How much did Japan hate #FE? You can't have a cute stacked idol like Tsubasa in a game and not get any H or fanart

How much did Japan hate #FE? You can't have a cute stacked idol like Tsubasa in a game and not get any H or fanart.

She deserves better than this.

it did mildly but not poorly. Japan ironically seems to hate Jrpg at the moment. At least when they aren't on phone without a cash shop

this. It wasn't really a complete and utter bomb like some people were expecting/hoping

It did do pretty poorly. 32,896 units by the end of the year is a disaster for something like this.

Thing is, this game was a series of bad decisions as far as marketability goes. From using the FE brand, but leaving the FE cast in minor roles to the general idol industry theme - Atlus/Nintendo likely wanted something like Persona, but it's clear that the demographics of school sim to entertainment weren't as close as they expected. Tons of people who seem fine with high school shit utterly reject this game's theme.

Even so, if they had at least let the FE cast being most of the main cast, rather than just glorified summons, they might have had some success - imagine a scenario where you had, say, Lucina attempting to infiltrate the idol industry of the modern world. That would be much stronger fanservice.

It fucking bombed in Japan, what are you talking about? it did better in the West and still practically no one bought it.

That's because Nintendo had no clue what the fuck they were doing and catered to the wrong audience.

The game was too shit even for japanese. And they do lap up brain dead mobile shit.

what were the numbers in burgerland?

I bought it, and the guy working the register when I did said "I need to get this also."

It being on the WiiU that so few people own really hurt sales too.

Game was too shitty even by japan standards.

I own a Wii U, like SMT and am whatever on FE though I usually like SRPG gameplay, but I despise the aesthetic of this game and the overall tone of it is a huge turnoff for me

Is this game good? It's practically the only "popular" Wii U game that I don't own. What's it all about?

Bland idorus. Even P4 DAN has a better plot.

They just wanted the CDs with the full version of the songs which they bought instead of the game and went to the concerts they had.

persona 4.5: idol problems

>How much did Japan hate #FE?

They didn't hate it at all, it got a GOTY award and everyone who played it praised it. The fact that it sold like shit is another matter entirely and has nothing to do with the quality of the game.

Don't know but I'm gonna assume worse than Japan relatively speaking (remember the US is a much larger country.)

Neo japan kids grew up with movie games, can you blame them for not knowing jack shit about min-maxing.

Japan basically say the uncensored trailer outfit. And THEN then saw the censored version in a later trailer. This was all before the game was even out in Japan.

This is what sparked most of the boycott in japan.

Like what already said.... Nintendo is backing the wrong audience. Some fucking retarded reason... Nintendo thinks catering to sjw will make their fanservice animu games sell more.


fucking typos

This post reads like you're explaining why you don't like the game and you have no fucking clue what you're talking about

>for something like this.
but in Japan 30K is just really meh, and not a failure.

Just let these shitty Tsubasa posting threads die already.

in during pathetic /smtg/ posters spewing bullshit

>Still no proper walkthrough on GameFAQs

That's how you know a game has bombed. People scramble for those FAQ bounties all the time.

It did great for a wii U game where the audience that wants this type of game isn't on, and most of the merchandise sells out including major concerts. A sequel is bound to happen, but NX would have to a pretty big selling point to get people onboard enough to H shit.

OP here, I'm not one of those daily memeposters. I played the game recently and wondered why the game lacked fanart.

because hentai artists are too busy drawing kancolle to give a fuck about this game. Most of the the people who played it are gamers. I've seen a couple drawn. Just not Smash bros prevelant

Is shit

Garbage game that appealed to no one.

>How much did Japan hate #FE?

Nintendo had posters of this girl in pic related posted in posters all over Japan. That is how they advertised SMTxFE in japan. They showed trailers of her in this very same lewd outfit as shown in picture. Then like a month before release, they showed a trailer of outfit being censored.

And that was the big FUCK YOU from nintendo to it's core audience audience that would have brought it. Nintendo decided that Otakus don't have to be their audience and they should get the sjw feminists audience instead.

Otakus in japan didn't take this lying down like most nintendrones do about censorship in the west. Otakus canceled the fuck out of their preorders and refuse to buy this censored shit.

>A sequel is bound to happen
If it does before they start fixing their core franchises I'm done with Nintendo. But it probably won't since it was a PR nightmare that didn't sell enough to make it worth the effort/pain.

her boobs are too big

That was censored because of Avex and karaokes, not SJW nonsense.

I think this was cause the Music Production label requested the outfit be toned down.

Still stupid though

XCX did better in both Japan and NA

A Takahashi game did better than a Fire Emblem spin off game.

Puts it in perspective, really.

Because nobody cares about some failed Wii U game. The only games Japanese people care about on Nintendo consoles is Monster Hunter and first party games.

>very decent j-rpg gameplay
>"hey look, idol in pantsu"

literally the battleborn of the east, it has a lot of qualities, but the only advertisement was the special attack where the 2 girls attack with magic hearts

I dont even know what the game is about, people was going about something "operation kawai shitters" and how it was censored in the west but never mentioned what was the game about

They know a good game like Persona 5 is coming soon, on a GOOD system, unlike the Wii U, so there's literally no reason to waste time on shit like this.

Could have been cool though when first announced. Too had.

You say that, but Persona 5 was made for the PS3 first and foremost.

I never understood how this game went from being a simple Fire Emblem + Shin Megami Tensei game to a Persona clone with lewd outfit transformations

kek. neo/v/, everyone.

>no hentai

If you read the developer interviews, it honestly seems like they were kind of all over the place.

A Nintendo representative and an Atlus representative walk into an idol bar...

