Now that the hype of fallout 4 has gone down, and how shit it was, lets discuss the next one...

Now that the hype of fallout 4 has gone down, and how shit it was, lets discuss the next one. Who do you want making it (hypothetically) where do you want it to take place? Would you be ok with it being isometric if it was good like the first 2, or should it stay in 1st person. Discuss discuss DISCUSS

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I want Bethesda to stay the fuck away from the next Fallout game. Either that or stop the series completely if the alternative is them making another more diluted Fallout.

>I don't like this game the game developers should stop making them.

Severe autism.

>Would you be ok with it being isometric if it was good like the first 2
that will never happen
fuck off shithesda drone

when the majority of people agree with what he said, its kind of a problem

The camera and combat is less important than the mood of a Fallout game.

how am i a bethesda drone? i literally said their game is shit and that the beginning 2 are good. kys

>he thinks 4chans opinion on bethesda fallout is the majority


>tripfag thinking his opinion matters at all
>doesnt know that most people found fallout 4 at the minimum dissapointing

>Sup Forums = majority.

Not really. This game attracted alot of criticism everywhere but I seriously doubt that anyone of them wants the series to end. That is not the solution.


TES6 is almost certainly going to be the next game in the cycle since that is how Bethesda has been roling since Oblivion.

TES6 apparently isn't even up for discussion before 2020 if the rumors are to be believed because they are making a new engine.

We likely aren't getting a new fallout until after that. So basically if you still somehow want a new fallout after the shitshow that was fallout 4 then prepare to wait over a decade for the next game.


>i dont know what the world is like outside of my box that is Sup Forums

Fallout 4 had several mistakes I hope they don't repeat.

Less voiced protag, more skills and skill checks, and have a level cap.

I like the gun and armor customization systems though.

Perhaps next game can have us play as an overseer to better justify settlement building activities. However instead of building a bunch of settlements outside, have one great one plus the vault.

Fallout is dead, don't even talk about it anymore, it just makes it harder for all of us.

I expect the next Fallout to have 2 dialogue options, 3 stats, XP earned only by completing quests and made in Gamebryo.

i never said it should end, i just dont think fallout should stay with bethesda, especially after 4
go back to Sup Forums

Stop replying to tripfags retard.

I expect the next game to be a soft reboot.

They'll try and transition it into a story driven action game with no free roam.

Free roam games are on the way out.

you first

How about a new IP?

A new IP requires a minimum of imagination. Bethesda have lost that a while ago.

sucks its come to that, oblivion is my fav game of all time and now the company is shit

and thus, the cycle continues

There is no hope for fallout or TES.

It's clear the route they wish to go and the jumping off point was Fallout 3 or arguably Oblivion, they've not made an actual good game worth buying on release since morrowind

Why are you getting hyped in the fist place if you don't like their games?

Yeah, it's pretty fucking sad. Oblivion was my first openworld RPG and Baldur's Gate 2 was my second, and now both Bethesda and Bioware suck ass.

They just need to let Obsidian work on the next one, NV showed what a competent dev can do with Bethesda assets.

honestly as much as Sup Forums hates skyrim, it was playable and pretty fun. Fallout 4 was just shit, the games literally get shittier and shittier each year, so we can only pray that nothing else happens

Nu-Male That Got Nu-ed by The World : The Post

Why is that that faggots already know this cycle still falls for it ?

>bioware sucks ass also
fuck man it still hurts, they made some of, if not my favorite series of rpgs, end my life

The problem is that Obsidian got fucked over with the NV deal, and Bethesda is too autistic to admit that Obsidian is better than them at making RPGs. Besides, it wouldn't save Fallout 4 shit dialogue system.

not gonna happen sadly, since NV did pretty poorly in bethesdas eyes, and didnt make a lot of money
>tfw we will never have a fallout game written by chris avelonne
fucking bethesda

Agreed, no more fallout please.

>where do you want it to take place?


