Is it true Sup Forums?
Is it true Sup Forums?
>normalfag culture
>imgur / reddit filename
>shit games
>comparing two video game features that have nothing to do with each other
you need to go back, OP
>Fallout 4
>your son is an old man and leader of the institute
>you wake up in a nuclear apocalypse and are a 1 man killing machine
>the institute is killing humans and replacing them with synths... because... grumble-grumble
Don't post on this board ever again.
No, we need actual fucking gameplay instead of removing it to make room for "great stories" written by novelist rejects.
Edit No Man's Sky over TLoU and you got yourself some prime bait.
Really makes you think
Oh good, the same shitty pic that is posted here everyday. At least it doesn't have the 9gag watermark this time.
This, I'd forgive an average story if the journey involved Vagrant Story Dungeon Crawling with Icewind Dale style party customisation.
You get hit by a status, that shit doesn't wear out for the duration of a battle till you rest. You have combat fatigue so it's necessary to run squishies to safety behind a shield wall if you get ambushed, can pick a formation to regroup on.
An active time gauge for strategic overlay, which does slow mo for decision making of your choice character as you navigate their choices on the battlefield before letting smart AI complete the turn.
Techniques are due to weapon, a technique hits the enemy body a certain way. There is dragon dogma style grappling on larger enemies, etc.
Just fucking improve combat game play you lazy as fuck developers.
Too bad only one of these games has good story and it's a fucking expansion pack only
They aren't killing random citizens and replacing them. They have random projects that require either land or a synth in a high position.
At least with multiplayer and good gameplay you can ignore bad storytelling. If I wanted good stories as the foundation and major focus for all my games I might as well just read a fucking book.
>Bethesda games
>great stories
yeah man that island expansion for fo4 was epic.
>great stories
we need both
Only 1 of those games even has a decent story.
The Last of Us
We need some decent fucking co-op games. They don't make many anymore
can't make this
Are there really people who unironically believe skyrim and fallout 4 have great stories, or is this bait created specifically created for this board?
but bro, skyrim VI and fallout 4 are like, the BEST games of like hundred years century!
Nope. Video game stories have NEVER been important.
I've saw retards on twitter and facebook posting it. So no, i don't think normies are posting it unironically
>is this bait created specifically created for this board?
Probably. This pic has been posted almost every day for a while. Probably some bored faggot who trolls Sup Forums for epic lulz.
wtf I hate singleplayer now
OP here, i browse imgur sometimes and saw it there today for the first time, i just find it funny how normalfags enjoy PoS game like Fallout 4 even though its easily few leagues below NV.
>OP here
Post proof faggot
Imo the games aren't bad. The stories are
>The Last of Us
>great stories
Holy shit.
Target audience for both are little kids and neets who only read trashy genre fiction, of course they'll think dragonsoul superhero killing viking zombies in vikingland is good writing.
Just like read a book
I would say yes but
>I don't really play games any more either because I've grown out of them or because games in the past 5 years have been shit and are getting worse
>stories in games are fucking shit and always will be
>fallout 4
>great stories
>Skyrim "story"
>The Elder Scrolls "lore"
My sides
The only one of those stories that's even okay on a genre fiction level is The Witcher.
I'm all for decent storytelling, but the game can get fucked if the main focus isn't gameplay.
I would be on board if anyone in the games industry could write themselves out of a cardboard box.
Let's face it, anyone who can actually write sure as shit isn't going to be working in video games.
I have ridiculous high standards when it comes to single player games, and none of the recent stuff comes even remotely close so I would consider playing it. This is why I often end up playing old stuff on an emulator.
At least with multiplayer games you can get some value and fun out of the game even if it sucks, you just gotta play it with the right people.
Hybrids are often dogshit becaue it's a half assed multiplayer that just drains resources from the single player that could be so much better (MGSV)
Great singleplayer games were never about story and never fucking will be.
TLOU has multiplayer though
>Fallout 4
>Included in this picture
Top keks
Playing a game for the story is like listening to music for the lyrics. Both are things only done by normie plebs
"Great stories" are for hipsters and females who didn't grow up playing video games before Y2K.