I like the game, actually. I'm just annoyed because it performing baldy likely kills the chance of another FE spin off for a long time.

Eh, this isn't a high budget game, but it's clearly higher budget than the kind of game series that survives with 30k sales in Japan.

what are you trying to say?

>Nintendo decided that Otakus don't have to be their audience
But that's where all the money is.

I honestly thought it was going to be Fire Emblem gameplay with Shin Megami+Awakening characters. The announcement trailer showcased them.

i think its not they hate FE, they HATE Nintendo. It seems they are the most out of touch from all game company.

Wait, why did Japan boycott it?

'cause the Westerns got a stripped down version of the game or... what?

>too big

>Game bombs
>No Tsubasa or Kiria Porn
>Not even porn of that armless Tharja

The character canonically has smaller boobs. Adding cow tits to her makes no sense and defeats the purpose of the character.

>no Kiria Porn
thats a crime against humanity

Draw the porn yourself then, there's drawfag threads everyday on Sup Forums. Maybe you can learn from them.

Her boobs are kinda big at times. Not titty monster but still kinda big.

>fapping to the stuff you draw
that sounds gay as fuck.

Japan didn't get tired of high school stuff, they're hype as fuck for Persona 5.

They just saw #FE as the idol trash it is.

>Draw the porn yourself then
Artist barely jack to things they draw themselves

Because Japan cared more about the merchandise and concerts than the game

They boycotted it because they gave the girl bigger pants before release.
Japan takes that shit way more seriously than we do.




They're 91cm. That's bigger than half of the Senran cast.

are you joking?

It's a 8/10.

More like a 6/10
It's kusoge

I don't find enough flaws to warrant that. Mind sharing your clearly superior insight?

Gameplay is stale, story is forgettable, otaku pandering characters, content is short, music is good but not enough to save the game, You have to pay $250 to buy a Wii U for this game 6/10

I disagree with half of those but
>content is short
It's a fucking 60 hour game. Have you even played the fucking game?


As a Fire Emblem fan, I found the story really disappointing. The Shadow Dragon plot is as generic as you can get.

60 hours is short for a modern JRPG

FFXV is 100+ hours long, Xenoblade is 80+ hours long, hell fucking Tales of Vesperia PS3 edition is 200+ hours long if you reach NG+

You do understand that is still three times longer than the industry average? 60 hours is by no means "short".

Yeah, I think the game's game is undeserved. The game rightfully deserves a few people buying it at least.
Played it in my friend's place. The censorship is overexaggerated, the story's fine, and the gameplay is pretty fun. Dont respond if you dont agree with me.

Anyways, that's just my opinion.

Yeah, it's too big on OP's picture. Cowtits are disgusting, the game got Tsubasa's boobs at least at a nice size.

The industry average is much higher now.

It takes 1k hours in Dota 2 to make it out of the trench MMR, it takes 2k hours in FFXIV to platinum the game on PS4.

>Dont respond if you dont agree with me
Is this nigga serious I can't tell

>unironically comparing MOBA and MMO playtimes to single player game lengths
Can you just admit that you didn't know that the game was 60 hours long and that it is actually a very acceptable length for a JRPG? There are flaws in #FE, length isn't one of them, and it would be much less retarded to talk about those instead.

60 hours is still short for a JRPG

comparing multiplayer games to single player games in terms of length is retarded.

FFXIV is pretty much a Singleplayer game

Your final (you).

thanks fàm

Looks like a shit design, OP. Here's your (you).

Lucina > Tsubasa

Played this for an hour yesterday and had to put it down, was really a shame from someone who loved fire emblem and really enjoyed both p4 and nocturne.

>far more done in a "conventional" style than typical SMT games, very little to no sense of atmosphere present
> this was the Fire Emblem crossover? Oh, you added Chrom. Ok, that works :')
>tsubasa is probably the least believable/useful/likable character in a JRPG this gen and everyone behaves like she's being adorable instead of bothersome
>character art and designs seem well-done, it's a shame that the rest of the game looks focus-tested and bland
>hired a random anime composer for those idolbux, and the soundtrack really suffers from it. Can you remember any dungeon themes? I can't, and this was yesterday.

It's a complete mediocre game, I was expecting nothing and I'm still let down

Bravely Second Lasts 60 hours too
Fire Emblem Fates is 40
I Am Setsuna is 25
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is 40
Nights Of Azure is 25
Star Ocean 5 is 35.

compared to other JRPGs from this year it's not that short

Tiki >>> everything else

Is there a non-(you) version of this gif? It's really cute.

all those game sucked ass

>But that's where all the money is.

Apparently nintendo would rather pander to sjw than make money this generation. And that statement sounds about right considering all the shit they've censored in the west.

>unironically putting Lucina above anyone
fuck off awakening baby

Check out your nearest ReZero thread. I had no use for the original.

It did horribly. Atlus and Nintendo aren't publishers used to seeing these kinds of numbers in Japan. 30k would be fine if we were talking about IF or Marvelous but I guarantee you Nintendo would never put money on a project with this kind of projected sales.

It's not a bad game, it just released on a console with an audience that doesn't buy these kinds of games.

nice pasta, after an hour you would just finish the first dungeon.

the game has a lot of problems, people doing mindless pasta is one of them

One of my friends does, and only so we can play Mario Kart at parties.

Responding and guess what little bit I don't agree with you. You numales be able to overlook censorship but im saying fuck that and fuck 2016 Nintendo. I'm not going to encourage their shit company behavior with my money, and I'll never waver on that.

>just bought one for 180 dollaroos
>having fun playing games

hahaha fuck off cody, go fix your shitty game

I actually think the previous version of the pants looked kinda dumb