Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright...

Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind; the eternal will of the Swarm, and that you have been created to serve me.

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How do you like my groove, Daggoth?

how do the cerebrates make a new overmind when they said that the overmind can't be recreated

The overmind was just made to sit at the head of it. It probably produced the cerebrates based off itself. So for them to reverse engineer back to the overmind state seems reasonable. Not that it would be the same, but certainly functional enough.

>that's enough posts today for legion so continue the default "old blizzard game lore" campaign
>there better be one in the catalog all night long till we resume legionposting or you can kiss your bonus goodbye!

Starcarft HD? I don't believe it man...

Overmind was far better character than Kerrigan.

But Starcraft was a good game.

Not really. How do you figure that?
The Overmind was enigmatic and was not delved into deeply. We were with Kerrigan for far longer and saw more aspects to her by far.

They acted differently, but being different doesn't make one character better than another by default.

If you're referring to their role as villains in each of the two stories then yeah, unknowing ambitions towards joining two ancient races together is more engaging than zerg civil war/UEF invasion.

Though the individual pieces of Brood War's story were far superior. Mostly because of how little the Protoss were involved. They always were the most boring race when it came to characters.

Because Kerrigan is a vain, edgy cunt that is motivated by boring desire for power and vengeance.

And I am not even talking about her SC2 incarnation, which is even worse.

>Mostly because of how little the Protoss were involved. They always were the most boring race when it came to characters.

Shit taste detected.
The Protoss had absolutely great characters, every single one of them was easily superior to Kerrigan.

She doesn't really care for vengeance. Her desire for power could well be just the same as the Overmind's. All we know about his desire to absorb the protoss is that he wishes to improve the swarm.

Nobody is talking about SC2 here.

Tassadar was okay, but only really served one role. The same with Aldaris, Raszagal and Fenix. Artanis was pretty boring. Zeratul didn't express a wide range either.

Kerrigan actually had some character development, she had fears and weaknesses and bursts of anger.

Starcraft isn't known for its character writing, but as far as the characters did go, Kerrigan was one of the best in writing and in presentation.

>implying Blizzard want people to remember how far they've fallen


>character development.

She didn't have any after she go infested.
She was an evil, manipulative cunt then, and was the same evil, manipulative cunt at the end. The only difference at the end was that the other characters had realized what an irredeemably evil, power hungry cunt she was.

>Kerrigan actually had some character development, she had fears and weaknesses and bursts of anger.

And she suddently lost all those flaws by Brood War. That's not development, that's Sueification.

She changes after Tassadar makes a fool of her and when she learns of the new Overmind

That is a pathetic arc. It amount to making her temporarily grumpy.

>implying Overmind isn't best space dad.

Also, she makes everyone around her act like a fucking retard.
Her "schemes" only succeed because the other characters suddenly decide to trust her and act irrationally.
The biggest, most glaring example, is Aldaris and his uprising. Instead of telling his comrades of his suspicions, he starts a civil war, and to top it all off, the protoss do nothing when Kerrigan barges in and kills him in a totally not suspicious way.

Kerrigan was a sue even back in BW, it was just that the limited story telling that was possible at that time, made it less obvious than it is in SC2.
Mentzen waifued Kerrigan even back in BW.

How will Blizzard ruin the Brood War remake?

It's hardly anything special when compared to well written characters, but up against the cast of Starcraft it's still one of the best.

The only other characters with any depth are:
Raynor, with his dislike of responsibly but acceptance of it
Tassadar, with his open mind and empathy
Stukov, with his slightly different opinions

He basically does though. He can't convince them past infested Raszagal's trust, so he goes all out to force Kerrigan to tip her hand. Which she pretty much does. And the main faction of Protoss distrust her despite Raszagal's opinions.
Fenix's protoss are bundled with Raynor and not privy to the main Protoss faction's going ons.

