>Shooting mechanics look solid
>Movement is extremely fluid
>Ship combat also appears to have polish
Why is everyone shitting on this? I don't understand
>Shooting mechanics look solid
>Movement is extremely fluid
>Ship combat also appears to have polish
Why is everyone shitting on this? I don't understand
People are finally playing this and still don't know what you're supposed to do
neo-Sup Forums is a meme laden, agenda driven wasteland of drive-by shitposts aime at silencing any discussion that does not strictly adhere to the groupthink consensus
It became mainstream to hate CoD. The newer ones actually have quite a bit of innovation in them since the dev team was trying to recapture their old sales by doing something new, but the mob rules all and the mob says that CoD is shit.
This new one looks interesting, I might pick it up if I can get a definitive edition on sale.
>It became mainstream to hate CoD
>read articles about the initial trailer
>people got hyped seeing the intro
>CoD logo shows up
>people get mad
>mass starts getting disillusioned by CoD
>CoD starts changing things up
>mass now hate CoD for no reason
my sides
I love how we're going in circles
Sci-fi shooters -> WWII shooters -> modern setting shooters -> sci-fi shooters again
I've disliked cod for years and I genuinely don't understand the hate this game got. I actually thought it looked pretty decent, like they were finally trying to do something different. I guess people do like the same game every year.
>mfw 2nd time ive been though this cycle
getting way too old for this shit
Its mainstream to hate on CoD now
Yeah, BLOPS 3 was fun.
But I hope they wont fuck up the PC port this time.
This banks on the idea that ship control segments actually GIVE you some sort of control as oppose to a tightly choreographed sequence that might as well be a cutscene.
And now Sup Forums is going to defend it because it has a new layer of glitz glued onto it
Do you honestly expect this to be somehow different? Or unquie? How many times do you have to be swindled into buying the same game over and over with minor changes?
multiplayer remains to be seen, the genre actually has originality, but how will the future weapons play out is the question.
You can compare weapon diversity with other games easily, such as Blackline:Retribution to the COD weapon feeling. There needs to be enough uniqueness which they've failed to do, along with customisation weight.
Because its taking longer than planed. That's literally it. Its taking time to come out and because of the amount of money they want another tortanic so they can have something to shitpost about.
I just keep a pulse on it. Once I see a "We quit" then I'll feel cheated. As long as they work on it I'll be fine.
I actually like that although they keep adding weird things like wallruns and jetpacks, that at its core, the game is still the exact same run and gun arcadey fun.
I don't know why people keep wanting to turn CoDs into the latest battlefields, or vice versa. Normfags are weird about it, and unfortunately some of them use Sup Forums
I don't know.
I haven't playing CoD since MW2 but I might get this.
It's almost like people are retarded
>Sup Forums expects a game series like COD that has never really had solid vehicle controls to instantly have full functioning space ships in the span of one new entry
It's going to be an on rails shooting mission that only lasts for one single mission.
I have to agree. If They give control and I can get into dog fights in multiplayer it might be worth a shot. But all we have now is a neat space trailer.
I legit haven't played a CoD game since CoD4 and I don't know why everyone is hating on this so much. I'm a sucker for sci-fi and space so I may be biased a bit, but this looks awesome? I might actually buy it.
It's out already?!??! And how drastic is the change that you don't know what to do? Follow the "follow" sign and shoot people, right?
can you no mans sky fags find your way into literally one of the other 50 nms threads
No, Sup Forums is going to defend it because now it's the contrarian thing to do.
I thought this was everspace for a second.
What happened to that?
They already confirmed it wasn't on rails.
I like some of the Call of Duty games, but the campaigns always really suck. They look impressive, but it's just way too linear even by modern FPS standards. They try and fool you into thinking there's multiple types of game mechanics, but you're essentially watching a cutscene with minimal control.
I have no problem with this.
I'm looking forward to AAA WW1/WWII games on modern hardware starting with BF1
Who else here plays COD only for campaign and BF for multiplayer?