There's something fundamentally wrong with your game if cutscenes make up a noticeable portion of the experience.
but the best part of Last Of Us was multiplayer
>synths are literally just people with a tiny mind control chips
shitty, sloppy game
Pic not related?
do not believe these haters, skyrim literally has the greatest storyline
There are some games that work as multiplayer games and others work as strictly singleplayer.
I don't care for multiplayer, but neither skyrim nor fallout 4 have great story.
Gameplay > Music = Graphics > Story
>fallout 4
>the last of us
>great stories
Was this image created by the Nu Males Sky defense force?
>the last of us
It doesn't matter but if a game js multiplayer and the devs can't be arsed to add bots then it can fuck off.
>we need great stories
Then why did MGS V leave me feeling so empty and dissatisfied.
>generic, cliched zombie story
We don't need good stories. We need good games.
I don't think we specifically need a "great story", but it is a pretty stupid idea to tack on multiplayer to a game everyone wants to play instead of focusing 100% on the singleplayer (I'm looking at you DOOM).
The opposite is also true, which is why everyone bitching about Overwatch not having singleplayer is stupid.
cliche =/= bad
It's true and only retarded normies will disagree.
First statement is right. Multiplayer can be fun, but I hate how it has turn into such a big focus. I can forgive a game that's fully multiplayer, but it's complete bullshit when a game has singleplayer tacked on as a side dish. If you don't care about online then you're looking at like 4 hours of content for you at most. That is completely degenerate. I would rather those games to not have singleplayer at all.
If you're gonna have singleplayer then it should always be the meat of the game and the multiplayer the extra dick around mode.
contrarian stopped being cool when you were 10
>great stories
>fallout 4
literally shit tier
none of them are great.
God dammit I hate normies
Yes, multiplayer is a fucking gimmick that hasn't aged well.
Grow up.
is pic related good or overrated?
>none of them are great
is there any that you'd recommend you kind sire?
>good story
Story is good. Writing and dialogue is excellent
>all that pretentious shit
Fuck off, Todd. I'm not buying Skyrim remastered
I don't like most of these either but the only one that's pretentious is TLoU.
Story won't help when the gameplay is shit
Multiplayer won't help when the gameplay is shit
Gameplay is the most important aspect in games
You're right. But generic does. Also,
not overrated at all if you consider in what time it got produced
Final Fantasy X and Xenosaga III are pretty good.
>Le Witcher 3
>good story
Multiplayer is fucking cancer, so yeah.
should be !=
after all this time you only came up with "baguette"?
If you're gonna use the Witcher as an example, at least use one that has a GOOD story. Eredin is the most boring antagonist in the whole series.
>any of these
>great stories
low standard scum
>I wish I had a cute daughteru
>I am a slave to good graphics
>I think that the idea of killing dragons is original
>Hype is king, I am a faggot.
No, OP the thing that differentiates games from other media is that interactive gameplay IS, ideally (for a great game like Dark Souls or SotC) the narrative of the work itself. Trying to draw a hard line between "story" and gameplay proves that you don't know what your talking about when critiquing games as an art form, just like all the shills who gave Last of Us a 10/10.
We need neither.
>Fallout 4
>Great Stories
Who the fuck made this meme?
Fuck this picture. Who gives a shit if you prefer multiplayer games or single player games. As long as you fuckin enjoy vidya it's fine. Don't take a shit on people who play different things.
But then again that's this entire board in a nutshell isn't it.
only one of those games had a great story.
>the thing that differentiates games from other media is that interactive gameplay IS, ideally (for a great game like Dark Souls or SotC) the narrative of the work itself
Except the gameplay doesn't constitute narrative in either of those games. The narrative in DaS and SotC is text, dialogue and story segments. What you're talking about is something like emergent storytelling in games like CK2, DF or even The Sims. It's a valid point, but the examples you provided don't hold up. At its core, Dark Souls doesn't use its gameplay to tell its story any more than The Last of Us does, it just uses less cutscenes to do it.
Sandbox games and RPGs are much better without multiplayer. It doesn't have to be slapped on on every single game.
If you want good multiplayer, you need to design the game around it. And it turns out that it can hurt the single player part of it.
Not all the time.