Name a more underwhelming final boss fight

Name a more underwhelming final boss fight

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shadow of mordor


Pretty much all western final bosses in the past couple years.

Bioshock infinite. It's just a zerg rush where you can summon song bird who should have been an actual boss at some point but no.

Fable 2

That shit pissed me off. Instead we have to fight an assload of Bloodletters and CSM. The qte was the shitcherry on top of the shitcake. I still love the game though.


it was decent if you were playing on hard.

the final boss "fight" in origins was by far a much bigger offender.

Bosses are too 'Video Gamey' for today's audience, OP.

Fable 2

Dead Space 2's "boss fight" was pretty shitty.


gameplay wise

Every time someone says this. That was legitimately the point, I really liked it and this is coming from someone who doesn't even like Fable 2 and hates fable 3.

The big battle with your 5 orc captains was pretty cool but the actual final boss sucked dick, should've just chucked him in the battle.

fuck that

and fuck this


i liked it

>Completely misunderstanding the appeal of the Joker
But hey, they did it in the movies now, too, by casting Leto and making him "the foreign"/"the other" instead of the twisted reflection of the normal and everyman that the Joker's psychological unnervingness has always emanated from.

I was playing on Hard and it really isn't.
It was just dodging his attacks for a while, then beating up some enemy sponges till you were allowed to hit Joker. Rinse and repeat.
It also went on for way too fucking long.

Uncharted 3

Ur mum lel

Bob the Killer Goldfish

Dragon God

I'll throw a fireball here and there and maybe do some AoE attack

Helicopter boss in the Division

>>Completely misunderstanding the appeal of the Joker
Not sure if you're talking to the OP or the developers.

gameplay wise - yes. but the atmosphere was just plain fucking amazing and has yet to beat. i was amazed until the end.

The worst part about the Eredin fight was that the music just couldn't live up to Caradin's

What a fucking letdown

Meant Caranthir


The dialogue exchange before the fight was God-tier though.

new darksiders WHEN?

I don't like starting shitfits over West vs East but the West really falls flat when it comes to boss fights

I wonder why that is

hopefully with bully 2 we can fuck all the bullies

THQ rised from the dead so maybe soon?

I was so goddamn mad.

I really hope Rockstar makes Bully 2.

>tfw one of my goalsis voicing a character in a Rockstar game

Wait THQ is back?

>finally, after an entire game of foreshadowing and build up, I can finally see what Metroid Prime is!
>it's a giant spider
>It fights by playing Simon Says with what weapon can hurt it
>wow it's fucking nothing

One of many reasons Bayo 2 is inferior to Bayo 1

I hope so too user, alongside another RDR, and another LA Noire.
Hope you also achieve your goal.

THQ wasn't ever really gone. They officially "went under" a while back, sold all their shit to a group (Nordic games), this group is now rebranding as THQ Nordic.

Sort of.

Final boss in Dying Light

I thought the final boss of 2 was pretty great.


probably one of the easiest bosses in the game
at least Emperor Ing was legitimately difficult, either it had undodgable attacks or I couldn't figure out how to dodge them

Gears of War 2


How about EVERY fucking boss in the Division?

At least Destiny had the decency to make most of the bosses and unique mobs, well, unique from one another (especially the end bosses of strikes/raids). Literally every fucking "unique" mob/boss in The Division is the fucking same, just a dude with lots of armor surrounded by trash mobs with no special abilities or weapons to distinguish them from a normal mob outside of them having a name. You'd think this would at least change somehwta in the "Incursions" (raids), but the boss design actually just gets worse. Falcon Lost's boss is a shitty APC that, even though it's fully capable of movement, decides to stay in one place and send waves of enemies at you while you wait for a random shmuck every now and then to drop an explosive so you can put it on the APC and blow it up (you can't shoot the APC to damage it directly); Clear Sky's boss is just an LMB (PMC faction) Shield Heavy with a Riker's (Prisoner faction) coat of pain and nothing else (besides you know, infinite fucking enemies respawns and a mounted turret shooting you constantly); and Dragon's Nest's boss is, once again, another immobile vehicle (a literal fire truck that spews fires instead of water) that stays at the back of the room, does some stuff, and spawns waves of enemies until you push buttons to kill it.

I'm actually much more thankful Destiny exists now.

>that boss is there
Bullshit, what website did that come from?

Just spam rockets and then watch the dumb cutscene.


At least it actually led to an interesting plot in City.

this or sotfs lava man, theyre both crap.

without spoiling anything is ds3 last boss good? bb last boss?

>without spoiling anything is ds3 last boss good?
The fight is adequately tough, the music is GOAT but if I didn't know all the fan theories and whatnot I'd probably say the design of the boss itself is not too great. Overall though I think it's a worthy fight even though the one before that cripple bros felt better realized.