I play cod for both SP and MP, and BF for MP. I haven't touched a BF story in such a long time, they aren't as entertaining as cods SP.
muh secret club
Being THIS retarded
Normies hate it because it's set in space and therefore nerdy shit. People like us hate it because it's yet the fuck another CoD and all the wall-running and ship gimmicks in the world won't keep it from having the same underlying shooting mechanics.
Sup Forums opinion becomes popular opinion and ruins a franchise
They could have just given a different name if the CoD name is really tainted.
No user made dedicated servers,
No modding tools,
No purchase.
the cod name still sells millions, its public perception just isn't as good as it used to be
now battlefield is getting all the good press
That doesn't make sense because Halo was set in space and that was popular normie shit
>Infinity Ward
>not fucking up the PC port
pick one
As of July 2, 2016, the trailer has received more than 3 million dislikes and is the second most disliked video on YouTube. It has since, however, also become the most liked Call of Duty trailer to date.
Really makes you think
Yeah, but Halo is no longer en vogue. It was dethroned by MW2 in the XBL charts in 2009 and never recovered its top position. Maybe tastes are shifting back, but given the kicking and screaming I've seen from normies over how they're changing to space sci-fi over modern """""""realistic""""""" settings, I doubt it. I'll gladly eat my words if it means I don't have to look at another fucking desert for the rest of the decade.
Also, Halo was actually good. And is starting, albeit slowly, to recover from the hole it shat through the bed with Reach, 4, and MCC.
None of the shit you see in three trailer is going to apply to the mp its still going to be 8v8 on a tiny map
I'm probably going to regret asking this but, what's the most disliked video then?
Isn't the standard to hate cod and worship battlefield games?
The all-female Ghostbusters trailer
And they're also holding the cod4 remake those people want hostage behind the pre-order of the deluxe edition
Right now for normfags, yes.
>ever playing MP other than co-op in a shooter
Oh okay. That's not what I expected but I'm sort of relieved.
Everyone's mad because there's apparently nothing too do. I dont really care desu the game just looks fun to explore and shit.
>Looking forward to BF1
Haha oh wow
It also has the second highest dislike ratio, first is some rick perry thing
You know this is the new call of duty right.
god damn what a bunch of retards
The campaign does look really interesting and fun. I love scifi-ey campaigns because they bring in lots of interesting new tech (though the stuff in AW was kind of boring and plain aside from the tracking nade)
But IW has been really bad at level design post MW2, and has always been really bad at gun balance period. I don't trust them with the multiplayer, the only devs I do trust with COD mp are Treyarch honestly.
I'll honestly probably buy it just for COD4 remastered. $80 is worth another 2 years (because let's be honest, both IW and AW2's populations will die off and we'll be left with BO3 and COD4remastered with decent playerbases until BO4/WaW2/ whatever they make) of reliving COD4 memories and such. Then Treyarch will probably do something similar with a WaW remastered to celebrate its 10th anniversary, and I'll get another 3 years of that
Never felt so good to live in the past.
It's call of duty
WaW is still the second most played PC game in the cod series
>Infinity Ward
>Releasing good PC versions
Fucking lol
There's only one COD developer that has given any shits about PC since 2008, and ironically it's the one that started with a COD that was console exclusive
Different times. Now scifi is considered "childish" and "unrealistic".
The thing "in" right now are rape-prone, asshole-populated, gritty and realistic fantasy works like GoT or The Witcher
Fun fact, it has similar view counts and number of likes to previous COD trailers.
The dislikes are either a meme or more likely paid dislikes (cheap as fuck to purchase) from EA. The trailer itself did not disappoint actual COD fans.
Watched a Youtube vidya that explained it pretty well OP
>games been in development for 4 years
>4 years ago people bought up the newest CoD and didnt care about all the futuristic bullshit
>4 years later (now) people are sick of all the futuristic bullshit and want a WW1 or 2 setting
>Developer explains its been in development for too long and theyre doing the best they can to make what they have great
No, Black ops 2 is. WaW is next.
That said, that's what happens when all the DLC is free of charge, your game is open to modding, and there's so much potential with zombies modding.
The people playing mp in WaW are complete cancer now though. It's all crouch only shitters that can't handle people playing shooters at a normal fucking pace.