> Fire the guys who design the weapons
> Put way more effort into the story and fucking remember that the game is meant to be about forging a path and not going down a linear road with occasional detours to save a SETTLEMENT NEEDS OUR HELP
> More area to walk around in, real life has plenty of empty space, just populate the areas around the roads and leave the rest basically just fields and farmhouses
> More real cities
> Dialogue that isn't "YES", "NO", "SARCASTIC YES", "TELL ME MORE"
> Elder Scrolls armor system
> Better yet, realistic armor system with belts and chest carriers and shirts and jackets
> MORE survival shit
> MORE methods of travel that aren't fast travel, the vertibirds were a step in the right direction
> MORE weapon modding that isn't total garbage on account of them basically being "Get the most expensive one and win"
> Make automatic weapons better
> Better combat AI; it's an RPG, make them react to suppression, cower in terror, surrender, flee
> So stuff like ambushing enemies based on info you gathered from talking to people or interrogating captured enemies
> Make factions feel more like factions and not like playground cliques, as the BoS did in 4
> More complexity and more depth in general
> No more voiced protagonist bullshit
> No more important predetermined story bullshit

Really I just want to play first person CRPG Jagged Alliance

You know they're not going to stop milking this cashcow until reaching Ass Creed levels of repetitiveness. Then they'll take a break and make a Fallout movie.


serious question-

was there ever a series that produced a turd like fo4 and managed to bounce back and make a great game?

> Who do you want making it (hypothetically)
Go back in time and see what Troika could have done with it.

>oblivion is my fav game of all time and now the company is shit

Oblivion was the first game where Bethesda showed that they really didn't give a fuck anymore. Morrowind was a step back in the complexity of Daggerfall in many ways but Oblivion is where they decided to throw out all the depth of the world and the lore they built up and replace it with a couple big-name actors and a shitty fully voiced sandbox.

I'd only concede that skyrim is fun to those who dislike the more RPG side of TES games, everything has been trimmed down and made uninteresting, the only good thing is the atmosphere.

It's the only TES game i've not finished to date, it felt so dull and mediocre i struggled to finish any of the main quests due to apathy and its' poor sense of scope and scale.

I think the stormcloak quest was resolved in 2 or 3 main quests.

In morrowind and Oblivion you actually had to travel around to branches of guilds to advance and do their quests, in skyrim you help someone out, they induct you in the guild and you're promoted within 3/4 game days to grandmaster of whatever order you joined

They don't have to make a great game for you. The games they make are considered great by their fans.

I personally think they make the greatest open-world games and I have played every latest open-world game including the 10/10 Witcher 3.

i guess it was a pretty big downgrade but i still loved it, thought the quests, world, and guilds were all really good

No, some games got okayish reboots but they were usually pretty different from the original series.

If Fallout 3 was released now it would have been called just Fallout and would have chucked out previous games canon and just be treated as the first game

Bring back:

Skill checks (not % based)

The jury's still out on voiced protagonist:

+ Voice acting was pretty decent
- Inhibits roleplaying
- Bloats the budget (dialogue for protagonist would be reduced)

i kinda likedFallout 3. Fallout 4 was dogshit tho

it's literally the only thing bethesda can do.

todd himself even said voiced protags didnt really work after all, so i think its safe to throw it out

No he didn't. He said the dialogue system was bad. Voiced protagonist will stay.

Vtmb was an unfinished mess and Arcanum was the only good thing they ever created.

Those nostalgia goggles must be on hard cause Troika would be shit.

zenibeth will never let go of the ip or let anyone else not under their umbrella make any entries in the series ever again.

it's only going to get worse, best we can hope for is the next game is the ass creed syndicate of the franchise that makes zenibeth let the franchise rest and maybe they make it decent again later.