He was as boring and tedious as the rest of the game so it kind of fits


Yes, the presentation was nice and all, but holy fuck was it just too easy.

Does it counts?

>you dont fight it

They had the right idea, the problem is parrying is a flawed system and way too easy to do.

>without spoiling anything is ds3 last boss good? bb last boss?
bb has two "last" bosses and one of them is easily the most beautiful and sad battle in the entire history of fromsoft
final boss of ds3 is probably mechanically the best final boss in the entire franchise, pretty tough and with an immense moveset diversity

Alduin was piss easy
most final battles in pokemon

That music though.
The sheer calmness of the situation makes all of it that much more intense
Wouldn't call this one underwhelming at all

and then soul of cinder came and remade his battle with twice as much moves in his own phase alone on top of not being able to parry him
and you better dodge that combo motherfucker or he will juggle you for 2000hp

Very good, very good indeed...



In fact Aura makes every boss underwhelming.

Remember how this game ended?

The fight itself was alright but that design and its death were underwhelming

How are either of those two boss fights sad at all?

Maybe I was too OP when I reached the final boss but it was quite literally the easiest boss fight in the whole game. I was so fucking dumbfounded as to what the fuck was happening, why was he so easy, I even let him slap me around a couple of times on purpose just to see if maybe he had devastating deathblows and I was just evading too good, but nope not even that. Then I thought oh yeah maybe this is not his final form, albeit that's not a very souls thing to do, but nope, I just killed him effortlessly and he never woke up
Demon's Souls final boss however still spanked me around quite a bit, but once you figure out that you just need to keep your distance and do some slow chip damage it's actually quite easy as well.

it didn't end
it stopped

First Hunter is extremely sad if you bothered with the lore at all.

Eredin wasn't THAT bad.

what? i got rid of joker in 5 minutes!

I get what they were trying to do, but come the fuck on

Can that even be considered a fight? You literally can't die. It is more of an interactive cutscene.

Only in the sense that Atari 'came back' when Infogrames rebranded itself with their name. That being said, Nordic is a much better company than Infrogames ever was. Patching Red Faction Guerilla 6 years later was pretty cool.


I had no idea of that. It was a long time ago but I almost one-shotted the fucking thing as far as I remember. I'm not sure he even lasted a round

>Demon's Souls final boss
You fight it so it counts

>cool design
>ridiculously imposing size
>that chase sequence
>that fucking music
>the fight itself is so easy that it takes actual effort to lose

what were they trying to do

This guy.
You could consider false king the final boss instead, but I didn't fight him before the real king, so it was kind of off putting.

>get the minigun for the first time
>hear massive amounts of footsteps running towards me

Oddly, Allant was never as much of a problem for me as Gwyn was. I adamantly refused to parry Gwyn so that may have been a factor, but his aggressive moveset caused me far more trouble than the snail pace Allant.



DaS3's last boss is one of, if not the best boss in the series.
BB's is also fantastic.
Nashandra and Aldia are easily the worst final bosses of any Souls game, but at least DaS2 also had brilliant ones like Ivory King and Alonne.

>Enter map
>Hide at the door while he's at the corner
>Unload the BFG

>Play any other way
>Die because dude hitscan lmao

Shadow of mordor felt like it didnt have a final boss at all, it just ended abruptly and the feeling of " that game was very mediocre" was left.

Is it cheating to name something that is
-just a QTE
-killed in a few hits and barely fights back
-just a cutscene without a battle?

One of the things that D44M did better than the originals.

Considering the anti religion themes in the whole game, my guess is they propped the whole story up about Yu Yevon playing such an important role in the backdrop of the world on purpose just so they can contrast it with such an alien and underwhelming creature that would render the whole themes of religion and tribalism even more ridiculous. I think the story is about tearing religion down in a way, and seeing humanity dividing and destroying itself over their praise for Yevon would only make it even more ridiculous if the creature was itself ridiculous.

It's like the entirety of humanity was spinning its gears around this entity while in reality it was just an underwhelming little tick that was so alien to everything around it that it didn't really cared or noticed human affairs. It was oblivious of prayers or human suffering, while the religion institutions around it were merely political.

At least that's what I took from it, it really is only an unsubstantiated opinnion based on speculation. They made it look simple and ridiculous just to contrast how ridiculous human affairs were. But in the end I think all anyone wants out of a JRPG is a good final boss fight, so making such a retarded little simpleton character doesn't quite cut it, no matter what excuses they might come up for it.

On the bright side Samuel lived up to the hype a bit.

For the 6 of you that played The Thing on ps2 and xbox you know that last fight may as well have been a cut scene

Other M was an underwhelming game overall

Literally the most disappointing boss fight ever.

lord of the rings: third age
>fighting the EYYE OF FCKIN SAURON
>I dont even...
and then its the easiest fight in the history of video games