Just bought VVVVVV, Downwell, Mega Man Legacy Collection, and Enter the Gungeon on PSN. How'd I do Sup Forums?
Just bought VVVVVV, Downwell, Mega Man Legacy Collection, and Enter the Gungeon on PSN. How'd I do Sup Forums?
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That guy has the same lips as that girl, but with less chapstick.
>buying an emulator
I hope you didn't pay full price for it
It's twincest, baby.
I'm gunna kill myself.
It was $15 for 6 Mega Man games. I'll probably get 20-30+ hours out of it, so not a bad deal.
>you will never fuck both of them and then shoot yourself
that's a man
I raise you a meme edit
It's literally an emulator though. You paid $15 for an emulator that's otherwise free
Pepe should look sad.
yea i assumed they were brother/sister they got the same face
Everything's free when you steal it.. But why would I steal unless I'm a poor degenerate who wants the devs I support to fail?
How poor and pathetic do you have to be to steal a $15 game that you can easily get 30+ hours out of?
Where the fuck have you been the last 2 years?
Actually they should both be Wojak.
>muh supporting devs
Fuck off faggot
If it was a decent port to the console it would make sense. But to take an emulator and charge $15 for it is close to thievery
Also, I hope you didn't pay full price for Downwell or Enter the Gungeon either
fucking kek
pepe is a changed man, he's very smug now
god tier
pretty good
>Mega Man Legacy Collection
good games that you could emulate in 5 minutes for free
>Enter The Gungeron
pretty great
3/4 have fun senpai
literally stop being poor.
I will probably get a combined 60+ hours out of Gungeon and Downwell for only $20. I'm not going to wait for a sale when I'm already getting 3 hours of content per dollar.
I'm not poor. But that doesn't mean I'm going to pay full price for games that are not worth it. That's just retarded.
You're the same guy from a few days ago, right?
i thought vvvvvv was free
I mean when they were in my backlog, I was waiting on a sale, but now I'm ready to play them so no use waiting for a sale to save just a few bucks.
And what guy from days ago?
There was a guy a few days ago that asked if he should buy VVVVVV, Downwell and Enter the Gungeon on PSN. He acted like a fucking retard.
The only free version I can find is a demo