Anyone want to meet up in Labyrinthian to help me kill this dragon?

Anyone want to meet up in Labyrinthian to help me kill this dragon?
Just meet me there in 10 :)

I can't

ok, on my way

im sure im here but i cant see you? Hello?

Are you retarded?

Dark souls does not have multiplayer.

lol guess whos the retard, yeah it does

>xD it's my turn to post it!!!
Think something else, at least. You faggots have no creativity

I think there is a working co-op mode for Skyrim on Nexus.

Yup. I'm here as well, just met up with the OP. It was fucking awesome! Shame I couldn't see him.

Is this a spicy new meme?

OP here, that was so amazing. I was literally shaking.

Is this thing on?
Am I all alone?

No, I'm here!



user pls


Go away Sean, your """""game""""" is shit.

where are you?
I don't see a dragon
maybe we are on different timelines


I am so above it all, I don't understand why people care about a situation where the main dev has compulsively lied about his game and yet still has loyal-to-the-death fanboys who would take a bullet for him. I don't get why people enjoy laughing at the biggest failure of the year. Everyone should just keep talking about Overwatch. Both sides on this debate are equally as retarded. If you care about how bad this game is you are just as bad as the people who defend it. I am so above it all; I don't take sides because caring about things besides getting laid is for LOSERS. Just ignore that I take the time out of my day to post in threads about this game and tell everyone that caring about this game is dumb, despite the fact that I clearly care about people who care about the failure/success of this game. I am a fence sitter on every issue, taking sides is for LOSERS who can't get laid. I bet you support a political candidate too! Haha. What losers. If you have a side, you are EXACTLY AS BAD as the side you hate.

what the fuck the dragon is already dead
how did you do it OP??

underrated pepe

I can't see you