That skin-on-skin contact in swimsuits

>That skin-on-skin contact in swimsuits

Anne and Ryuji are totally banging each other.

Other urls found in this thread:

i doubt it.

it would be pretty awkward if you cucked your friend. unless maybe theyre appealing to ntr friends with her.

>Gets so triggered by "skin on skin contact"

You NEET is showing.

not necessarily, she's white so they're probably portraying her as really loose and slutty. lots of japs and asians in general have notions that white girls are easy or some shit I guess

Doesn't necessarily mean they're a thing. I had female friends do the same thing and more in high school and we were never anything more than friends.

This is what friends do naturally

You mean that's not the case?

>girl's skin makes contact with you
>automatically means she wants to fuck you
spotted the virgin. leave your den once in a while weeb!

What does it mean then

>blue eyed blonde
>that faggot
Nah, she's into BBC

Holy shit OP you don't go out too much, do you

I hang out all the time with a female friend and we don't intentionally touch but we do touch quite a bit even with lesser clothes. I suppose going by what you're saying I'm fucking her on a regular basis.

>Those thin impossibly long torsos

What exactly were you hoping to accomplish by reposting this bait? There isn't exactly much room for response other than calling you a virgin.

Ironically enough it's literally the same assumption vice versa.

Holy Shit

Are you guys serious? Females don't touch me naturally.

She is banging her teacher

Have they given any explanation for having almost half the cast being undeniably white?

At least they were self aware about it in Persona 4

Because you look and smell like shit.

I smell nice.

Who isn't banging Anne?

They wouldn't know since they don't come near to you.

One day I'll kill them all. Or a good amount at least.

Well I guess there are two factors to this
1. The western girls who go to Japan are generally massive weebs, meaning they will spread their legs for anyone looking remotely asian
2. Foreigners abroad (unless you are a poo in the loo or something) generally have a pretty easy time getting laid due to being exotic

Lol, I literally greeted my female friends by kissing their cheeks and/or hugging them
I miss high school

Kinda does holmes, any female that has made skin on skin contact with me, I have hooked up with or fucked.
Only when I go outside.


>its a nor/v/ie episode
>It seems like An has a part time job as a model. It also seems she regularly goes to an hospital but we don’t know why. Kamoshida is worried thinking she might have appendicitis. An is busy to the point that it’s been a long while since she met her best friend, who is in a club and very busy as well.
What did he mean by this?

Stomach pump for all the semen she swallows.

>I never went to high school pool parties: the thread

I thought the whole REEEEE NORMIES thing was a guy at least went to prom, right?

Sure you will Elliot.

How about you jump of a cliff instead?

i wanna suck her tits

Yeah right...


Oh no, the friend might end up with the girl that's a confirmed slut.

How could they do this. I don't want to live in a world where I can't date a girl that's fucked numerous old men for quick cash.

>part time as a model

What happened to "compensated dating"?


>that skin on skin contact
>in bathing suits
>totally banging
you're helpless OP

>What happened to "compensated dating"?
Explain further

oh shit guys check out that skin on skin, they're totally banging eachother

When they revealed info about her, it was stated that she did compensated dating for money.

Compensated Dating is literally being paid to go out on a date with whoever is paying and probably more than just a date too

>When they revealed info about her, it was stated that she did compensated dating for money.
What? thats was never stated

well obviously, they had children.

I did.
Where no one touched me.
>pool parties
What did you go to high school in Beverley Hills or something?

>part time job as a model


>Boy dies so you can hook up with Anne

>Killing a promising character,only for you to bang another chick
They wouldn't do that right r-right

I'm cool with my bro' getting some poontang. I'm going after Makoto, myself.

>automatically means she wants to fuck you
In anime Japan it does.