Saw pic related is on sale on PSN, is it worth it?
The witcher 3
No, just wait for the GOTY edition coming out soon.
It's worth ~$15USD or lower.
That's how much i paid for it and i feel that was adequate
begging for blood and wine for ps4
no, the game is unplayable without mods to fix the combat
man i hate jews
on PS4 no it's basically unplayable the frame rate is so bad
what combat mods?
i'm only using the auto apply oil mod and the auto loot
The frame rate is fine
Enjoy the 1min30s loading screens everytime you reload or die because Sony jewed out and put a fucking 5400rpm HDD
The GOTY edition comes out in like 20 days.
do i have to play as this white haired dude
can't i play as a loli
>4-5 quests in the game aren't full of following red shit
>atrocious combat
>most of the characters from the books got reduced to generic sarcastic dudebros
>some of the scenes are bethesda tier awkward because of trash animations and VA
>story and dialogue are shallow as fuck
>worst bosses in any ARPG ever
If you enjoy medieval RPGs in the more western style, then you'll enjoy it. The game also stays true to the books fairly well. Also, the combat is fine. Please don't let these droves of retards on Sup Forums parrot this retarded meme of Witcher combat being terrible. You have quick attacks, strong attacks (some monsters are hard to with with one or the other) , combos, executions, oils for your sword (these start to really matter at higher difficulties). It is deep enough for actual gamers to enjoy and just easy enough for casuals to get into. That's what CDPR wanted to do. You could obviously compare Dragons Dogma to The Witcher (even though their styles are completely different) and see which game sold more copies during their release week. And to finish off, no I'm not a CDPR shill, but after being on this fucking shit board for so many years, I believe when a game is good, it needs to be recognized.
You're acting like fucking everyone didn't grab a cheap 1TB+ 7200rpm laptop drive to replace their shitty 500gb bullshit for far less than the 1TB PS4 costs in comparison
You're acting like you don't get minimal improvements because PS4 only has SATA 2
Ladies and gentleman, the ps4 player base.
You're acting like everyone has minute+ loading screens just because you're a fucking retard
Little bit of advice, the biggest problem with the unmodded version of this game is how over-leveled you get and how OP any of the halfway decent builds can be. Run a jack of all trades build and go for light armor. Game is actually somewhat challenging if you do this.
You act like you need to kys
I don't know because I haven't tried it, but a recent update introduced level scaling as an option
Underage pls go
Also just because SSD performs slightly better doesn't mean that there are 1m30s loading screens.
Like Jesus fuck, get a brain
PC version is superior, obviously. Don't listen to the fags spewing the same shit over and over of the combat being broken. If you actually play the game and learn the combat it's incredibly deep as is every other aspect of this game. This is literally the best game I've ever played and has dethroned super mario 64 as my all time favorite.
Literally the only worthwhile AAA game in the past few years.
Any new stuff in GOTY edition?
What exactly is the difference in combat between console and PC?
Because I haven't seen much of a difference between GTX 760 30fps no stable 60 even on low and PS4 30fps
Op how much is it on sale for?
Nah, it's just game and DLC.
I'm not saying the combat is difference, just the visual experience. But if you have a crappy video card it might not matter.
HOWEVER, I could never play this game with a controller. KB+M feels 1000x better to me even for this game, despite a lot of PC guys using a controller with this game. I could never play this game without having 100% 1:1 control of the camera with a mouse instead of a fucking analog stick gimping me.
I guess it's this n that framerate and that n this input delay and other bullshit
But 30fps MKB feels so shit that I just had to opt in for a controller
Which feels the same to me as the couple hours I got to experience the PS4 version
I guess I should get a 1070 some time soon
Did you even watch the video? See 6:35
You first sonygger
yeah it's pretty fucking great
>auto anything
auto end your life m80
If I was a sonygger I would defend Sonys decision to put in a shitty hard drive.
If I was a sonygger I would defend Sonys decision to offer larger hard drives as a more expensive console package.
But no, I have half a brain so I know to get the cheapest model possible and put in a laptop drive.
Point stands, I have never seen that kind of loading times because I'm not a fucking drooling retard like yourself.
Git Gud.
Dude I died like 20 times at Iris worst nightmare, now luckily I played on PC so loading is fast but I would have had to stare 20 minutes at loading screens alone if I had PS4 for some reason.
Combat is a Sandor clegane simulator
games easy as fuck even on death march
casual faux rpg and the edgiest execution animations since god of war
holy shit why are witcher girls so terrible ;_;
she looks like a meth head
maybe play games that have nothing going for them except combat, like souls series or DD.
I don't think anyone really played Souls for the plot. I don't even remember what the plot was supposed to be. Something about the fire age ending. It was completely forgettable trash.
