How is this? I'm tempted to get it just because she's such a qt.
How is this? I'm tempted to get it just because she's such a qt
I'm waiting for PS4 but I've only heard good things critically. Apparently it improved on everything from the first: a perfect sequel.
Lots of fun
Its great
dollar store uncharted
You can pirate it now so go for it.
It's the same shit and I'd get it on PC if I were you. The game looks bad on low settings without mods.
ROTTR is better than Uncharted 4.
That's funny because TR plays significantly better than Uncharted. And I say that as someone who really likes Uncharted.
The story is laughably bad. There was this one point an hour in where I had to alt tab out of a very serious and dramatic cut scene because it made me laugh
Other than that it's more of the same. If you played the reboot you know what to expect
The optional tombs are a lot more fun. They're a lot grander and more complex than the tombs in the first one.
I only pirated it yesterday, but I'm having a fun time so far.
epic edge
Stay mad, buyfag
come on dont you have some 9/11 pics you want to post edge kid
just binged the whole thing in about 2 days
this game + DLC is shorter than tomb2013
the witch DLC is a must, an hour of gameplay minimum. it is like a Scarecrow level
god-tier graphics
god-tier tomb raiding
the shootan is on par with RE5, so it is ok, but sometimes the waves of enemies could get a little cumbersome, specially on hard
god-tier leveling and weapons
shitty filler, grinding, hoarding, as a way to make it longer than it is (aka arkham city)
the story is skippable, a must for me
a pleasure to play
but i won't 100% because it feels like a waste of time
great game to replay in about a year again
so it lasted in my hardrive for about 48hours
im getting it for the ps4 dont think my pc can run this good
>being this salty
don't worry, you're getting more autismobux next month anyway
7/10. Its ok, better than the reboot because the tombs are better.
The characterisation is still a little iffy, the difficulty is a little uneven. Its not a hard game, it can be cheesed without too much effort.
The story is standard TR fare.
If you've played the reboot, its more of the same. A step in the right direction, hopefully the sequel will improve on the weak points.
Play it on the hardest difficulty for the best experience.
It is mostly a waste of time to 100% it. You get nothing of note and there is no NG+
But isn't that method of pirating gonna disappear as soon as they remove the demo or something?
The ROTTR "crack" doesn't let the game check with Steam for verification, so no.
You're thinking of the bypass which made Steam think the DOOM demo was running, which has been fixed already.
Oh nice. Guess I'll pirate it for now
Do not use the Seyter repack unless you really want to experience bitcoin mining firsthand
bretty fun. Much better than the first one.
don't rush the main story. Do all the "puzzle rooms", they offer some of the best visuals I've seen in vidyas.
Double nice. Almost went for that.
>god-tier tomb raiding
>god-tier leveling
You must be over 18 to post here pal
i'm 34
You take that back. ROTTR is good, but Uncharted 4 is great.
Really bad
Terrible story, boring gameplay and bad level design
In you just want to look at cute pictures of Lara check out detomasso
thought it sucked but if you want a boring cod clone then go ahead.
its 2016 and shes using a fukkin bow...
are you kidding me? needs to be more of a hunger games knockoff.
good not great
It is really good!
But poorly the survival and 'you can die anytime and everywhere on this island' feeling isn't there anymore. But the difficulty is way better !
Did you like the 2013 reboot? Then you'll probably like this. Did you not like the reboot? Then you probably won't like this. They're pretty similar, however Rise does have a lot of improvements. I think the crafting and weapon upgrade systems are better, also stealth is more fun.
>cod clone
Hello there idiot.
depends. it's a cinematic game with 0 gameplay depth and a qt main actor with even hotter voice/brit accent.
if you liked uncharted, you'll like this. it's exactly the same just with a womyn protag
>no classic costume
Why is this allowed.
I hope modders can do something.
this basically, it's perfectly fine for what it is but if you're not a fan of cinematic games with occasional shooting / stealth combat
I got it in November and it was fine but I only played it once, it wasn't good enough to warrant a replay
Just started my first playthrough on Survivor difficulty, as TR2013 was extremely easy, even on Hard.
There are still too many cutscenes, too many QTE fights but graphics, sounddesign and overal atmosphere are very good so far.
You'll need a good GPU to run this though, my rig is struggling while I had no problems running TR2013.
The game is a turd. Good luck running it if you don't have a computer than run Skynet all by itself because the devs didn't optimize this game for shit.
The story is retarded and poorly written, the level up mechanics are tacked on at best, and all the outfits are terrible. Really, really terrible. Also, none of them show any skin anyway so you know they were designed by SJWs because we can't sexualize the Lara anymore. No sir. Can't be having that.
And she using a FUCKING BOW. What in the ever loving fuck! I am so tired of the Katniss meme. Do not buy. Do not pass go, do collect 200 dollars. I pirated this game myself and I still feel ripped off. .