Just finished it

Just finished it.

I can honestly say that this is the most fun I've had with a game since...well, as long as I can remember, really.

My only gripe is how easy the final boss was; felt a bit anti-climactic. I thought the boss would've been way cooler if when it chased you, it went through all the biomes that you'd traveled through in the game, as if to say "this is where it comes full circle". That would've been kick-ass.

The ending honestly nearly brought a tear to my eye. So satisfying. God damn.

10/10, in all respects.

Nintendo can eat a dick

Other urls found in this thread:


Nintendo is dead, and the fans killed it.

>Too ez

Dont play on easy you dinky dong.

I've never beaten Super or Prime. Which should I play this weekend?

AM2R is like getting a glimpse of what 2D Metroid could have played like if it went back to consoles.

Play Super first. The Prime games are best played with Super in mind.

this, prime especially is basically 3D super

What did you expect? Downloading this for free means no one would buy M2 on the eshop. Of course he had it coming.

Where's a good place to grab this now that it's been taken down everywhere?

You ask someone to upload it. I uploaded to one drive for 2 of my friends and then I deleted it from there just in case. There's a mega link floating around somewhere. I'd upload it for you now, but I'm at work.

Super because it's shorter and easier to get out of the way. Save the better game for later.


/vr/ is fucking dead. i just copypaste my opinion here.

Absolutely fantastic. For me it goes

Super > AM2R > M1 > Fusion = ZM > M2

I hate how Fusion and ZM handholded you. ZM was cool and had some sequence breaks but fusion had very original setting. M2 is very clunky and i did not grow up with it. I love original metroid, controls and feels great for nes game and exploration is there.

AM2R had the same linear world as M2 but it didn't constantly tell you where to go like ZM. They only told you that "now you can proceed to next area" with the earthquakes. In each zone you could pick the powerups in whatever order you liked, so each zone was non-linear on their own. With these qualities it felt like you were free and on your own.

Super may have very connected world but there is pretty much just one way to go. Super fell apart only when exploits and shit were found. (i'm pretty sure that mockball for example isn't intended feature). With wall-jumping you only got spazer and maybe bombs a little early, but not much. Biggest thing was that with wall-jump and sparking the grabble beam was rendered useless.

Music of AM2R: spectacular. I really loved it. I cannot say more.

Graphics were awesome, some say that metroids felt "fan gamey" but i don't agree. Sprites and level design felt very professional to me.

I did not run into any glitches. I did afterwards try the trick to get power bombs early with the out-of-bounds glitch. The glitch is pretty broken imo because you can use it to skip straight t queen anyway.

Can you recommend good Super hacks? I'm aware of redesign, hyper and super zero mission.

>Save data corrupted
I wish I had an image that gets across how defected I feel. Is this a known issue or am I fucked?

Probably known, like the gravity suit glitch. It's difficult to distribute updates after you've been DMCA'd.

>Dicking around and doing some sick shinespark speed strats.
>Jump towards the morphball tunnel in the hydro station.
>Press auto-morph before hitting the ground.

Super, Prime doesnt really follow on am2r so its good to finish the story up

So the thing that kills ZM and fusion for you is the handholding? And thats it?

correct, but i wouldn't say that it "kills it".
it is very bad in fusion.



It's pretty fun but for a game that requires a lot of precise jumping the controls are shit.

>Upload failed - retrying

Wtf mega

>getting bombs in Super metroid early

power bombs

original magnet still works

Direct download

>platforms give out if you stand on them too long
>blue lasers
>bullshit sonic spinball
>two layers of armor before you can actually hurt him

this fucking guy

Should have just raped him with power bombs.

but it seems like you can't get power bombs until you beat him

>roll into a ball in the right corner of the room
>lay power bombs

this is untrue

You don't even need to fight him at all to beat the game.

>AM2R is like getting a glimpse of what 2D Metroid could have played like if it went back to consoles.
What? It's Zero Missioney as fuck. Not that that's a bad thing but it's as much Zero Mission & Fusion as it is Super, and Zero Mission/Fusion are very much handheld GBA games.

The controls gain a lot out of having more than 4 buttons to work with again and it's nice not playing on a tiny handheld screen.

I just had a fever dream of a twin stick sidescroller console Metroid.

Unfortunately it will never happen.

No, Nintendo killed himself

Thanks M8!

i only just started and am really digging it. A few people I know are going a little "purist" on it, not liking it because it apes Zero Mission too much. While I don't think ZM is as good as everyone says it is (I prefer the original, after playing all the games), I don't mind a quicker reimagining of the original GB game (which is an awesome game).

I wish the level design wasn't so fucking barren, source material be damned.

Please explain me how your retarded brain works.
No really what made you say something that stupid?

I enjoy it more that way. I played ZM after AM2R and found it way too cramped and dense with enemies, I just found it tedious whenever I have to backtrack.


Jesus christ how can your taste be this shit? You're literally telling me you prefer games WITHOUT level design because you prefer to run through empty rooms?

Will we ever get a vast interconnected exploration based Metroid game again?
Nintendo keeps moving further away from that with each game. Though I actually dont dislike Fusion; it had a great setting and had a very story driven gameplay which caused it to be linear.

