Which gaming forum has the most cancerous userbase?

Which gaming forum has the most cancerous userbase?


Sup Forums, NeoGAF, GameFAQS, and /r/Games are probably the 4 worst places.

Your posting on it.

I'm wondering
Did the OP see the power junctions with their health bars, pause the game, minimise, and make a forum post asking what they are?
Even the slightest bit of testing would have told him what they were for

gamefaqs is alright if you just want information about a game

neogaf might be the worst

I highly recommend browsing neoseeker threads from 2001, it's really a treat. The anime board was cool, watching the world slowly move from toonami to rmvb downloads of shitty shows and bragging about it only taking 5 hours to dowbload from soulseek


Sup Forums, of course. That's why you're here, isn't it?

So if every where is shit which one is the shitiest of of the siht?

NeoGaf is fucking awful but they tend to be the fastest on reporting new news

Which gaming forum has the worst moderators?

if i had to rank them by shit:
1. GameFAQs
2. Sup Forums
3. /r/Games
4. Neogaf
They all still suck though.

something awful

Sup Forums
The sad part is you anons think youre better than neogaf or reddit


wait a minute that baby

Giant Bomb.

Once a very cool community filled with people who enjoyed a laugh, were mature enough to handle discussion and just all around good people. Now it's a mollycoddled safe space where any interesting discussion gets shut down 2 pages in because "mods can't keep up with the mean words". It's a textbook example of why moderation in general always ends up destroying niche communities. It's all thanks to Rorie and the moral crusader MB. Fuck you guys.

I think this place is better because it's anonymous and people have similar tastes to me.Wouldn't use those websites because i hate the games they like.

Youll vomit

Sup Forums, except no one here likes games.

Dont call him a baby.

He's over 30 years old.


Easily Neogaf.


Nearly all other websites listed are better for information, Sup Forums just has a more favorable community. Some of us aren't autistic racists that spout memes all day, those are the good ones.

That is not the image I meant to post.

But whatever, this thread will be shit anyway.


Because of those fags, I refuse to buy games on PC and I just rather pirate and play on PC and then buy console version. Fuck those retards.

How do they have better information? I have been on those sites but the censor comments and on reddit things have to be upvoted to be seen I really don't get this Sup Forums is so bad meme.

If you don't like the website i don't know why you would use it.

I take it you shitpost about Cut v Uncut a lot to have that saved?

Neogaf is the worst. Even in Reddit the circlejerk levels can be acceptable in some subs, but Neogaf is 100% horrible.


gamefaqs has some threads that are basically wiki pages full of information of a bunch of games

also some walkthroughs that actually give detail


80% of the users on Sup Forums just shitpost and meme like retards regardless of what is being discussed. The other 20% is split between people who pull information from various places to try and form a discussion and people who just lurk. Reddit and like maybe filled with the same idiots but devs and such do use it at times to post info. It also has more users and is formatted in a way that allows info to stay longer so like said you can find guides and stuff but it's up to you though to reason if that info is garbage or not.

Lurker here. I only ever visit this place and every once in a while I'll go to neogaf. I've never been on reddit. While this community is indeed shit, at least I get some real opinions about the topic being discussed. Neogaf tends to have people repeating each others comments like drones. I usually only read the OP and skip the comment section entirely.

Mods there are horrible too. If you constantly offer dissenting opinions you'll get banned as a troll.

All the heavily moderated ones with names and point systems

Nothing Negative Communities suck dicks

Definitely NeoFag, I can't even browse that fucking forum any more without ignoring half the threads because they are nothing but regulars circle jerking one another over how progressive they are and how problematic every damn thing is. I've been around long enough to remember when those people were mocked like the little bitches they were but now they have control of the mods and it's nothing but a fagfest.


Neogaf, by far. It's like every single post there is bait.