I'd be happy if voiced protag were to disappear from TES/FO.

fuck my bad, both were pretty shit so i got them mixed up
i actually wouldnt really care for a voiced protag as long as the dialogue was gud

Now will be even more easier to take every perk/stat
You can become a leader of every fraction and get infinite generated quests
WATS is too dumb and Fallouty, so its removed
New dedicated button for cover for that "tactical" shooting
Now with more gays, females and doges
Every vault will have same shitty layout and same enemies with no backstory or quests.
Do ~12 of these and gather the masks of vault keepers.
Place masks on a pedestal and fight an ubermask.
At the end realize that radioactive dragon is your
and kill it.
After you are declared a hero of Sky... Wasteland
Choose whether the Cesar's legion or Mob Boys will hold the dominance in the area.
GG Fallout 5: Radioactive Scrolls

>Vtmb was an unfinished mess
so was NV, but it was good
would it really hurt to give them a chance? i mean how much worse could it be from bethesda doing it

Fallout 3 was okay but a step in the wrong direction.

People shouted oblivion with guns in every threads but they weren't necessarily incorrect.

They should have made fallout distinct enough from TES that they could have been more creative but now they've holed both franchises into the same genre and style.

Want to see what the next TES will look like? load up fallout 4 and play using the chinese sword.

You best believe settlements in the next TES will be just as shit with lots of "create your own cities"! bullshit as fallout 4.

pretty much this, they cant branch off enough from their previous games to make it feel like 2 different series. one of the big problems is the gamebryo engine imo

voiced protag only works in these games if they're well written. what good is having one when all you hear your character say is give me more caps, yes, i'll clear out that location, i'm with the minutemen, i'm here to help, and have you seen my son?

No more Bethesda Fallouts, they're so awful

much worse, NV at least was playable and had a lot of content and was supported post launch. Bethesda games might be shit but at least they "fix" the performance side of things sometimes.

If you want an older dev who should of created the next one you could have just argued it should never have left the original dev team or just give it to the team that did NV.

regardless of what people think about activision Troika just didn't have realistic expectations for the project and aren't a dead martyr people make them to be

i'll wait TES VI and then say what i think

The only thing I want is for:

. Todd Howard to step down.
. Bethesda to hire a competent team of VAs and Programmers that haven't tried anything new since Skyrim.

dont forget decent writers

Speaking of Fallout, anyone here want to meet up in Goodsprings and fuck shit up?

>Skyrim huge success
>Worldwide acclaim
>All the criticism covered by the huge success
>Bethesda notices the success and implements everything from Skyim (including the bad parts in an intensified way) to next Fallout 4
>Skyrim with guns- Fallout 4, with more Radiant quests, less to no good quests, shittier story, shittier characters and plot, shittier factions, etc.

It makes sense why Fallout 4 was meh.

they can make it different they're just too god damn lazy. they have a formula and they refuse to change it up.

they have re-used the sewer intro so many times its borderline comedic and then you go out into the world and do a shitty and short main quest padded with the same style of faction quests hubs.

new engine aint gonna change anything, they need to change their design philosophy first.

Requesting that greentext story that sums up how bizarre the F4 story is. It ends along the lines of Father saying

>I want you to make a synth version of me... BUT AS A 12 YEAR OLD

but the issue is that they don't work, there's too much variations of dialogue and subtle emotions that need to be conveyed by the actor to react to everything said or encountered leaving it to fall flat.

Look at the acting in star wars prequels where they have to react to shit that isn't there and how awkward and unresponsive it feels.

how do you act this out?

(Player character is looking at a giant mutant that is sentient and talks to him about science)
Player character: (amazed) Woah (beat) You can talk?

It's just difficult due to the fact they record lines seperately from the NPC's they're talking to and the direction given is unhelpful due to the fantastical nature.

There's too many npc's for them to all be voiced well and with passion, you can't have one guy voice 80 people and not phone some of the performance in just as you can't hire 90 voice actors for 90 roles cause it would be ruinous to the budget.