A Blame! like desolate world with third person view made by fromsoft would be fucking ideal.
Is there a chance that I will ever see ANYTHING close to this in my lifetime?


>Will we ever get a Metroid game again?


Have it on Mediafire for anyone who needs it.


I hear you, brother. I finally found a game like that with Dark Souls, and what fucking happens? The next two and a half sequels DON'T have interconnected worlds.

It's so depressing.

Having few enemies in a room doesn't make it empty, and it doesn't negate level design. That's like saying Quake has no level design compared to Doom because you fight less enemies at a time. I'd rather have smaller enemy numbers but having each one count rather than lots of enemies that are hardly any more difficult to deal with and just take up more of your time to clear out or avoid.



I completely forgot about that game. You can get it off of Epic's game launcher now, right?

>continously make stupid decisions
>fans don't like it
>keep making the dumb decisions
>fans stop buying

Oh my God Nintendo fans, why did you kill the company?

All I said it was barren, I wasn't talking about a specific number of enemies in a room.

And the game has a shitload of small, medium and gigantic but totally empty rooms in it anyway.

Not to mention the early screw attack and space jump makes every room utterly trivial from that point on.

So not only are there fewer enemies, but they're also less interesting AND very quickly become so trivial to deal with they might as well not exist.

How is screw attack early if it's one of the last items in the game?

Now you're moving the goal posts. You're actually presenting an argument that reinforces mine and arguing that having more enemies would be pointless because of the screw attack and the space jump.

Also, the enemies are less interesting? I found more variety in AM2R's enemies than in ZM's. In ZM, every area has an enemy type that crawls around walls I got so sick of it. Same shit over and over, just different sprites.

Hopefully not. I much prefer Metroid 2/Prime 2's style of minor exploration with any major backtracking reserved for 100% (aside from Prime 2's stupid key hunt).



I found it disappointing that there was no fan service and nothing erotic in the game, I didn't get a boner even once, and I'm playing the hottest character of all fiction. What the fuck, Nintendo?

You have to get the best ending

>doing the selfdestruct sequence
"i'm right on time? wow, that shit always leaves a lot of space to fuck around in any game"
>except there's the slow as all fuck double doors
"c'mon c'mon C'MON"
>mfw i honestly thought that was a game over

that was one of the best vidya moments ever

also I thought i'd lose all my upgrades for a while

Loving the music in AM2R.

>tfw no Samus gf

wonder if she still has the red one

it was orange not red

Was talking about the 8-bit bikini

unless you're speed running this is about going around and shooting to the center, sure it's annoying but that's the point of this boss a a whirling terror machine


Nah. My fault for being vague.

Always did prefer the orange one over blue, myself.

Reported to mega for copyright infringement.

>play EDF
>holy shit this is good
>give it a break
>AM2R released
>decide to play Super Metroid first
>holy shit this is fucking great
FUCK can't wait to play this and Zero Mission

So, what are some good metroidvania games that don't have "metroid" or "castlevania" in the title?

What is the vania in Metroidvania?


welcome to the club

>yfw when you aren't getting any younger and there's still no sign of a post-Fusion game.

Would prefer this to be honest.

You mean post-ZM right?

I honestly never liked Fusion that much.

>Screen was too small for how fast the combat can be
>The lock on exporation

Just wasn't as much of an improvement as Zero Mission was

best fucking part (as far as I've played)

Does La Mulana count?


For all the criticism it gets, Axiom Verge comes pretty close. It's a little tedious and alot of its upgrades kind of fall out of use, but it still leaves a good taste in your mouth.

Ori and the Blind Forest is really good.

Thanks. Shit's addicting as fuck.
>jump across part of the map
>see that theres a spot I can't reach
>remember that I managed to "float" when bombing a section earlier by mistake
>keep trying until I managed to get there
>fucking upgrade
I think I was supposed to get there later on with some kind of upgrade but I "cheated", kek.

But what elements? I never played castlevania

Symphony of the Night and most of the games after have really similar gameplay to the metroid series. You have a vast environment to explore but you need to find upgrades and defeat bosses to progress forward.

There is one critical flaw those Castlevanias have.
They are hideously slow.

Its an underappreciated series.

That's very nice that you have an opinion, thanks for sharing.

I'm simply pointing out that if somebody appreciates going fast like I do, then they might not like Castlevania.

Axiom Verge and Environmental station Alpha are pretty much the same sci fi theme as metroid

Super metroid is a really slow game, at least until you find the space jump and speed booster. It doesn't deter from its quality in the slightest.

Seconding Axiom Verge, not impeccable but it scratches the itch and nails the aesthetic.

I think he means post-Fusion story-wise.

It does, actually, and I'm glad you brought that up for me. Super Metroid is borderline unplayable and I frankly consider it one of the worst Metroid titles with its obnoxiously long loading times per room, its mandatory jingles for every single pickup, and clunky unwieldy controls like the run button or the awful physics.

I really don't get why it's loved so much. I would much rather play Zero Mission.


>long loading times per room
u wot

>Super Metroid is borderline unplayable
Just stop.