Seriously, why is this dead? Why does noone play the best DoW?
Retribution was GOAT and head and shoulders above DoW I in terms of everything.
>dat sountrack
>dat voiceacting
Seriously, why is this dead? Why does noone play the best DoW?
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People wanted more of the RTS gameplay from the first set of games.
you mean that heavily unbalanced first set of game?
People still play soulstorm and DC online
>ss and dc
pick one
Better than the snoozefest that was DoW2
Except unit variety, count, pathing, control, and everything else that's important in strategy. Get fucked. DoW 2 is the lowest trash. It gets sympathy points for being a fun SP loot ARPG, and being related to DoW, like Bush Jr.
I don't think you used the correct meme there
I've been trying to get into it again and from what I can see everyone plays 3v3. It's a bit difficult getting 1v1 outside elite mod and even then most of the people there play 3v3.
One thing is for sure, they turned the Eldar from whiny, high-pitch voiced faggots to badass fuckers.
Everyone moved to the Elite Mod because they know what to do to keep game interesting
You've apparently never heard a woman before then. DoW1's voice acting was great. The Orks are objectively better in 1.
>Eldars in DoW
Lazy poncies that abuse their shitty mechanics
>Eldar troops in DoW2
1337 pro squads of futuristic SWAT
>Eldar leaders in DoW2
Dragonball levels of animu fightan magic skills and weapons
>literally teleports behind you
Yeah the ORks were nice, but come on, behold this fucking guy, that's another level:
>Involving choas
That was a mistake.
nigga step it up
I see your sorc, and raise you a beaten ass heretic.
You can just HEAR his pain and desperation.
No one really plays the standard game anymore.
Come play Dawn of War 2: Retribution - Elite Mod.
We once had about 1000 playing multiplayer.
Also Soulstorm with Ultimate Apocalypse mod is still the best Dawn of War experience you can have.
granted that is pretty convincing. But do you really enjoy listeing to that worm for hours while building your base?
I'd rather listen to 10 minutes of badassery:
I've heard of both, but which one is better and has the more active player base today?
that fully depends on what kind of game you want to play. elite mod is just dow 2 but balanced. ultimate apocalypse is dow 1 but with titans and shitloads of units, but dont expect balance.
the soundtrack and voice acting are amazing. but thats basically it. the gameplay is the polar opposite of dow 1 (like a spinoff, except its a sequel) and made a lot of fucking people upset. more people play dow 1 still because of it. its like if fucking battlefield decided to make its next game a 6v6 with no vehicles and small maps. dow 2 pissed off a lot of people who are generally still pissed off today because instead of a fresh rts building off the dow formula, you got a reskinned company of heroes.
and while dow 3 looks okay it still has a lot of problems and is going to get a shitload of flak even when it releases because of the artstyle.
Don't really know. Thing is DoW 2 Elite is pretty good balanced imo and generally fun to play. Of course in the terms of how DoW 2 plays. (With less units and no basebuilding and so on)
And Ultimate apocalypse is the complete opposite. It's just like the Warhammer 40k universe: unbalanced and many units are op as fuck. But it's still very fun. The races that you can play are space marines, eldar, chaos space marines, orks, necrons, tau, sisters of battle, dark eldar, witchhunters + grey knights, chaos daemons and the tyrannids.
That's why I mostly play Ultimate apocalypse.
>get back into watching HarlquinCasts for DoW2:Ret
>get that itch to play again
>cant find any matches for ranked
>only custom games usually pointless 3v3 annihilation
Fuck. Guess im back to playing Last Stand. People still dont fucking work together, faggot 3x prestige retards still dont know how to play the game.
>the soundtrack and voice acting are amazing. but thats basically it. the gameplay is the polar opposite of dow 1 (like a spinoff, except its a sequel) and made a lot of fucking people upset. more people play dow 1 still because of it. its like if fucking battlefield decided to make its next game a 6v6 with no vehicles and small maps. dow 2 pissed off a lot of people who are generally still pissed off today because instead of a fresh rts building off the dow formula, you got a reskinned company of heroes.
It's simple.
