Reddit still believes the game has multiplayer

>reddit still believes the game has multiplayer

it's just le server issues guys!!

Other urls found in this thread:

>you browse reddit


kill yourself

In defense of OP, I think a lot of people have just been browsing the NMS subreddit to get screen caps from it because of how delusional the people there are.

you need to go back

>not enjoying schadenfreude
I've been browsing the NMS Reddit page for the past hour, the delusions and denial are delicious.

>due to unknown reasons, the multiplayer does not work at this time
>we are doing our best to look for the cause of the problem and will fix it as soon as possible

Calling it now. There is no multiplayer in the game (though they won't admit it) and they'll stealth patch it in in a few weeks.

how new

scouring leddit for damage control screencaps has always been a thing

How can someone be so delusional?

>They created this. 14 people created this for us.

What the fuck? Where is this loyalist mentality coming from? Is this the cause of hive mind mentality?

Please explain this rationale to me.

>14 people created this

less have created much bigger

To the No Man's Sky Haters...

Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

"I tried to contact Sean Murray..."

"I was stressed and felt responsible for the outrage..."

"He's busy making his dreams a reality.."

Holy fucking shit kek

I honestly have no idea how it is possible to have this mindset
I've been young and I've been a blind fanboy too, but I never did this kind of denial speech
how is this even possible?

Can I save this for future use?

I'm no psychologist, but tribalism at a guess. Most of these fags have followed NMS for years, keeping abreast of every update, consuming every piece of media they could get their hands on. This is their game and they refuse to see it fail. They've abandoned most form of logic and debate and so all they can really rely on is "b-but they still care about us!"

How wrong they are.

The new generation of politically correct numales simply trusts in people for no reason whatsoever because they really really want something. even if it defies all logic and there is evidence to the contrary.

>You ARE the minority


This is an advanced post.

This fucking Cucktus Cactus faggot is a huge attention whore, that's all
He keeps bringing himself up with asslicking because his 15 minutes of fame ended

I...I have no words...



Reddit on full shill mode this week

Is this from reddit? I really want to see the reactions to this on leddit.

>Every star in the sky is a sun
Stars are LITERALLY Suns

>redditors still trying to justify that they spent 60 (sixty) dollars on this empty ass meme game


They never learn

>They created this. 14 people created this for us.

UHHHHHH is reddit braindead? they literally made the game to make MONEY they do not care for you they only care for whats in your wallet

how can reddit be this delusional

>This turd tastes like shit by accident, please wait for the chef to fix it

This is why Sup Forums is special in that you are free to say what you want about a game. If it is shit, you can call it shit as many times as you want ad you will likely get other posters agreeing with you.

Anywhere else, especially the official forums for games you will get a dedicated defense force of boot-lickers who will just shout down any criticism to their beloved developer as entitlement.

Damn. Is this fresh pasta?

Someone use the random generator on this one

>lying on the internet

why do people even want multiplayer in this? what would you even do?

okay, let's say you see each other. now what?

what makes him act like a fucking spokesperson? Is it just because he had, for a few hours, a faux community watching his hand shaking from virtual contact?

>This is pretty much the same story of EVERY new game. And it's ridiculous, it's hilarious how people feel entitled to say whatever they want behind a screen, how possible good criticism becomes bullshit because their arguments lack respect, I'm ashamed of being of the same species of some people these last days.

Even the redditors are making fun of his retarded post

Its a fucking video game, what compels people to do this shit

It has been amazing to watch this trainwreck unfold.

Sean making vague statements that in turn keeps leading Reddit on is really just icing on the cake.


Buyer's remorse

Sup Forums still believes Kojima can make games.

can you pirate it?

I'm sorry that has been so virulently searching for the need to us!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and others feel the splendour and that has been so hopelessly searching the first time many others, however, are come to your existence. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that has been so infinitesimally miniscule this the wrong way towards us. I'm sorry that you've been so hopelessly searching out on such a wonderful world that has been so hopelessly searching out you are not hesitate to go around others. I'm sorry that day-in and berate other.
Don't feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that you are one. We are hundreds, though, I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you politely to cease your fellow explorers, especially minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't fear you.
I'm sorry that, to put up with your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that has been so hopelessly searching for them. We No Man's Sky, and "Sean Murray lied to go around and the minority; you ARE the missing out of then, maybe, you need to us!" and "Sean Murray lied to put up with your self-worth is such a wonderful world then, maybe, you'll see who so virulently slurs I dare not hesitate to put up with you ARE the aid of a life.
I ask you politely to cease you politely to cease your worthless, meaningless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you need to us!" and others, however, are coming out on such a wonderful experiences, but we will not hesitate you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you feel invalidity, you'll see what you have to put up No Man's Sky Haters...

I'm sorry that you ARE the first time many are coming out on such a bane to put up with you to feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured minority.
You aren't just IN the minority.