Even if that was the case, it still doesn't excuse the protoss letting Kerrigan walk away after killing Aldaris. They should have slain her right there.


Good thing they didn't retcon the vicious zerg into a bunch of fluffy dindu nuffins.

But user if they did that we wouldn't have gotten space,bug jesus, lady.

That's because starcraft is not a novel, and it's not a movie. It doesn't need arcs to be. Learning about protoss life, the Kala, and interesting, strong personalities. Arcs are for stupid people who need drama in order to enjoy anything.

Warcraft 2 has almost no character arcs at all, but is to this day, probably my favorite blizzard campaign, because it explains in a cause and effect what you are doing and why, and makes THAT interesting, and THAT is what keeps a player invested, not retarded drama that rarely lives up to soap.

What the fuck was with that ending? Jimmy just drinks for 2 years and then leaves and nobody hears from him again? I wanted a happy ending for him

He killed himself m8. Deal with it.

WoL - Tychus and Jamaican ghost only good things about the game
HoS - Abathur only good thing about the game
LotV - Only good thing was Alarak

Suicide via alcohol poisoning

Robo Fenix was great m8.

Also, Artanis was pretty great too. I am a sucker for righteous justice though.


You have 5 years to post a better track
Starcraft music is the only soundtrack that doesn't get annoying after hearing it too many times. You can still use it for other games when you tire of their shit and mute it.


I don't get the hype for Alarak. Sure, he was somewhat different from the rest of the wooden protoss characters, but he wasn't much better. He wasn't funny. He just came down as unironically edgy to me.

Selendis a cute.

Alarak appears again in the Nova Covert Ops missions.
>mfw he gives Terrazine to Nova like some shady drug dealer.

Like you said, in contrast to the rest he shines. Also I did think he was a bit funny. Like when asked "Do you believe us fools?!" "Yes, but that's besides the point".

It's simple, but you don't expect it.

Please delete this. Whole SC2 while you're at it.

That entire story arc was dumb as shit.

Lotv is pretty ok.

It's the worst thing that has happened to this franchise.

I'll keep pretending SC2 didn't happend and I'll continue replaying SC1 and BW on yearly basis.

Although I understand why 20xx kids like SC2 and nu-Blizzard more.

>Nova Covert Ops missions
Yeah, not paying 20$ or whatever for 9 singleplayer missions.

>mfw marathoning through the recent ASL match vods
Fucking amazing games. I'm so happy this shit is back on air.

Hots is the worst thing about SC2.
Lotv is far, far better than Hots.

And I do prefer SC 1 and BW over SC2. I simply don't blindly hate everything about SC2.

You could get those pacs for like 13 yuros or so some time ago. Probably not these days though.

I understand and agree, hots was worse. I'm just so happy that after hots I haven't bought lotv and just watched some playthrough.

Blizzard is not getting more money from me until they come back to roots.

The best part of SC2 was WoL and Abathur. Anything Kerrigan-related is horrible. Everything that happened to Zerg is horrible. Zerg used to be hideous and now they are just funny twists on real life bugs.

WOL is the best SC2 because it's the least stupid. It would be solid if Raynor's attitude towards Kerrigan didn't change magically, and there was a slightly different resolution where tychus doesn't die

HOTS is deeply flawed, but somewhat functional in that it manages the maze of setting up zerg against the ancient evil and explaining the ancient evil's backstory.
The decision to have an ancient evil is retarded and terrible, but hots delivers it as well as anything could hope to.

LOTV is pure garbage from the first mission and it never lets up

I watched the first 3 missions on youtube. They were not really that impressive, both storywise or gameplaywise. The best part was the intro cinematic.

It feels like they should have added this as free dlc. One campaign sold as three seperate games was bad enough. Jewing this hard for some extra content is just unnecessary.

But hey it's Blizzard. If they think they can get away with it, people will probably let them.

but they were more like bugs in SC and BW. In HOTS they're pretty much likened to dinosaurs.

