How am I supposed to kill this fucking piece of shit? Is it possible to get more than 6 health tanks before this fuckwad? I'm stumped. This boss is infinitely more difficult than anything in Super Metroid. This is a massive difficulty jump from the piss ass easy Zeta Metroids to this retarded fucking random dumbshit robot thing that came from nowhere. So how am I actually supposed to kill it? Any tips?
How am I supposed to kill this fucking piece of shit...
i played this game on normal and had absolutely no trouble with it. so if you are on a higher difficulty i may not know why its giving you trouble
i used a ps4 controller with this game too, that may help.
all i did was shoot it with beam then missles when shields were down, replenish energy and missles by destroying its missles.
Spam missiles at it when it's between modes, then switch to the beam to get power ups off the missile swarm. You can destroy the guns with only a few missile hits during each form, which should give you some breathing room. Easiest to damage it when it's doing its Wave Beam attack, you can jump up and down on the left side spamming missiles at it.
He's clearly not playing on hard seeing as that he has over 118 missiles
Shoot at it until it dies
I tried but this boss just seems completely fucked. Is there any way I can get more energy tanks or better weapons before this boss? The plasma beam or power bomb might help. I just seriously hate this.
Plasma and Power Bombs are after this boss. Did you get the Wave Beam? It really helps with this boss.
I have the wave beam.
I didn't even know you could fight him before you get the power bomb
It's probably impossible but I'm desperate.
i didnt know difficulty changed missle count
im pretty sure it doesnt have to be on screen to hit, maybe that will help.
there isnt any other powers you can get that will help. i guess youre just shit.
Nigger I'm telling you that it's very possible to get the power bomb before fighting him since I thought the power bomb was necessary to get to him, but apparently it's not since you skipped it. Just go down the lower left side of the tower after you've killed all the metroids in the area and you'll go down the area with the power bomb.
Missile tank upgrades give only 2 extra capacity instead of 5 on hard.
I might be shit, bust since every other Metroid game is easy compared to this, maybe this fan game is just shit?
The game doesn't register any hits outside the screen.
If you have trouble with the boss, power bombs trivialize it.
Have you tried to git gud?
Except there is literally nothing on the left side of the tower like you claim? Please post pics.
No, maybe you just need to git gud, you fucking scrub.
I tried gitting gud but it didn't work. Now what?
I beat it first try. You seem to be pretty bad. Use missiles to destroy the shields and the beam to destroy the core. Do you have the spacejump?
How? I'm not even gud at metroid and I only died once on it.
The bottom part has an entryway to a new area, after you've lowered the lava by killing all the metroids in the area
i had no trouble with this game. are you using a controller with a good dpad?
if you are using a controller and still having trouble, then you are definitely shit
Skip the boss, it's optional
Keep trying. Or maybe you're too much of a pussy?
Yes I have the space jump. It wouldn't be possible to get this far without it.
Jump around a lot, be patient, and wait for more opportune times to shoot at its core once the armor is gone instead of feeling the need to constantly be on the offensive.
The new area with the slow unlocking automatic doors? I explored that way but I didn't find anything.
im guessing op is just a numale idiot who is blindly jumping around and mashing the 'shoot' button
Explore harder, jesus fuck. Don't bother doing anything else until you've found the power bomb down there, you won't be able to beat the game without it.
So I need to go far far far far far passed the slow opening automatic doors? The route took me to the bottom of the map and felt like it was taking me to a new completely different area. Down there are tons of robots around that I cant even kill with my current weapons.
You can't damage the core with missiles, only beams.
Why are you still here? Git gud and deal with those robots already.
Did you read the lore? The outside has to be damaged with missiles and the inside by beams until its totally exposed. The things it fires can be abused for health/missile drops too, which you can collect with a charge beam while you're firing at it. Just go nuts, worked for me.
>this faggot doesn't know about bomb-jumping.
I'm playing on hard mode and I'm pretty much skipping every boss until I have enough missiles + energy tank. I'm at this exact same point in the game and I don't have space jump yet.