can we argree on this?
Can we argree on this?
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I'm not seeing the "great stories" tho?
A game should not be expected to have multiplayer. Unless it's a case like nms which made it perfectly clear in the trailers it would have it
>Fallout 4
>great story
Normies are hilarious
>we need great stories
>man's lies
At least it actually has a story. No Man Buy doesn't even have a story.
last of us has multiplayer
We need good GAMEPLAY regardless of whether we can play it with others or not.
>Fallout 4
>Great Story
Lol thats a good one
And thx for that pic OP because you removed The Witcher 3 and replaced it with No Mans Sky
The story of the man who sold an indie with less than a few features for $60
>Great stories
Is a meme. We need great gameplay. I don't care about how deep and melodramatic your story can get, if it's a game, it needs good gameplay.
Don't report this post if you agree,
none of those games has stories.
need good gameplay though. story comes after.
Why did you use those images of games if you wanted 'great stories'?
Can you tell me the great story of these games?
>Fallout 4/Skyrim
>great story
>No Man's Sky
>having a story
Yes we do. None of those have a great story.
We don't need either. We need great gameplay.
Why not both?
Coop story mode is fun as fuck.
>posts 4 games with shit stories.
go watch a fucking movie if you want a story
>Last of Us
Its no different than any other zombie apocalypse story
yes multiplayer is a meme
TLOU is the only good story there.
>One Man's Lie
Different games for different purposes/audiences. Same as any other media.
One of the only good things about The Last of Us is the multiplayer.
post a game with a great story and i'll agree.
I wouldn't say great, but fine, it's a recognizable, well produced, well acted story with some good characters, I'll give you that o-
>No Man's Sky
>Fallout 4
Planescape Torment is one of the few games with a legitimately amazing story. I can't name a videogame with a better one.
ah yes, the great stories of that dude who stole from a whole town and then murdered some magic dragon into some magic dimension or something
Nice bait op
>Fallout 4, last of us, Skyrim, No man's sky
>great stories
more like great bait.
But what sound does it make?
The only games which need a story are RPGs.
I sometimes wonder who the fuck creates these pictures
We need both, but it's not mandatory to have it in the same game.
>Fallout Bethesda
>great stories
>No Man's Skyes has none
came here to post this
>can we argree on this?
no mans sky has no fucking story
fallout 4 story was litterally the worst part
the last of us is a shit meme
oh fuck your /underage
They were all the rage two years ago. I think there was even a thinly veiled dedicated thread to them on here.
Thanks for announcing how new you are, though.
i dont give a shit what any of hive mind Sup Forums believes
TLOU had an amazing story with very realistic characters. Had it not been so popular, hipster ass Sup Forums would've liked it much more. The multiplayer in it was cool too
Yes, but why are there pics of all those games that have neither?
I've never played it but i've always wanted to. How does it stack up against fallout 2? They look like similar games
I think the majority of people don't like TLOU for being more of a movie than anything else, the gameplay looks like generic cover shooter too.
I haven't played it but I'm sure most people agree it has a decent story, and that's not its major flaw
It is a movie with generic gameplay and laughable AI. But it's a damn good movie at that
I remember there being a thread on Sup Forums after the really badly drawn trollface with jewnose started gaining popularity, and people started parodying it with drawings even worse
The winter part was great. Fighting against humans was also a lot more fun than the zombie parts. Winter had both great atmosphere and acceptable gameplay.
"characters" is pretty vague. he didn't lie he's just being a faggot.
what the fuck
I don't NEED great stories either. I just need a fucking good videogame.