BF1 has less features than BF3.
I wonder what Fantasy CoD would look like?
>buying a ship for 3 months for $45
?????? it's shit fuck off.
I'm not paying sixtee fucking dollars for this one segment
>COD only for campaign
Zombies is the true experience. It's the 90% of the reason why BO3 is the best top 3 cods to date behind BO1/2
>Treyarch's face when they timed everything perfectly, BO1 came out when people were getting tired of modern setting and wanted something new (70s/80s), BO2 came out right around the time people wanted future setting and marked the beginning of that craze, BO3 came out right at the end of the craze but enough to fully capitalize on it, and then they'll come out with WaW 2 right when people want another WW2 shooter or possible Cold War (vietnam, afghanistan-russia, korea etc.) shooter
They're literally the ones setting the trend right now. Playing the market like a fiddle.
No, BO2 has ~400 players
WaW has ~1000
BO3 has the most (~10000), hence second most.
Honestly the 'dislike the cod video like the bf video' meme was probably a marketing plot by EA that Facebookfags fell for
>mfw finding out people actually WANTED Ghosts 2
How can humans be so fucking tasteless.
Official Black Ops rankings list
>Single player
WaW (russia) > BO1 > BO2 > BO3 > WaW (America)
BO2 > BO3 > WaW > BO1
>Zombies (with dlc)
WaW > BO3 = BO1 > BO2
BO3 might pass up BO1 in zombies if the last zombie dlc map is good. WaW was perfect though. Only Shi no numa was debateable quality, rest of the maps were great.
zombies have never ever been good in anything in the entire multiversal history of humanity
Black Ops 2 was one of the best-selling most popular CoDs and that was the intro to futuristic. Only a minority is sick of futuristic CoD, the trailer has the most likes out of any CoD reveal. Infinity Ward knew what they were doing making it space/far future. They wanted to keep it appealing, and bring something new to the mix as well.
You're looking at the wrong file. That's BO2 singleplayer. Multiplayer is at 3100 right now.
Yea, there are 400 players playing BO2 single player (not even the zombies, which is at 700) right now, which is literally more than are playing AW's mp. What a fucking blunder
>Objective: stop the kingdom of lovestralia terrorists trying to take over the well of souls
>Press [e] to pick up the EM-126 automatic crossbow
On the other hand, Infinite Warfare is going to be the same old glorification of the military and our brave boys in uniform and the sacrifices they make in the name of yada yada yada
Whereas Blops 3 took the gritty and cynical angle with the CIA fucking shit up around the world for its own interests and you getting caught up in the consequences. No heroes, no saving the world. I think that really set the tone more than just having futuristic stuff.
Infinite Warfare looks to basically just be the American MW campaigns in space. Hoorah and all that shit.
It's so boring, it never tries to do anything interesting. It's why the Battlefield 3/4 campaigns suck ass too. the best parts about the MW and MW2 campaigns are the SAS / Task Force 141 missions, besides the nuke going off or Shephard betraying you, those are the missions everyone remembers as being great.
Infinity Ward just can't figure out how to set a good narrative it seems like. Treyarch figured out as early as WaW that people want to see a different side of war for once.
That part in Black Sky with the explosion's smoke that covers the street actually reminds of some missions from MW2 like the DC mission. It looks like its shaping up to have a solid story to me. I don't like how they abandonned the Black Ops 2 storyline and BOIII seemed nearly standalone. You still save the world from that black-smole AI at the end.
>Black Ops 3 said they would change this
>instead of following somebody you just go to X
This shit got me so fucking pissed.
>You still save the world from that black-smole AI at the end.
No you don't
Because that AI doesn't exist
This is an objective fact.
The problem with IW is that they copy paste set pieces.
Fucking every single MW game ends the same way, with you on the ground about to die, but then your buddy gives you a chance to kill the bad guy.
I think the distinction I'm trying to make is that IW is space opera, and Blops3 is cyberpunk.
black ops 3 storyline stems from black ops 2. The reason why things are the way they are in the future is due to the shit from the previous games. The D.E.A.D system was made because of the antagonist from 2. Its all in the details, not just put up front in your face.