Game has Necromancer as a class that you can either choose from the start or specialize in later on

>game has Necromancer as a class that you can either choose from the start or specialize in later on
>you don't actually do all that much Necromancy
>you just cast curses, debuffs and raise 1-2 skeletons/zombies
>can't even become a Lich later on

This is bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Describe the ideal necromancer to us, user.

Also, would you settle for a lich transformation?

I want more to it.

I want to actually learn necromancy, not just find a random scroll and then cast the same spells over and over. I want to pore over ancient tomes. I want to summon and bind spirits to learn their wisdom. I want to enslave my enemies and put their souls in dead cats. I want to build up an underground kingdom beneath a city cemetery.

Even the path to lichdom shouldn't be a simple task. Hell, make it something that quite possibly could take you a significant portion of the game. Gathering ingredients, learning the magic required for the ritual, then learning how to create your phylactery, how to protect it and so on.

I mean, this is just the very basics.

I'm not even the kind of guy who can come up with good ideas/concepts for a video game, but even to me it seems so fucking obvious how they should go about this.

I want a necromancer that specializes in animals and dinosaurs and not some bitch ass human skeletons

What is going on in this thread?!

This, I want to have snake skeletons, bear skeletons and dragon skeletons or even demon skeletons fucking shit up

Necromancers should really hang out at museums more often

shit tier Necro classes cast debuffs and curses and attack spells

god tier Necro classes spawn a billion goddamn skeletons everywhere to fuck you up

Guild Wars had pretty good necromancers, GW2 not quite on the same level but reaper is fun as fug.

If Paladins are the counters to necromancers, then what are the counters to Paladins?

Mentioning guild wars 2 is blasphemy, how can 'becoming a wraith' be consider a necromancer y power. Flawed game engine that can't handle mobs.

One of the elite skills is literally you being a lich, fuck off fag.

Double Paladins

Dominions 4 motherfucker


Real men, who don't hide behind pussy ass magic.

Gary Stu's.
When was the last time a level 90 Paladin with The Enchanted Witness' armor with +90 int, chr, str, dex, beat a Gary stu like Kirito?

Becoming a Lich is a power ranger transformation power, how about fucking no.
At least in Tactics Ogre you class change, you need a rare item to class change into human again. Shit makes sense.

Nothing much

No, you don't become a lich, you get some edgy awsum grim reeper power-up
Gw2 necromancer is a travesty with the shitty squirell zombies and other awful designs

I've found one skyrim mod that does it fairly well, nowhere near a full game worth of content but if your craving it this should do something for you.

You must dissect and disembowel your enemies and carve curses onto their bones.

Different bones can be cursed to do different things.

Hands can grab and disarm people.
Feet can trip people and kick them.
Spine becomes a whip.
Arms become weapons.

Or turn their corpse into skeleton and let it fight for you instead.

>Power literally makes you be a lich

Shut up fag.

>Raise an army of the undead
>Use them as a cheap source of labor
>Rent them out to build roads, schools, hospitals, farms
>Rent them out to protect areas from bandits and faggot subhumans like goblins and paladins
>Do this all over the world
>Soon take over the world not through conquest, but by being so fucking rich that I can buy everyone

It's obvious you have zero idea what a lich actually is.
But whatever, you like gw2, that's enough to tell what kind of person you are.

>skeletons become more intelligent as you want them to do more things
>they start to rebel and attack you

>Different universe doesn't use the same rules of necromancy/magic as another


You clearly have a shitty opinion and should neck yourself. A lich is a lich, bitch.

there's a mount and blade: warband mod that lets you raise an army consisting skeletons, zombies, shadows (or shades whatever they're called)
you can also raise the dead from the enemy army to fight along your side

Causes them to fall all the time.


>there's a porn game where you play as a succubus and have sex with mortals
>can also build your lair
>and crossbreed creatures to become guards

Think it was Fleshcult or something.

Too bad there's no necro version of it.

You cannot just be a lich for five minutes, being a lich is commitment.

>Different universe doesn't use the same rules of necromancy/magic as another

>A lich is a lich

>game has Monks
>can't reach a realm where you can fly, run on rain drops and spout confusing bullshit to everyone, effectively changing all your dialogue
Necromancers are shit by the way.

>Game has a thief class
>you can't sneak
>You can't steal
>You're just some cunt with a knife

Like he and I are saying, GW2 version of a Lich is retarded as fuck. It's just a skin for an avatar mode, that's not what a fucking Lich is.
GW2 version is just a wraith knight a real Lich would summon. You don't sacrifice anything, it's muh cooldown timer.

GW1 had necromancer down well, summon minions from fallen corpses, the more you kill the stronger you are. GW2 is a failed game in that respect.

>you just cast curses, debuffs
Honestly I find most games that have a necromancer option skip the curses and debuffs and anything that ISN'T raising skeletons/zombies.
If anything I want more death and soul spells from video game necromancers and less mindless minion raising. Something more like the 3.5 wizard necromancer school than just putting it all on undead minions.

