Get in here.
Friday night Overwatch
now what
get in what
What class you playing?
whatever is good against the enemy team and works with my team?
Good thread op
Alright I'm here. What now? This bag of cheetos is running thin.
>SR 0-39: 10 CPs
>SR 40-45: 20 CPs
>SR 46-49: 40 CPs
>SR 50-52: 60 CPs
>SR 53-55: 80 CPs
>SR 56-59: 120 CPs
>SR 60-64: 200 CPs
>SR 65+: 300 CPs
Blizzard being very liberal with their Competitive Points come end of season.
What dick waving golden weapon are you buying.
anything from the F category because I hate winning. the gratification you feel when you win is the one i get when i lose
Rein hammer because it's enormous and matches the paragon skin
Any tips for a newfag who just got the game?
play hanzo/genji every game
But actually play torbjorn, always. You literaly won't have to try at all.
Do your placement match in ranked before the season end on 17th
I hate ranked do I'm just gonna keep placing and then not touching it, unless all my friends want to. Placed into 55 so I'm ok with 80 points
at least one healer and tank is required every game
defense heroes are shit
Play Bastion, bait Genji into using his reflect by bursting your shots, wait for it to end and laugh at his dead body
Play every character against bots at least once. Get a feel for their movement, abilities and weapons. After an hour or so against bots, move to quick play. Don't worry about the character meta yet, you'll learn it in time. Pay attention to what the game says. If your team needs a healer, or a tank, pick one and not another Genji. Have fun, try to learn something new about a character every day.
Play Garbageweasel and spam grenades in the enemy's general direction. Guaranteed 2-3 eliminations per reload.
someone buy me the game please
Is the game dying Blizzshills?
yeah, to do this you should get your 7-year-old cousin or some shit to play on your account for a week so that the MMR will be low enough to ever find a guy this bad
My peak was 57 and now I sunk to 48. Absolutely no one knows how to play down here, so I just practice playing Genji.
Prob zarya since she's the main reason I ended up making it past 60 in the first place
Just play with your shit friends
I have one who's rank 30 and join her qp games just to fuck around.
There's skill-based matchmaking in Quick Play? I thought it was only in Competitive.
It's in Quick Play too, it just doesn't have a visible number telling you that it's there.