This is an Hawaiian dragon

This is an Hawaiian dragon.

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Hawaiian dickings

I'm happy for him.


I really don't get all the controversy.


it's so silly that it loops back to being great

Well, among other things, he was the first confirmed "Alola form" for a Kanto Pokemon.

This user gets it.

>Catpcha: select all the palm trees

There is none. All the crying and whining is from normalfag genwunners stuck on their Pokemon Go shit. They were never going to buy the game in the first place.

>an hawain
Nigger learn you some grammar



why do i get to urge to fuck it?

At least wait a hour before bringing it up.

>the banana tree is not there

>not even in tsubasa layout
try next time japs


Here's a free (you).

But exeggutor was already silly in the first place.
How the fuck does a bunch of eggs become a palm tree?

If not for that thing on the end of his tail he'd be great. He's perfectly sums up my problem with modern Pokemon designs. There's always just one thing off about them that keeps them from being likeable.

it's supposed to be coconuts

Put the (You)s in the bag or your Alolan Raichu will be outclassed by Pikachu in its sleep tonight.

bedroom eyes

what the fuck am i supposed to do with this?

yeah I get that part but it evolves from eggs, to a tree, you see the error here?
Obviously I shouldn't think too much of it because it's pokemon, which begs the question, why is everyone cool with eggs becoming a tree but when a tree becomes a bigger tree, woah, back the fuck up.

>an Hawaiian

American education everyone.

I'm mad about Marowak. It's been since Gen 4 that I wanted either 3rd evolution (Gen 4 was big with 3rd Evos, like Rhydon into mecha-Rhyperior, etc), Gen 6 with Mega-Marowak to have him part Ghost type and justify the whole Lavender town, Marowak Ghost nonsense.

They finally did what I've always wanted, but it's a subspecies that is not part of the Kanto 150 and has nothing to do with what happened in Lavender town.


It seems like GF realized that Mega Evolution was a mistake.

Are they just scaling back and admit Mega Evolution is not a thing anymore?

I think there's still some new ones in the game.

Actually, the thing is that it's still a part of the Kanto 150.

>assuming they were eggs to begin with

You were fooled, user. Just as they planned.

are you on the autism scale?

do you have a hard time picking up on irony?

pretty normal for me, most are fine with some great ones and some sad ones

No, Mega Evolution was one of Gen 6's main gimmicks, why would they put it front and center again for Gen 7?

Liking this gen so far

Bewears evo line is acquired taste-tier

Most of the 1st form Pokes seems too bland, would like to see their evo line before making a final conclusion.

Pikaclone is shit like always.

Clownfish is also shit tier but might be broken as shit with that ability.

I dont get the hate behind this, this design looks hilarious, why do pokefags hate fun so much?

Exeggutor-A has had a very warm reception though.

tax exemptions


The more I see this, the more I find myself liking it. It is weird.

Charizard is a basic bitch

Charizard isn't a dragon but a wyvern

Exeggutor is actually cool unlike Charizard.

Because no one liked it and it ruined the comp play.

They made him fire type last minute and created Barney

Looking ok so far

Wyverns have four limbs, dragons have six or more. Charizard is a dragon.

"No one liked it" is a stretch and it didn't "ruin" anything. The biggest flaw of Mega evolution is how few of them there are in the first place. I don't have strong feelings for or agaibs the mechanic myself but I don't feel that it's a fundamentally bad addition and that it has pros and cons.

It's because he's a Dragon fruit tree


rate my list please pokemon god

Any list that doesn't have the Pikaboo ghost with 5/5 is complete fucking garbage

this is a Hawaiian cat and mouse

As someone who doesn't like Pokemon and who never will play again another Pokemon I must say I find it pretty good that they're adding subspecies to existing Pokemon and giving the Pokemon world some depth.

So did Nintendo decide to throw Mega Evolutions out the window or what?

That's adorable.

If they did, they would all become shitmons again.
I doubt it.

I like this





You should be fucking slapped.


That's valid in an h-dropping accent.

This is what you get when races are diverse


This is a Hawaiian recolor

No edot sur mobil. There are (you), no hurt Roy pliz

It's literally there

It was a major selling point in last generation, I really doubt they'll drop it

Fuck, it feels like I'm back in 2006.

How bad do you think they'll mess up the stat redistributions senpaitachi? I bet theyll make Marowak a special attacker, not give it a ghost version of its unique move and forget about the thick club.

itll probably be given to you after the league

>an Hawaiian
Who the fuck pronounces it as "Ah-wah-ee"? Are you retarded?

>not give it a ghost version of its unique move
What is this then

Oh cool didn't notice that

Tom & Jerry style antics never get old

>put shell on head and call it a new pokemon
Gold/Silver is gonna flop


Why doesn't everyone hate that pink-black bear? Legit the worst design I have ever seen

Rate me.

Overall I really like this gen so far.

It's concept is kind of cute.
>When Bewear grows fond of its Trainer, it may show that feeling in a fond embrace—but the force of that hug is tremendous! Trainers must teach these Pokémon how to restrain their strength when showing affection.

considering the fact that gamefreak created M Khan, M Gar, M Luke, M Mence after year of balance testing and gave it the ok, quite bad.

It was probably done with VGC in mind. They'll do anything to make battles last 3 minutes tops.

It's the eyes man.
It's so...awkward, the only pokemon I ever wanted to fuck was Gardevoir and I always though it was fairly normal.

which is why I can't get into competitive anymore.

All they need is to make their battle engine faster and get rid of the unnecessary animation fluff, instead of making half the mon broken, while the other half remains garbage. Also they need some form of momentum, like SMT, that rewards correct decisions and punishes wrong ones.


>50+ Alolan vulpix porn picture
>Not even 10 with Bedroom eyes Meowth

Outside of the sand castles and those disgusting excuses for the Red Panda Pokemon i've been waiting for, i'm pretty cool with this gen so far.

I see what you did there.

Pyukumuku is cute!

Literally a semen pokemon

>pokemon based on a prolapsing anus
wew lad

It's obviously based on a sea cucumber user...

>Sea cucumbers use yet another interesting technique when they are faced with danger. They are able to expel internal organs along with toxic substance (called holothurin) toward the predators. All missing organs will be regenerated in the next 1.5 to 5 weeks.

Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough. Nice trips, btw.

Post 'em

I can't believe they made a cute intestine-vomiting sea cucumber.

I like your taste user.