>failed game

That's a bit excessive. Necro is fun as hell to play as, and I think they've done the best job possible considering we're talking about a MMO.

Actually, you can, it's called Lich Form you ignoramus because you BECOME A LICH for x amount of time. Make your own game if you want to have a way to play as a lich permanently. Or wait for Chronicles of Elyria to come out.

My eternalregret is only starting to play GW1 after the Necro got life degradation on his minions, stopping those 30 minion rapetrains I've heard so much about
Still pretty great tho

GW1 was also an MMO

Actually it was a CRPG, not an MMO.

Not really, it was a crpg, as in cooperative or competitive role playing game
Instances son

>game has necromancy
>it doesnt start working until merciless difficulty

shit game doesn't count

>GW1 had necromancer down well, summon minions from fallen corpses
Minion Master was a decent PvE build but all of GW1 necro's best builds revolved around powerful curses like Spiteful Spirit or death magic like Discord. All of it was viable though, and the reason why GW1 necromancers are my favorite vidya ones. They get more than just some debuffs or some minion raising. They pretty much covered the entire necromancy schtick.

Fuck off faggot, the only shit game is your favorite game

And while raising the dead from corpses is a neat idea, it's not exactly practical. GW2 did a good job streamlining it and making each minion have their unique purpose in the form of active abilities.
Still, lichform is pretty shit. Would have been far more fun if it was a toggle that gave bonuses and penalties.

>you raise a golem who while useful at first becomes more sentient later on as you level him up so he basically becomes Frankenstein's monster, starting to question his place in the world
>it culminates in him killing some important figure and you're forced to take him down
>you have an option where you fake his death and sends him on a boat away, never to see him again;_;


Too bad the minion AI was so bad they were unuseable for the first year the game was out. Possibly more but I dropped it before it was ever fixed.

this could actually be pretty cool, a necromancer with the same personality as the protagonist in taxi driver, disgusted with the filth of the world and wanting to clean up the mess, albeit in a some what misguided way

It's a successful marketing scheme that converted casuals. There's that toad pasta that explains in details what went wrong.

You can enjoy the game, I did too since the environmental world is stellar, but boy did they take their gigantic strap on dildo and fuck the plot, story mechanic 'which was a strong GW1 point', Class balance, for trivialized gameplay lacking game.

Even the Necromancer and Ranger class suffered because the game code couldn't handle the minions shared in a game world, so they put off patching them for a two years.

They were lucky they had so much raw potential from strong foundations to work off of.

Asura and Sylvari are also some of the shitiest races I've seen in an mmorpg.

>minion AI

Don't remember if the devs gave the Necro a attack button like with Rangers. Haven't played in some time.

Still a good game though. Arguably the best available on the market.

>Game has a ninja or assassin class
>you can't sneak
>you can't silently eliminate anyone
>you're just some cunt with daggers or shurikens

You fuckers don't know what you want.

Death Knights

>game has a bounty hunter class
>you can actually collect bounties, including on other players

thank you SWG

>game was a warrior class
>somehow capable of doing as much if not more than literally any other class available
>even when the same game has a class that could basically just be "warrior but with magic" at the same time
>it's not a more "versatile" class that has to struggle to meet ends or band together, it's just a dude with a sword that manages to do as much damage as falling meteors

Really exist in D&D, their spells only cause wounds and do evil stuff in general, like spitting in the village well to spread diseases through the water.

>like spitting in the village well to spread diseases through the water

Loo-li-loo I can do that as any class by taking a dump in the well.

Anyone can counter a Paladin so long as they're smart about it. You just need to manipulate them into doing what they believe is the right thing but in the 'bigger picture' ends up causing extensive damage to society as a whole. Their faith is their strength so defeating one is as simple as robbing their faith in themselves as well as the people around them.

That's kind of a shit name

>no game with an alchemist class with the end game ability of a philosopher's stone which you use to buy your way to the top and from there you from time to time roll into other kingdoms with your wealth and crash the gold prices causing mass economic instability which you use to further buy influence in the world
I really liked the idea that Fable 2 was going for, of rising from nothing to riches, always keeping that castle on the hill in the distance as your dream (like Griffith). Of course that idea is really hard to implement, and as usual with Molynuex it turned to nothing, but the idea is still nice.

We do, and that's the game to accommodate the class you are playing.

Be a mage class, have to hunt for spells around the world, from ancient libraries / unique quests for magical societies.
Be a thief, game has shadow / stealth mechanics. Get targeted due to bounty from infamy. Infiltrate like lupin - heist stealing shit from royal manors.
Be a warrior - attend an acadamy, fight in a war.
Be a hunter, be a pioneer for a new settlement of the nation.
Be a priest, spread the influence of your faith in other zones - start up holy wars.