Voice acting in games only works if the game is created around the characters being voice acted with focused narratives that are mostly linear in structure.

fair enough, but bethesda will literally never do that. theyre making fucking bank, why would they change their base design. Fuck it sucks just thinking about it

There's always the "Bethesda money shot":

1. Character is withheld from the world
2. They manage to escape their circumstances
3. Their first unrestricted view of the world is the sprawling landscape that Bethesda have created.

I'm pretty sure most TES games and every Bethesda FO has done this.

I don't care what neo/v/ thinks. I just want a coop or multiplayer mode.

the point being made is that they don't want to change it, they're developing the two franchises in the same mould, that is the intention and that is how it will stay, each game is a prototype for the other franchises next game.

they're horribly messy and buggy because of this they need a new engine for one of the games in order to actually differentiate or be able to work on them better, gamebryo is a horrible engine that should have been scrapped after the first game

>Fuck it sucks just thinking about it

Just stop discussing and playing their games then you retard. It is like you want to force them to focus on things you like. You should know developers only care about money, they will try their hardest to please the mass audience. Which is not us, they are the normies that buy No Man's Sky.

>the 10/10 Witcher 3.


Still better than any Fallout or Tes game.

New engine wont change a thing. Bethesda is like USA network, every game/show is the exact same formula with different actors. They've gone full Ubisoft and they're at least 5+ years away from making their Far Cry Primal/Syndicate that will finally give them pause. Until then, don't buy their games.

did they have one of those in fo4? i never played it but it seemed like a way longer stretch till getting out of the vault

also morrowinds was kinda a far cry from that, when you come out of the boat your just at a dock and can see a handful of buildings and trees

fo3 and oblivion and nearly identical with that though

>woah, that dark dungeon/vault was so constrictive. LMAO OPEN SPACES SWEEET

user pls

It wasn't an rpg

basically an open world devil may cry *featuring gerault the edgelord

Care to say what's your 10/10, user?

i really didnt mind the combat, maybe i am a casual:^)

there are no 10/10 games

but most games are more enjoyable than witcher 3

>basically an open world devil may cry *featuring gerault the edgelord
>He didn't even play the game.
Yep, that's Sup Forums.

as much as you dislike it, its still an RPG

yes after your frozen you wake up stuck in the vault going oh my gosh what's happening and then you finally get the fuck out and it does the same sun blinding my how the world has changed shit.

about as much as MGSV was an rpg

Then I'll rephrase.
What is the best RPG you've ever played?

>most games are more enjoyable than witcher 3
contrarian pls

>Witcher shills on a Fallout thread

Now that explains all the shitposting.

shit nigga i wish it was more like dmc. i want the fucking insane flips and spin movies from w1 swordplay back.

still an RPG

>What do you want?
>"I want this"

You tool.

like a 5 way tie between Kotor Morrowind Crono Trigger FF9 Diablo2

>and a special shout out to NV

Well, that's just objectively wrong.

Oh shit and fo2 duh

and maybe replace diablo 2 with baldurs gate2

>Diablo 2
>an RPG

could never get into CT sadly, but nice list

>calls witcher an rpg
>but diablos not

taking it you never played any table top rpgs?

please no more fallout from bethesda
it's not funny how the series is so butchered and shit
do they even know what the quote war, war never changes mean?

These are some pretty good answers there, m8.
But do you really think that Morrowind or Kotor has better combat than W3?

Everywhere is overgrown with green like the one Fo4 mod.

Tons upon tons of different guns and gun types.
Quest and Dialogue trees with way the fuck more branching paths.
Multiple different starting options/backstory.
More guns mods similar to how MGS4 handled it.
More Survival mode variants. e.g. the damage changes in 4s survival mode, without the food/sleep/hunger/limitedsaves.
Ammo types like NV

I'll get literally none of these from a Bethesda made Fallout game.

You should try it again, it takes a little while to get into but its excellent

Chrono cross was no where near as good doh