People are idiots who want to pay for the same shit on yearly releases as if they could actually enjoy that.
Relic went and made another great 40k RTS, they complained it was not a carbon copy.
What's even funnier is that they are doing more of a carbon copy now and people cry and moan about it.
Like, the artstyle is lifted straight from the original DoW with modern effects, so are the animations.
I'm just sitting here alternating between laughing my ass off at the retardation of these autists and pitying Relic who has to put up with this shit.
I wouldnt say that. its not as if dow 2 came out the year after dow 1 did. it would be like if company of heroes 2 played like a dow 1 rts, with lots of units, lots of basebuilding. no real cover, no 'tactics and strategy' and whatever. it would piss off a lot of people and generally a good amount would just stay with company of heroes 1. then you'd attract a whole new fanbase playing 2, that doesnt like 1 at all.
this is the case with dow now. you have two separate fanbases (with a smaller third that likes both) and no matter what dow 3 does, its going to fail in the eyes of one fanbase. a lot of dow 1 players arent really complaining about dow 3, at least. im a bit in the middle (though I love traditional rts gameplay for multiplayer) and I generally like what ive seen so far, outside of the animations being too bouncy, lascannons still being shit after a redo, and too many particle effects.
The balance is great. Some factions never get hurt economically.
I love faction wars. Last year or so it was Eldar or Space Marines who were unbeaten, but I don't think Eldar and Space Marines ever had a perfect unbeaten streak steamrolling all the other factions, which the Tyrannids just did.
They're really overpowered right now, in a lot of ways. For example Zoanthropes don't need to deploy unlike Lascannons, Plasma Cannons, Shurikens, Sonic Blasters, etc, but then Tyrannids received a new unit that's an even more powerful Zoanthrope, the Neurothrope.
>it would be like if company of heroes 2 played like a dow 1 rts, with lots of units, lots of basebuilding. no real cover, no 'tactics and strategy' and whatever. it would piss off a lot of people and generally a good amount would just stay with company of heroes 1.
And honestly, it would have been a better game.
CoH2 was just a cash-in on the popularity of CoH and CoH:Online if you remember that.
THQ was going under, they needed a quick buck so CoH2 ended up but a cheap reskin of sorts.
Original Company o Heroes was massive back in the day... CoH2 only ever stirred any water with the hordes of angry Russians.
Agreed on the remade lascannons for DoW3 as is.
But that's "the benefits of listening to fan feedback" in a nutshell.
whats faction wars?
thanks for the spoiler, you fucker!
Now you have seen the future, battle bruva.
>a daemon prince as the ending of a warhammer vidya is somehow a spoiler
Long live Govenor General Stubbs!
Commander of the 252nd kaurava consevator regiment, winner of Soulstorm and ruler in the name of the emperor of the Kauravan system!
Fuck yeah!
The game is what, 5 years old now? Why would it still be massively active when RTSs in general have been declining.
>M- Muh ASSFAGGOTS gameplay
shit game has shit longevity
what a surprise
If it's best DoW then how come it's dead?
>Seriously, why is this dead? Why does noone play the best DoW?
Because DoW II was poor CoH clone.
>developer makes a shit sequel
>none of the original fans like it
>"durr why is nobody playing it"
Get your brain checked.
>implying DoW Soulstorm was good.
I wonder if this game is dead or if people just don't play the multiplayer, because I've played the shit out of the campaign and am still working through with Orks but I'll never touch multiplayer.
Stubbs was pretty good.
I am only to assume you respect the elderly though.
General Sturnn, best General.
Also the Comissar from DoW II Retribution was pretty good, I can't remember his name.
Also while we're on the topic of Imperial Guard, really would have liked to see Yarrick and Steel Legion playable in some non-modded way.
You need a steel legion FPS.
>To each of us falls a task, and all the Emperor requires of us is that we hold the line and die fighting.
>It's what we do best, we die standing!
Its when a 3v3 match up is formed and each side is composed entirely of one faction, to try and see if they can win against the other side, composed entirely of another faction. Indrid sets it up yearly in his channel and its quite fun to watch and wonder if one faction is better than another or if its down to player skill.