ITT: Shit games with GOAT OSTs.
Oblivion is hardly a shit game, it's highly playable even today.
Would rather play TESIV again than garbage like Skyrim, Witcher III, Mankind Divided and similar.
I ain't sure about this one OP, but here's some of my favourites:
Xenoblade Chronicles
Super Meat Boy
Binding of Isaac
Most mainline zelda and mario games
The Spyro and Crash trilogies
The Rayman trilogy
I'm sure there's many more
Oops I missed OP said shit games.
In that case, just Binding of Isaac
We already have a Sonic thread.
>Xenoblade Chronicles
had to look this up tbqh
>fell for the oblivion is shit meme
poor boy
>Mankind Divided
it's not even out yet
i guess here's your (You) that you wanted
God, I want to replay it again now.
The vanilla version.
Newfaggot; get some damn taste.
Any rational person would know it's going to be shit after seeing at least 2 trailers/gameplay videos of Mankind Divided.
Enjoy your broken game, denuvocuck.
Outpost 2
Pax Imperia 2
Dark Colony
Tzar - Burden of Crown
Conquest Earth
Also, a good gametoo.
Reminder that 90% of the players never explored the eastern part of Cyrodill between Cheydinhal and Leyawiin
>playing those generic weeaboo games that all look the same
how can anyone tell the difference between xenoblade, .hack//, atelier, xenogears, valkyria chronicles, fire emblem, monster girl quest, monster hunter, persona, smt, air tonelico, neptunia, disgaea, tales of, xenosaga,
literally all of it looks like the same piece of fucking garbage
It's the game's fault if anything.
I guess ignorance really is bliss.
You seem to know a lot of different weeaboo IPs user.
It's only a meme if you're 12 and have no taste or standards.
no, seriously
they all look the same to me
bunch of final fantasy clones with VN elements
its a bunch of titles i put in my backlog back in ~2010, never got to playing that shit and im glad i didnt, theres more but i cant remember now
I don't like Final Fantasy though, XC is about as "weeb" as I'll get. Revel in your ignorance anyway if it makes you feel better.
Not that guy, but there literally is no difference between Persona and SMT titles.
I don't care, those aren't games that appeal to me.
>You and your friends have happy slice of life anime moments and use the power of friendship to make everything have a happy ending
>Mainline SMT
>nothing but death and suffering and eventually you kill your friends after they go crazy with their extreme ideology and in the end may all be for nothing
No Mans Sky
I never got that far in Nocturne lol
You mean GOAT games with GOAT soundtracks, right OP?
the gameplay elements are still the same
No shit, one is a spinoff of the other.
>still falling for the "oblivion is bad" meme
>Thinking Oblivion is good
Maybe you didn't buy it on release but oblivion was shit. Just because a mod community fixed doesn't mean the game wasn't shit
I played the vanilla version right when it came out and I was impressed by Oblivion.
I was 14.
Why do we still pretend Oblivion is shit?
Probably fags who played it without Oscuro's.
the people who didn't get the meme are now outnumbering the memers. These people genuinely think its a bad game, because that is what they think they have been told by Sup Forums.
Playing oblivion when he got ou was amazing, cause the game actually had new things, he was beautifull, big, (and not big like just empty places)
people just say its bad cause it is too 3D-ish
I too had bad taste when I was a kid and didn't know any better.
>Witcher 3 shit
The combat was mediocre
Everything else was pretty damn fun
Please kill yourself you unhappy cunt
Almost made me mad
Because it is shit. It fixed none of Morrowind's many problems but introduced many new ones, cut a lot of really basic content, had no effort or love put into it, and bears obvious hallmarks of being made by a committee. It doesn't reward exploration, exploration is gutted by the removal of the vertical component, gutted spell list gives you nothing interesting other than eventually unlocking invisibility so you can run past all the bullet sponge enemies, 'safe' prices on fucking everything including legendary artifacts. Morrowind had fast travel integrated into the world by having two types of public transport and four different spell used to jump around the map, Oblivion just lets you open the map and teleport. Morrowind had entire categories of arms and armor that existed solely to give the world flavor, Oblivion has bandits named 'Bandit' wearing glass and ebony. Morrowind had beast races, Oblivion has humans in fursuits. It's a fucking asspull of a game that tries to hides shallowness with surface area and dreary visuals with excessive bloom. It was the point when Bethesda realized marketing to plebs is more profitable than trying to do a proper job. Also, horse armor dlc.
you really hate fun dont you :)
Oblivion isn't shit, it has one of the most beautiful aesthetics in all of gaming IMO
>shit games
Even if it isn't the best TES it's still a good game
>Even if it isn't the best TES
But it is
Morrowind is a bit better.
it really isnt
oblivion > skyrim > morrowind
Of all the things to be shitty at it had to be your taste
how about
Both are garbage.