Be apart of a guild, fight in guild wars.
Be apart of a nation, fight in PvP territories.

Let monster waves occur and destroy the fuck out of towns from neglecting normal quests. The mmo genre has been left untouched because people can't figure out how 'NOT' to code following a casual based formula so one class can experience all.

>love BM ranger in GW1
>forced pet in 2 feels awful

Shit like this is why I play pen and paper RPGs. No vidya can encompass all classes properly.

Well, Tales of MajEyal has a alchemist class. Pretty good one too if I say so.

Be a Necromancer, kill strong people inorder to turn them into powerful minions. Do the unholy, be chased by Paladins / Church. All these other things people have already mentioned, like creating a lair, just make the absolution of power of your class the fucking journey of the game.

It makes you a giant green neon baramonster that spams 1 because skills 2-5 are bad, right? Then they get turned into a bird by some pink butterfly man who was walking by. I'm PRETTY SURE that's what a lich is, right?

>Game has a ninja or assassin class
>you can't sneak
>you can't silently eliminate anyone
>you're just some cunt with daggers or shurikens
>you don't even get to wear cool masks

They could of at least given pets environmental power ups so you have a reason to care for them / unique stats / breeding mini game.

Like your home base is a small ranch, make them breed into rarer versions depending on the rare feed you find into different evolutionary paths.

They haven't. IT'S LE THEMATIC! They don't have brains, you see.

True, but an extremely devoted Paladin, depending on that universes lore, can be as powerful as a demi-god. Only way to take them down is to shatter their faith

Not really thematic as much as a gameplay decisions. In PvP, minions can be a real pain in the ass, and if the Necro could send them out it would be insanely strong.

The class does lose a bit of its charm though because of it, but it's completely understandable.

>Be a mage class
>Be a thief
Oblivion do these really well while being part of the same game. That's what makes it so great, that you know that within this same experience there are these different experiences contained within it. Unfortunately it's really hard to squeeze these different class fantasies into the same product, for instance to get all the necromancer stuff in you'd have to make a game based on being a necromancer. The dream would be this massive RPG that contains all these things within the same game. The only way to make that work would be to cram 10games into 1 though, but in the meantime, something like Oblvionthat has excellent faction questlines manages to capture the Spirit of that idea, and that's good enough and really what I think most ppl are asking for.

A lich is a being who removes it's soul from its body to become immortal. You are arguing that because it is called a lich that these people are wrong. They are arguing the reverse.


>GW2 not quite on the same level

That shit is not even in the same dimension as a GW necro.

Me, when I tell them that their phony god isn't real and the bible is not logical.

When am I getting my Sword in the Stone type Wizard game where I have automated brooms that sweep the floor and shit.would probably be really boring as a game mechanic but could be a cool cosmetic in your wizard's tower

>game has a Summoner
>only allows me to keep one or two creatures out at one time, making it just a magical Beast Tamer

No fuck that, I want to flood the enemies with weak creatures until they suffocate from it. I want to be a one-man zerg rush.

>Obsessing over one school of magic instead of mastering all things sorcerous

I like peace and quiet, hence necromancy.


Hence you choose the school most likely to get people breaking into your home trying to push your shit in?

>Game doesn't have an undead slaying specialist
Guess that's why they're all filled with skellies and faggy necromancers.

Why would they break into my home?

Why would they even know where my home was to begin with?

I have no nefarious designs on conquering the world or killing the living or anything of the sort.

Necromancers like to chill at the bottom of a crypt for decades, doing research on undead.

I just want to sit far away from civilisation in some cave with my skeleton friends. Why does Chad Paladin have to go out of his way to fuck up my shit? My undead minions think I'm cool....

Blame D&D shitters for bringing the cancerous notion that every class should be as good as any other on single player games.

Protip: they actually don't. They just said so to make you feel better

I would love to see a RPG with a more retro or classical take to it, with 80's aesthetic and shit. No main quest, only powercreeping your favorite class in a dynamic world.

>Necromancer can have an army of undeads and a phylactery
>Wizard would have to travel across the world to find old scrolls and craft new spells
>Warrior needs to increase his/her combat skill to unmatched heights and find the most bonker magical gear.
>Thief wants to be the richest by stealing and gathering informations, maybe assassination and spy network management.

So something like Elder Scrolls, but not shit.

>My undead minions think I'm cool....

Kek why would the people you forced to return to the mortal world and serve under you as mindless drones think you're cool?

you are such an autist, holy shit user

My skeletons love me.
I don't know what you are talking about you shitty paladin.
One time I made a skelepede out of their bones. They loved it.

then you'd have to put effort into EVERY class

All of these problems are solved with pen & paper RPGs, but I have no idea where to get into them considering I live in Bumfuck Nowhere.

There's only one class, user.

Because we play fun games like charades, do raffles, play pin the tail on the paladin, and larp. I mean, they say they have fun, but maybe they are lying.

Age of Conan did Necromancers pretty well.