Bethesda deletes/retcons something from TES lore

>Bethesda deletes/retcons something from TES lore
>OMG wait there totally is a lore explanation for that xDDD You see, time distortions™ created a whole new timeline where it never existed, retroactively deleting it from the past, but it's totally real! xD

Holy shit this is fucking embarrassing. Kill yourselves.

nice thread

>TES lore
Sorry autists, but rebranded Gnosticism isn't interesting.

I remember saving Kvatch before starting the main quest, and I'd just kill Martin over and over and every time I did he'd say "You shouldn't have done that".

name 5 game series with better lore without being contrarian

>muh timelines
This is what happens when you let a mentally deranged autist take over your series. Enjoy asspulls and time idiocy. Even Dragon Ball Super must have better story and lore at this point.

>Metal Gear
>Deus Ex
>Half Life
>Silent Hill

>hey guys today I decided Talos retroactively killed the jungles of Cyrodiil and changed them into temperate zone because no reason xD He also changed it retroactively in time! That's why it's not jungles in Oblivion
Wow, awesome that really makes you think.

>ESO: the book that informed of the jungles was simply wrong

>being this much of a pleb
the retconning of Cyrodiil was shitty, but the explanation made sense.
TESO was bullshit though.

Who cares about whether an area is a jungle or not? What about the increasingly shallower gameplay, the tired Tolkien races, the continued dumbing down, a fucking MMO...nope, better get angry because an area that was a jungle is no longer a jungle!


Not even talking about that. I've just seen people unironically say that Ebonarm is real but was deleted from the timeline when it's a simple fucking retcon. I'm not sure why people feel obliged to explain retcons in lore terms.

>metal gear

>alternate timelines xDD is a valid respectable plot device and not an asspull to explain whatever the fuck you want
Kill yourself.

TES lore is garbage.



Fuck off.

Is there a list of these retcons?

>Metal Gear
>Deus Ex
>Silent Hill

Most retcons happen between Daggerfall and Redguard. Daggerfall has a lot of differences and trying to justify everything is plain retarded.

They're being ironic.

>inb4 BATED xDDD

Faggot xD

Deus Ex is literally fucking all your games right up the ass.

Find one commercial source which will disagree. I'll wait.