/g ding





gz ^^


cool can you loan me some gold

Level 6? 10% done!

i haven't been congratulated for leveling in years
feels bad m8

>only 54 more levels to go!

{star} CONGRATULATIONS!! {star}

>what level u at?
>cool! when u get to 15 we can do rfc, i'll use my alt :D

>congratulate someone for leveling
>when i level up nobody says anything

My eternal hatred.

>they never do rfc with you

>gratzing on any lvl besides cap lvl

>that one guildie you saw standing at org bank says "ding" in gchat
>didnt actually level up
>multiple "grats" and "gj gz"
>"thanks guys!!"
you didnt deserve those grats you little shit

I know this doesn't happen on live anymore. But what about private servers?

I think it doesn't because I seldom remember people saying "ding" after BC and I say it's a time and audience thing not the game

>vanilla leveling
>everyone dinging every couple of minutes
>every spamming gchat with "grats"
>gmotd gets changed to "no dings, no dongs, anyone who does it gets gkicked"
>gchat is civil again
I miss vanilla.

>Not gzing when it takes longer to get a single level in the kMMO grindfests I enjoy takes longer than hitting cap on every class in WoW

We don't all play games where levels are handed to you for free and you can't even lose 5 hours hard grind for dying carelessly.

>But what about private servers?
Some. The deluded sort that try in every way to replicate their old experiences.

BC faggot get out.

blue:wave: fishing levels?

@cya@Get the fuck out newfag.


Why would someone ask that?

because fun, user

>Playing a literal life-wasting simulator

Did you find a 4 str 4 stam leather belt yet?


gg o7