What exactly is wrong with gory finishers?
why dont you play dark souls instead of this shit
Because it has no plot. It's a succession of harder monsters to fight with no real objective. It's great if you want to relive the glory days of near impossible enemies from NES games like Ninja Gaiden, but it's pretty lame story-wise.
>you can only play 1 game ever, also im a communist
witcher 3s world and story are as bad as the combat.
thats the issue
not really bad actually, just uninspired and tedious. It was a chore to finish it, and past level 10 even on hardest difficulty it was embarrassingly easy
Geralt is strong as fuck, game needs to convey that.
Funny how world got universal praise and story was considered good by almost everyone.
>this is the one time that public opinion is relevant to Sup Forums
fallout 4 was also universally praised, along with skyrim, boderlands 2, and various CoDs
except that fallout 4 is derivative trash.
Demons souls kind of immersed you in the plot a little more, and it made more sense, but dark souls series does indeed have the most retarded and forgettable plot. fun tho
What's with the Nilfgaardian's fetish for hanging people
Iris's Worst Nightmare kicked my ass so many times, too. But I'm not a peasant and play on a PC with SSD so I'm good.
thats his point, you mouth breathing fucking fool
Dude you're crazy. Witcher girls are sexy af ESPECIALLY Ciri
good job. maybe you convinced someone with that argument
It's pretty good now, updates fixed everything about framerate.
Skill trees seem worse in this than in Witcher 2, why would I ever not upgrade my light attacks over anything in the Alchemy tree?
Don't we all do that since the day we were born?
Just wait for the GOTY version to go on sale so you don't give CDPR that much money. It's better spent on a much better game like Fallout 4.
>witcher good because its praised by fans and critics
>but these other games that were praised by fans and critics are shit because i said so
do you not even realize how retarded you sound right now?
Anyone feel sorry for the Bloody Baron
if you're gonna play games, you should at least play good ones.
>optional dlc
hes also super edgy
I like his shadow the hedgehog combat quips
"your mistake" *unsheathes katana and repetitively sidesteps behind you
and this
>only playing the last game
like witcher 3.
no like dark souls
yeah, no.
>"U fookin' deaf?"
Because it's not an RPG.
Fallout 4 wasn't universally praised, are you fucking retarded?
>implying steam reviews matter
>implying steam reviews matter when people consider the game too hard
See the thing is with RPGs, that you can choose not be edgy if you want to. Just saying.
it was by non-autistic people and critics
You know, the same people who are praising witcher 3
But if you don't like that example lets go with GTAV, which received far more attention and praise than witcher which clearly means its a superior game
Those reviews are right though. Ds1 > 2 > 3
> 2 > 3
if anything, that only proves my point that steam reviews dont matter
>witcher girls
there's no such thing faggot
Dude Fallout 4 has under 90 critic metacritic (first bethesda title ever to manage that) and a userscore ranging from 5 to 6 depending on platform. That's not universal praise.
>witcher 3s world and story
lol, read the line options. they're all edgy, ones just sarcastic
barely, you're stuck playing as a tryhard edgelord the whole game
nah not bad, just mediocre
I do agree that CDPR made some bad decisions when adapting things from the books but since it's basically just fan-fiction, I don't mind and the rest of the game is amazing in my opinion.
>playing the last game in a trilogy first
fuck off
it probably has the best fantasy world in gaming and the execution of the story is fantastic. There are plenty of moments that hit hard on a emotional level.
Ok so what about GTAV?
Thats currently up 4 points on witcher on metacritic
sorry geralt, you've obviously been bested by rockstars steadily failing humor and trevors hilarious drug induced episodes
time to go back to slavshit land i guess!
>it probably has the best fantasy world in gaming
>big empty lifeless world with shit lore is the best
holy shit is this the first game you've ever played?
How is giving a straight answer sarcastic? Are you fucking dense? Neck yourself
Game+2 expansions + all dlc
I don't get why Sup Forums gets triggered so hard when someone claims a popular game can be good.
I hadn't tried it for a year because of the naysayers in here, but when I finally did I enjoyed the fuck out of it.
Sure, combat could be better, but atmosphere, storytelling, quest narrative, visuals and soundtrack are GOAT.
Skellige and Toussaint especially were max comfy.
It'st he same world as Game of Thrones
whos on suicide watch now?
you must be 18+ to post here
more like Game of Thrones has the same world as witcher , because Witcher came first
>but atmosphere, storytelling, quest narrative, visuals and soundtrack are GOAT
the combat was better than all those things
thats why its shit
chicken and the egg
both are just a bunch of fantasy tropes and stereotypes with nothing original