Posting this again because the delusions are fucking amazing


Is this the worst buzzword?

>tread lightly

>if you've paid 60 euros, it's your fault... it's been announced like that for a year and several months now, no point at complaining about a price tag


>7/10 is an average score

fucking morons

In school you strive for A's and B's, no reason it shouldn't be the same here unless you just want your terrible game to not be laughed at

I thought we finally got rid of that buzzword. Took long enough after the ME3 trainwreck and people kept using it for the most ridiculous shit to defend incompetent devs.

And now it's back. Fuck me.

>mfw it's revealed they didn't even make a character model for the player because multiplayer was always a lie

I have a feeling that guy defin8tely browses Sup Forums last time he used reddit was 2 years ago for gamdev stuff.

We will know soon once people start datamining the PC gamefiles


It never went away. I see redditors and Normies say it whenever I mention any complaints.


It's going to be amazing when the game releases on PC and someone finds a way to glitch out into third person mode and there's just a gun floating around

B-but the servers!

In vidya terms, 7/10 is death

Name five 7/10 games that people still play to this day. I'll wait.

I have the game and if you have your gun out when you do something that moves the camera (like using a transmission tower, the camera swoops up to show you what you discovered) the gun comes with you. So if you had a character model you would be flying up hundreds of feet in the air and shit.

It was all lies

AHAHAH this cannot be real. Is reddit satire?

The NMS reddit is even more pathetic than the Battleborn reddit







Utter bullshit.

Fable, Oblivion, Spore, any kickstarter game would have this. Especially KS since you invest before seeing the final product.

But they werent this bad.


Kill each other.

Reddit never ceases to surprise

That's from Oney's video, isn't it?

>4channers still trying to justify that they spent over 1 (one) year on an empty ass meme candidate

>justifying on going to plebbit

I'm just gonna pirate it

steam community is also going crazy on NMS
fanboys and shitposters fighting

but the game is basically a 60 euro early access indie game
just... no

>if one of them flies into a black hole and pushes books around to change the past
You faggots didn't even realize the cunt was making an Interstellar joke. He wasn't serious. Fucking hell learn to read, retards.

It's fucking creepy how they act like they know the dev on a personal level.

how retarded are these people

it literally says singleplayer on the back of the box and on the steam page

He's best for this country, jim.

something something red giants
There are right?
Neutron stars too?

Shoot your laser at stacks of minerals together.

What a thrill. Minecraft ruined video games.

I'm sure the multiplayer will work after a patch fixes the "server issues" and does in no way contain the code that patches in multiplayer in the first place.

No, I'm not a faggot who wasted time on interstellar, the moment I heard about a guy surviving a black hole I ignored the film entirely.

blah blah blah


>There will never be an space game set in the universe of Foundation
>You will never travel from Trantor to Terminus
>You will never do your best to avoid Imperial armadas
>You will never be a slave to the Mule
>You will never do your small part to ensure that Seldon's plan is achieved.

You now realize these people are more lonely than Sup Forums, it's like children on youtube "befriending" LPers and having their only social contact watching vids of them pretending to care about fans.

that's most likely the case because I don't remember seeing hands or a body when looking down


>Wanting modern developers to ruin one of the greatest Sci-fi franchises ever conceived

They'd turn Cleon II into a proud Transgendered female and make The Mule a White Cis Privileged villain.

How would you know about the plebbit reddit stereotype if not for people going on reddit in the first place to report on how shit it is?

>you will never discover Gaia with Trevize and Pelorat
>you will never romance Bliss and become one with Galaxia

It hurts, user.

Flying through a wormhole is a-OK, but a black hole is too much? It's a fucking movie.

>they'll stealth patch it in in a few weeks
and the guy from op's screen will believe that online always was there, the servers were just overloaded. even though if he kept meeting with his buddy for weeks and it never worked.

>AMAZING there were so many people online that their combined mass distorted gravity in the game, bending light to conceal the player. It's a miracle our amazing team could keep the gun. Dont worry, we'll fix it.

I'm the kind of retard that owns NMS so don't know shit about stars but I've only seen yellow and red stars so far. The red stars require an ungraded drive to travel to for some reason

> You're retarted


Just push yourself against a wall and a moving fence while having your feet on the water for 12 hours, and you will end up in another player's universe.

Dev here. We are actually playing the multiplayer version. We just want to make sure it's really amazing. The patch will be out soon. See you all soon spacecowboys.

>Sean claims No Mans Sky has multiplayer
>Multiple people can play at the same time and interact with each other (via naming systems and other objects)

v, as usual, is over exaggerating the heck out a small issue just to be contrarian.

Admit it: You are just mad the game is really, really good.


>You will never find the location of the Second Foundation with Arkady
>She will never get mad whenever you call her Arkady

People will datamine the game to oblivion when it launches, so that kind of bullshit will not go unnoticed.