Leave it to the fans to take Skyrim and create an actually good game with it.
Leave it to the fans to take Skyrim and create an actually good game with it
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Skyrim's combat mechanics are so inherently shit that it can't be fixed.
that looks like some shit korean mmorpg
At least magic works this time around.
what's that
Doesn't fix everything else shitty about it and its still on gamebryo.
what mod op
i like how you're trying to say that poster is a redditor yet your picture has an imgur file name
They fixed it in Skyrim Remastered along with completely overhauling the graphics engine and implementing an attribute system to replace the perk trees. Also I hear they're working on spellcrafting and a bunch of new animations. Definitely worth checking out.
Based on what they've managed to do with the engine before, Gamebryo is incapable of movement that has any weight behind it which is the biggest problem of Bethesda's games. It feels like you're floating through the world instead of the character walking in it. This makes any melee combat fucking shit in it and the ranged isn't much better.
They need to dump that piece of shit and move onto a new engine before any of their games are worth checking out.
>good game
>quest markers on compass
>unfound places still show up on compass
>there's a compass at all
nearly got me there
That looks like shit. Original is more realistic. I know this because I've been outside once.
can't you turn the compass off in default skyrim though?
Is this Ermagherd, or whatever the fuck? is it in English yet?
>reddit filename
>defending skyrim's combat
That's one thing I love about summer more than the weather
Where can I see the attribute, spellcrafting, and attributes?
>start the game for the first time
>it has no map or compass or anything similar
>get a quest
>''go to place and gather some thing''
>you are supposed to know exactly where the place is and what the thing looks like
Fuck you.
>go to college for the first time
>not given a compass or guide dog or anything similar
>have a class
>"go to the economics building"
>You are supposed to know exactly where the place is and how chairs work
The difference is that the map clearly states economics building while shore of pond #53245 does not
>start the game for the first time
>it has no map or compass or anything similar
>get a quest
>''go to place and gather some thing''
>ask from the quest giver or other npcs where said place is
>eventually find it
Enderal? About fucking time.
>can't even follow simple directions
I don't know WHY I bother!
Just checked, not in English yet.
>ask a quest giver or other npcs where said place is
>they just keep repeating the same unrelated line over and over again
Luckily this mod will likely not work with remastered ed :DDDD
Imagine what would happen if Bethesda released an actually good game.
Modding community would create a fucking masterpiece with it.
It's not that the games are SHIT. More so that bethesda thrives on creating games with high expectations and performing at juuust below average. Mods usually mop that though, and I have probably put something like a thousand hours into skyrim with mods, while vanilla was worth...maybe 20?
>Skyrim will never have Dark Messiah of Might and Magic combat
I have never played games as glitchy as Bethesda games.
It's as if they create fuck-tonnes of content, but never bother to beta test any of it.
>>I have never played games as glitchy as Bethesda games.
You've never played Dark Souls?
enderal fucking when
I have. It's glitchy, but not bethesda glitchy.
I don't know. Even Beth games don't start flipping out when you raise the framerate over 30.
I'd wager you have, but you let them off because they're either better games, or come from better devs. Fuck, Witcher III was so fucked that you couldn't move properly until they patched it, but i'd defend CD Projekt nevertheless. New vegas was glitchy as hell, but we forgive it because it's good enough.
Bethesda makes average games, so the glitches show up harder.
what are you on about
i mean pc port is fucking shit but I recently clocked 980 hours in DaS and the only serious glitch I remember was getting stuck in a wall when fighting Nito.
>he doesn't even know you can turn it off
Classic Sup Forums, shitting on games they haven't played
Thats pretty common practise though: tying physics to frame-rate.
Dark Souls was intended for consoles bare in mind, so a handful of glitches will just come from porting.
>locational damage
>AI improvement mods (they block more and try to utilize the locational damage mod)
>damage tweaks
>armor tweaks
idk, with a few mods, it gets a whole lot better than vanilla. Still not amazing, but not bad either.
It's a pretty sloppy practice, is what you meant to say. First time I played with DSFix I couldn't stop falling through the floor.
I've also never seen Beth AI fuck up as bad as Dark Souls' AI does on a regular basis. All in all I would say Dark Souls is glitchier, but TES games are more prone to crashing (bad RAM allocation if some folks are to be believed).
>Bethesda makes games that are interesting and immersive enough that people actually want to spend time making and installing mods
face it, you are slaves to Todds vision
>incapable of movement that has any weight
>floaty combat
I always hear this argument but I never really get it, how is it supposed to have weight. Any examples?
None of those fix the basic system and its animations being unsuited for precise control. Compare that to, say, Dark Messiah's combat, which is fast and responsive, and actually allows you to control your weapons' strike zones. Not that it matters a lot, but you can do it.
physics get messed up over 60 fps in skyrim
Skyrim is a much more compelling experience as a porn game.