UED did nothing wrong
For the Homeworld, we must go all the way

>It would be solid if Raynor's attitude towards Kerrigan didn't change
I don't think it changed magically. There was few years between the end of BW and start of WoL and it's possible he's had a change of heart in that time. I think it makes sense that he would focus on remembering her the way she was rather than hating what she became. Far weirder to me was how Kerrigan isn't anything like how she was in BW.

right? 2017 will be the year of brood war!

>change of heart
His last line in BW was saying how much he hated Kerrigan for killing Phoenix

Yes, it's stupid. But not as stupid as the ancient evil garbage.

Aesthetic and design of the universe is one of the main problems with SC2 as a whole.

In the original setting the Terran dominion was presented as a small outlying sector creating its own barely functional government, hardly anything is centralized. You have a few high population planets but they're just like extended towns on a plain with nothing more civilized around.

In SC2 the Terran Dominion is basically an advanced version of the UED without any real explanation. The only thing that comes anywhere close is that Mengsk is an absolutely amazing leader. Which makes how much he's vilified extra annoying.

HOTS yeah, bugs into dinosaurs.

From the original to LOTV, Protoss go from a very distinct society of Templar and Dark Templar. The Dark Templar are set up to function off the power of the ancient evil. Except for some reason the Dark Templar are immune to the ancient evil, and the massive psychic web that would oppose mind control with all its might is what can quickly be mindjacked and like with Artanis, immediately chopped off. They're just ancient aliens fighting ancient evil.

It's certainly possible, but it's a huge mistake to not make it clear to the audience. The far better way to write Metzen's stupid story would be for Raynor to have all these fond memories, and then remind himself on his purely murderous intent towards Kerrigan. He just can't kill her when he finally gets his chance. Completely cut the Zeratul bringing tidings of ancient evil garbage and you're set.

I liked it but i hated the whole "arc" after the Protoss had been reunited. It seemed like bad fanfiction. And Kerrigan sucks in general.

You were supposed to kill her, Jim.

Technically that's not the same Kerrigan. Human Kerrigan dindu nuffin

I'm playing through starcraft's campaign after not playing brood war in over a decade (though I kept watching afterwards) and not touching the campaign since last millennium. It's pretty cool, I can definitely appreciate it a lot more now that I'm not a kid anymore.

But even more interesting is the current starleague. I'm really looking forward to Flash vs Last. And after that I'm not so sure about Flash's TvP, every time I open his stream I see him getting wrecked by Bisu.

Well done!

Oh and yeah, I agree about Kerrigan. Setting her up as the hero meant justifying her purely evil actions. So she was the most fucked SC2 character from the start.

Then how come she hates Mengsk so much? Her spirit was left to her. She could talk around James without any issue. "Tough talk Jimmy, but I don't think you have what it takes to be a killer". Conveys enough familiarity. It's the same person, with the same memories and motivations, just compelled to serve the overmind (at first) and without aggression inhibitors. She became fully responsible for her actions when the Overmind died. Partially when he was alive, because he put her on a very long leash to do as she desires.

>It's the same person, with the same memories and motivations,
Yes, in SC1

They retconned it in SC2. She was under the influence of whatchamacallit big bad evil guy.

Into le trash

Hey I don't like it any more than you do.

You can pretend SC2 never happened I suppose,

What did they mean by this?

swarm needs to be controlled, same shit like with lich king

I've been into Starcraft since 1998 and I like SC2 more (both are great).

But how can some infested human bitch match psychic power of a creature designed for the purpose of leading the Swarm?

Because she was a ghost which are psionic cyborgs, and with zerg improvement as well.


>It seemed like bad fanfiction
That's basically everything Blizzard did past Warcraft 3.

Still ridiculous that she can do what took a building-sized brain before.

Overmind best dad

Tassadar 4gates

>It's the worst thing that has happened to this franchise.
That's not SCII:HoTS.

