with sap sipper

About time we get some megas, I'm starting to get worried.

>Not Bug/Ghost or Grass/Ghost because it's a fucking zombie

>Not Water/Steel to slay the fuck out of Dragon types

I feel the same about the new Marrow and Litten.

considering paras weakness to fire I can see the mushroom simply not surviving in the hot salty air of the island.

Why do people even give a shit about this. Goddamn, you've all been playing the same game for 20 years. Get some taste you furry faggots

same, shit sucks

>One of Hawaii's most beautiful and intriguing mushrooms is definitelyAseröe rubra, the "Starfish Stinkhorn" or "Sea Anemone Fungus"

Barney is purple and doesn't have wings, and doesn't have spots, and doesn't have a ridged stomach, and doesn't have claws, and doesn't have antennae. So please next time you think about talking shit about Dragonite just stop posting instead. Do not reply.

>Not only that there seems to be a pattern of Gen 1 always getting something new once in a while.
Because Nintendo is desperate to keep the retarded and vocal Genwunners strung along.

>Water/ground Kingler and poison/steel Nidoking based on kamehameha

>two fly type
>island theme

they are losing the fly type, I guarantee it.

Dragonite will be slimmer and blue to be more in line with Dratini and Dragonair.

newgenners on suicide watch

Oh fuck a poison/steel would fucking destroy fairy types.

dragonite is still a shitty design

what if ti's just size this time? Giant dragonite and tiny zubats with som stat spread tweaking?

Yeah no, that's just your shitty opinion.


Why is that animal blushing?

fucking delete this

im serious

That's also slow.

>Poison Steel Nidoking
>metal spikes on it's head that resemble a crown
make it happen

Some actual new pokemon would be nice. I don't care about recolors of old shit that will in all likelihood continue to suck like their predecessors. I'm not expecting much more than rearranged stats on Alolan pokemon and all of the ones shown other than Exeggutor have abyssmal numbers to work with (Marowak's BST is 420 for fuck's sake).

>He doesn't know about thick club

I mean maybe Marrow might get Shadow Sneak or some other stuff. SS might be a boon with thick club, but yeah it doesn't have much to work with. I wish it just got a mega or something.

He actually deleted it.

Marowak is shit with or without Thick Club. Hippowdon is both stronger and cooler than Marowak is.

New shit is generally more interesting than polished old shit anyway.

hopefully more gen1 mons gets stat boost like they did in XY
magcargo has the stats of a mid evo starter.

You can take off the nostalgia goggles now.
A lot of kids were disappointed with the almost regal looking cool serpentine dragon turning into a goofy fat dragon with little retarded wings.
Dragonite is shit.

Nah, it actually looked like this. It was nice to have an actual Dragon in the game. That fat fuck Salamence is where shit started getting dumb, though.

>New shit is generally more interesting than polished old shit anyway.
doesn't make much sense. Your logic is flawed, like a child

Salamence looks 10 times better than Dragonite

>My first game was Ruby: The post

OK kid.

>think he matters

because i was serious

The fact that you're accusing him of playing ruby first, when if you played red and blue it was obviously your first game, and you think this retarded doofy fucking dragon is cool, is so delicously ironic.

fuck off genwunner