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That looks fine though

it's a beautiful cartoony indie game.

This game looks great, can't wait to pick it up. Anyone else buying it on PC day 1? Super excited to explore the UNIVERSE!

looks pretty good

Looks great. Thanks for sharing.

This game is giving me flashbacks of TORtanic. Anyone else have this feeling?

>game made by a 4 person indie team who couldn't even afford to fix their flooded basement doesn't look as good as a 600 person team $100 million budget AAA game

Wow you don't say?

I'm laughing like a madman.

What's your name, user
You look familiar

>buying it
But it's on GOG, why buy it

Then why couldn't they help themselves from selling their shit pile for anything less than games made by 800 person teams?

Why are they charging the equivalent of a 600 person $100 million budget AAA game then?


user I'm not sure I understand? Just another super excited fan of the game. The potential is limitless, you getting it as well?

I like to support developers. Especially these 15. CAN YOU IMAGINE!? 15 people made this game, I bet large budget studios such as Naughty Dog or From Software could ever make something as large and expansive as this game.

Of course it's not as good as a AAA game it's an over-hyped indie-game

Because they're indie devs, live in a cave and need money obviously. Can't you see?

Space Engine looks prettier and is larger despite being made by 1 person and costing 0 bucks.

That's good, definitely sharper and prettier than consoles.

>indie game that was formerly console exclusive and shares similarities with Minecraft
>not being hideous

And yet it's advertised and priced like it is.

>something is heavily advertised to sell

Wow you learn new things every day on this board.

Well you can't use the indie excuse when they're being backed by Sony and dropping millions advertising and doing network television spots. They obviously have a large budget.

>give an inch and they'll take a mile

wait a second I recognize that guy

Todd/Seanposting will never get old.

Any more pictures?

are you in silent hill?

Most AAA games cost about 20-30 million and have teams of 100-150 people

But you do have a point

>what is 2nd degree

Do you? I doubt it, I've never seen that person before. Must be your imagination.


GOG version so yes

>textures still look like they're straight out of 2004
>cucks will still pay $60 for this

I'll meet up!

See you in-game user! Maybe we'll build a base together on a planet, can't wait to see what our characters look like, super excited about that feature. I'm still amazed a group of 15 could create such a giant universe and two people can meet each other accidentally and do amazing things together. The future for this game is truly bright.

>Steam download is only 2.6GB

Rest of them
i7 5960x
GTX 1080 FE

>oblivion tier graphics
>crysis 3 tier requirements

>Sup Forums have become graphicswhores
>Sup Forums don't understand how procedural generation works and how it effects filesize needed
>just wants to meme and throw around buzzwords like cuck

What happened to this place. This isn't the same place that I had Alpha Centauri threads with back in the day.

I really want to explore space guys
Convince me not to buy this game
I don't care about multiplayer



That's because all you really get when buying NMS is a set of fucking instructions and then YOU have to let YOUR computer follow the instructions to actually make the game. It's all just a big fucking scam. Imagine if I bought Zootopia on bluray and all I got in the case was a trial license for 3ds Max and a copy of the script. That's LITERALLY what this is and they DARE take 60 bucks for this shit!

Too bad it doesn't have any modding support because it's made by incompetent indie cucks

What happens if you attack those frigates?

I bet you feel stupid now for rushing to buy the founders edition

They fire back

And it probably needs 2x 1080s to run at 60 fps as usual with modern AAA titles.

If you are having issues with No Man's Sky, we are working on it...

Guys, remember that Hello Games is the developer, and Sony is the publisher. In a relationship like this, its likely that the price was set by Sony and not Hello Games

Space piracy is going to be my career.

Who cares? A 1080 will last until the next console gen easily.

Literally cannot envision in what universe a 1080 isn't enough for the next 5+ years.

The game looks genuinely pretty good, maybe not 60 bucks though.

The universe where Nvidia gimps it to oblivion as soon as the next gen gpus come and where it will get beaten by a 200 dollar 1160 or whatever it's goin to be called, meaning this one.

I find it extremely ridiculous that the Havok logo is there when you start the game but there's literally 0 physics when you start playing.

Yee-haw! I sure can't wait to explore the infinite galaxy this new and incredible game has to offer!

Giddy up, space cowboys!


They learned from the best

It's used for character/creature ragdolls.


But you have to buy it on gog as well.

GOG release their games DRM free

Only one guy has to buy for everyone to play it. There's no DRM

Only one person has to buy it, then be kind enough to upload it for everyone else.

I bought my games on gog and none of my friends can play them? Are there any account settings I have to change?

2016 Sup Forums everybody


Please be a fucking troll...

Please be a fucking troll!


It's summerfag time don't worry

No, mostly because it's a fucking indie game. You fags keep trying to recreate TORtanic, but it will never happen.

Oh jesus. They just took the regular graphics and blew them up. Jagged and all.

dae this gam is literally spore? xDD

But they sure marketed and priced it like a 600 person team $100 million budget AAA game the greedy fuckers.

What? You know them and that's why you're defending them? Tell'em we said they're a bunch of faggots.


The reason why this board has gone to shit is because every fucking thing has to be the next TORtanic.


>longtime game industry veterans from the biggest studios
>published by sony
>10mil advertising budget

Sean is literally a version of Todd that can't lie to save his life. I bet hes sucking someones dick over at Sony to get this game published.

I am in New Bark on Pokemon Gold right now, anyone wanna meet up ingame?

If you make a search on the Steam forums you can see that they refused to add modding support because they would prefer to have creative control over the game. They said they will pump out free feature updates constantly, though.

>They said

It's filled with summerfags.

wow that's a 9gag tier reaction gif right there

I mean, it's OK to use Google instead of your Sup Forums folder, but have a little decency...

>it's this shitty meme again

why can't i preload it

>They said

I guess Starbound is a masterpiece because it's procedurally generated?

>Sup Forums is filled with autistic children that bought a $60 video game they knew wouldn't be their cup of tea so they could make shitposts on an Indonesian image board

10 million is fucking peanuts. But keep trying to recreate TORtanic. I'm sure it'll happen someday.

Sean is an EA developer. FUCKING EA. What other game did EA develop...? OH THATS RIGHT SPORE

Just because he "left" EA and "sold his house" to pursue his "dream game" doesn't mean he's not actually a division of Electronic Arts charging you full price for a turd underdeveloped by badly trained web developers.

Every 9gag reaction gif comes from Sup Forums anyway

>Sean is an EA developer. FUCKING EA. What other game did EA develop...? OH THATS RIGHT SPORE

Get out Reddit, Sean is a liar in his own right

Stop the bullying guys. I think this game is just too realistic for kiddos like you.

Le epic! XDDD

I actually played spore the other day and it was miles better than NMS

jesus christ, that's fake right?

jesus christ
you are either stupid or this is bait

he's just fucking around with this, right? That's not how it works at all

Fucking hell.

>People on this board have paid $60 for this

Yet more proof this board is full of children