That's not SCII

As bad as WoL and LoTV were, both aren't as bad as HoTS.

WoL is at least mediocre and LoTV is second to the former, but HoTS still takes the place of worst expansion.

But yeah, overall SCII is bad.

Why? They'll eat each other with the zerg, or gain free will with the scourge.

Considering that Brood War is coming back as an eSport it may as well have never happened.

Even the Overmind couldn't control the entire swarm on his own. He needed cerebrates to rule broods, who in turn merely controlled overlords.

But Kerrigan? It's just her and one cerebrate in BW. And that's under the stress of the psi disruptor.
The brood mothers don't make much sense either, unless there are 100 brood mothers for each cerebrate.

Man, Starcraft 1 was so cool. The story and characters worked together so well, and I was so fucking hype after the secret twist reveal when that humanoid-Zerg traitor was actually working for some ancient race that created the Protoss and Zerg and was ready to make a comeback. I was so ready for the next expansion or Starcraft 2 to feature all three races reluctantly having to work together to fight a greater evil.

Then I heard how abysmally bad the sequel turned out to be and I decided fuck it, I'll stick with my imagination.

If the Overmind's active goal was to incorporate the Protoss and become Perfect, why didn't he do it? Countless Protoss died on the battlefield against the Zerg, many probably taken alive. Why didn't he infest or impregnate some? Surely he had the means to hybridize them himself even if he didn't impart that knowledge to Abathur. Otherwise what was the point? He never stated it was impossible, he only talked about assimilating them like everyone else. Even on Aiur he sacked entire cities and claimed hundreds of millions of Protoss. Why didn't he do anything with them?

>Countless Protoss died on the battlefield against the Zerg
Lore-wise, not really. Protoss mostly teleported away right before death until the Zerg got to Auir, and when they got to Auir he didn't have much chance, seeing how he got wrecked.

Also there weren't that many Protoss to begin with, they were a race in decline, so a lot of their force is robots and stuff.

THIS why did it take 6 years to make 3 shitty campaigns? MONEY

I liked Wings of Liberty and Legacy of the Void. The only thing wrong with SC2's campaign was Kerrigan.

>The only thing wrong with SC2's campaign was Kerrigan
A large percentage of the SC2 campaign revolved around Kerrigan

Even a fraction is sufficient, and there should be plenty of situations where a fleet got rekt and forces on the ground isolated. Or just body parts or blood left around.

SC2 at least started to give some number estimates. There were 200 million protoss remaining in total I think. Can assume prior to Aiur they reached a few billions.

This guy saved LOTV.

The goal of Wings of Liberty was Kerrigan but she didn't show up in at all that much and she barely had anything at all to do with Legacy. Just like 2 missions.

>I heard
SC2 is a fucking sweet game, I don't know why people say otherwise.

Wait people actually liked shadow the edgehog protoss?

The Overmind probably did get started as soon as he could, but several factors worked against him.

First of all, there's Purity of Form, which at least in pre-SC2 canon made assimilating Protoss harder.

Second, most actual Protoss warriors (Zealots and Templars) teleported straight to Auir at the moment of death, Dragoons were pretty rare.

Third, before the Zerg came to Auir, most of Zerg-Protoss fights involved the Protoss glassing from orbit planets that the zerg were on and any ground skirmishes were pretty minor.

Fourth, at least lore-wise, the Protoss vastly outclassed the Zerg when it comes to space combat and technology, so the Protoss could basically control where and how they fought the Zerg.

Basically, the Zerg couldn't really touch the Protoss until they found a way to Auir (which the original Zerg campaign was about) and only then they could get started wrecking the Protoss with their superior numbers because there just weren't that many of them left.

When the Overmind finally got to Auir and could get started on the whole assimilation plan properly, it got it's shit pushed in by a ragtag group of Protoss rebels and space cowboys pretty much as soon as it landed on Auir.