Read the post you replied to again.
damn nigger, archery is GOAT
and the killcam is the best looking of any game. better than dark souls
and you can mod combat to make it very challenging but not fucking retarded hard. this is called balance
Meme souls cóż swords weight like 30kg
When the fuck is it coming out though. They said between 1-15. august and it would be typical to release it on the night of the 15th. I wanted this weekend to enjoy it :(
is enderal english finally out?
>not an argonian qt
you had one job user
yeah and that's hilarious.
I encourage anyone to start a new game with unlocked framerate.
Meme Souls still has floaty combat without impact because the devs only enabled hitstop on only a handful of enemies in the entire game.
>mobile posting Polack, shitting on souls
Go and play your Shitter 3, you euromexican faggot.
dragons dogma and monster hunter av a decent weighty feel to their greatswords. Like, very slow start up as you build momentum and then you slam the sword. In Skyrim you just slash it slowly around, and stuff like arc doesn't matter whatsoever, just point in someones general direction and click
ArmA 3 levels of bad animations, still better than nothing at all
Its the go to meme for people jerking off over W3 and/or souls games
This looks like a mod for oblivion
Still imperfect, but it's an attempt.
I haven't heard about anyone claiming W3 has good weighty combat, it's okayish but feels floaty
>souls games
is it in fucking english finally?
>dragons dogma and monster hunter av a decent weighty feel to their greatswords.
>weapons behave like they weigh tens times as much as their real world counterparts
>mobile posting Polack,
>liking sweating and boiling for 4 months straight
fucking kill youself
>looking forward to Enderal
>same team as Nehrim
Oh boy! I can't wait for the NEXT po-faced, paint-drying simulator from a group of obsessed German autists!
But you literally just made it worse.
Even if you didn't, a graphics overhaul was not the first, second, or third thing Skyrim needed.
Phone autocorrected your "cuz" to "cóż"
Well it's a videogame, why not exaggerate the idea that they are heavy to emphasize "satisfaction"
works for me
>loving summer weather
Man fuck you. I sweat like a bitch and can't cool off constantly. Trying to sleep is hell.
So basically to fix the combat in skyrim, we'd need better animations, some camera effects to simulate feedback from hitting something and locational damage? also this
Its like every w3 thread, but they pretty much just masturbate non stop and argue with anyone who says it isn't a 10/10 game in every aspect
doesn't look half bad.
i didn't think its that bad but im not picky
That's garbage.
I've seen better stuff made in sfm.
Just let Arkane work out a melee system without constricting them with stupid deadlines and engine limitations.
>loving summer weather
ah its a normie redditor trys to blend in episode
It's interactive
Nah, there's way more to it than that. The game's combat doesn't feel like it uses a 3D space well enough. As I said, all you do is press a button to produce a hitbox in front of you. I don't even think you can hit more than a single target using a greatsword without a level 100 perk. The game doesn't even have combos. It needs impressive combos where you slash broad swings at groups of enemies, upwards slashes to hit flying targets or just launch enemies upwards, stuff like that.
You have a single fact to back that up?
>constant 40C
>four showers a day
>people on the streets smell like shit
yeah, fucking awesome.
oh fuck off. With mods it's heaps better than shit like Witcher and Dragon age.
It's a game this time though.
it just werks
To add to this, stop fucking locking the player's controls when doing attacks. Skyrim feels like it locks you up with every second attack animation, and it feels awful.
Compare that to Dark Messiah, where your controls are never ever taken away from you and you can adjust your aim any time, save for some finisher animations (some of which still allow you to redirect hits if needed).
well this is pretty boring
>leg lock happens
I think the Gears of War series really nailed it with movement and combat feeling heavy and immersive.
That would alienate first person entirely, wouldn't it?
just download requiem laddy
probably, but if first person is what's keeping them from making the gameplay not trash then they need to let it go
It's made with an COMPLETELY DYNAMICE ENGINE what other source do you need?
I wanted to like Requiem but everything just oneshots you constantly while you have to hit them a million fucking times, so you have to refrain from doing even beginner quests and run around killing rats and wolves for 10 levels instead
What if I only play skyrim in first person
Any sensible person does, what's your point? Third person is just the same as first except you get to see those shitty animations
>Anything more than a shit game that has some fun mods to play
How do people even play vanilla without uninstalling?
Nah, magic is fun with mods.
i play once through completely vanilla
still had more fun than i did with Witcher 3
Enderal, English Version should come out this Month.
You can easily one shot bandits in fur armor
That's not the point, alienating first person entirely means alienating others like me. You're losing potential customers. If it's third person only, you'd have a different approach to combat design. But reality is first person is an integral part of the game and you have to design around it. Out right removing is just lazy.
But then again.
Vermintide and Dark Messiah.
Especially Vermintide is great for that. Swinging a warhammer and knocking half a dozen ratmen flying with satisfying sound effects is something everyone should experience to appreciate satisfying melee.