>A warlike race that fled their homeland due to fucking it up
>Moved to another races realm and got enslaved, something they still haven't gotten over
>Form a loose coalition with other minority races whom they may not necessarily like
>Frequently place their faith in political leaders who inevitably let them down

Are Warcraft Orcs an allegory for Black people Sup Forums?

Garithos did nothing wrong!

>we wuz shamanz and shieet

Thrall is not an Orc hes a green human with weird teeth

>were slaves at some point

I'm pretty sure they were never slaves, there were a lot of POWs.

they were literal niggers in warcraft 1 and 2, metzen then turned them into "honorable warriors" who did nuffin wrong n fightin da oppressors n shieet in 3rd.

>leave EK to live peacefully in Kalimdor
>start to massacre everyone
fucking niggers

>wod proves orcs are bloodthirsty and untrustworthy without demons taint
>they have their chance and fuck up one world
>move to another and fuck up that one too
>buh muh honor
>it's in our nature :^)))))

Every race should unite and gas the orcs

Somewhere out there, there is an alternate universe where the orcs never invaded azeroth.

on that universe everyone is happy because they have no orcs.

Wouldn't the Legion still invade and use the Scourge to wreck everyone's shit?

Inb4 nigger hate thread #12,742,829 is deleted

>Go to the Eastern Kingdoms
>Attack and fuck over the humans and get surprised when they don't like them
>Do this two times over

>Run away to Kalimdor because nobody likes them and will have them
>First thing they do is attack the natives
>Make friends with furries who also have no friends
>Attack the Night Elves, burn down their forests, kill one of their Gods and make pacts with the demons again
>Get surprised when the Night Elves dislike this and absolutely demolish them

Rinse repeat. Orcs are literal dindus who bring war and suffering wherever they go. Just because Orc jesus is """""different"""""" slightly doesn't mean their race isn't cancer.

No Nerzhul, so no Lich King and no scourge. They'd probably just try to corrupt a different race on Azeroth directly though. Like trolls. There must always be dindus.

>I'm pretty sure they were never slaves
wew lad

>Be an alien race that willingly falls to demonic corruption, invades Azeroth, wars, rapes, pillages, and nearly destroys every native civilization they encounter in a quest to take over the planet
>When the Alliance finally wins they decide imprisoning the orcs is preferable to killing off the entire species
>Orcs are somehow upset about this and feel they were wronged
>While they continue to live on the fucking planet they aren't even from, even though there are now TWO fucking copies of their homeworld that everyone has portals to and they could just fuck off back home instead of staying on a planet where everyone hates them

Stupid fucking nigger dindu orcs. Alliance should've just killed them all when they had the chance.

>Moved to another races realm and got enslaved, something they still haven't gotten over

Start shit get hit

Don't forget they are allied with the mercantile race.

This is why Jaina is right. She is the Donald Trump of Azeroth.

>Le original hate orc comment
>humans were the biggest force in the twillight cult that worshiped an old god and the almost destroyed themselves before the alliance because they hated other humans so much
>night elfs had their queen wanting to get GREENED by Sargeras and she almost destroyed Azeroth doing so
>dwarfs can't decide their ruler and ends up having a civil war
>Draenie had their greatest leader succumb to the legion and are probably one of the biggest forces in legion as Eredars


>Sylvanas is going to make the Horde great again
can not fucking wait, greenskins had their chance, and the troll dude was just high 24/7 and did nothing.

The difference being that there's a clear distinction between the good and evil members of non-orc races. Eredar are not Draenei, good humans do not worship Old Gods, the evil highborne either died or became naga, and even the fucking dark iron dwarves are good guys now.

But the fucking stupid orcs still idolize all of their past evil warlords and dindu retards that gave in to the Legion as heroes and cultural icons. Blackhand is great, Grommash is the biggest orc hero ever, Doomhammer is a saint. Everyone cheered for AU Grom after he led a genocidal campagin against us just because he showed up for the Archimonde fight. Garrosh leads the fucking playable Horde characters in committing all sorts of war crimes but everyone is off the hook because we fight him in 5.3.
The excuse for Orcs being good and not evil at their core was always because they were noble savages that lived honorable lives before the Legion's corrupting influence and never would've done the terrible things that they did if it weren't for the demon blood, and WoD proves that's complete bullshit because they did it all on their own anyway.


>But the fucking stupid orcs still idolize all of their past evil warlords and dindu retards that gave in to the Legion as heroes and cultural icons

No they don't, they idolize Thrall and Orgrim but that's pretty much it.
Garrosh lived with huge shame in Outland after what his father did


>The Blood Elves haven't been relevant since TBC

I haven't followed this shit in a long time, did the Gnomes reclaim Gnomeregan at least or are they as useless as always?







You didn't address any of my comments and handwaved most of my points with cherry picked orcs.

Dwards still has problems with what leader they want, after their king awoke from his slumber dark iron forge and the hammer clan wanted to start a civil war almost immediately.
Eredars are draenies no matter how much you want to ignore it like the alliance cocksucker your are. It's like trying to separate darkspear trolls and Amani trolls..
Humans had their fucking bishop worshiping the Old god and was able to trick everyone in stormwind that he was some kind of dindu priest, also it feels like saying "good orcs doesn't worship Garrosh". It's a moot point and you are actively avoiding the question.

The funny thing about the highborn/Nightbornes elves is that they once again join the legion in the next expansion because they are promised power and because they can't live without their crack pool aka Nightwell.

But I am not gonna pretend Orcs are a good race when the writers constantly ignores people like Saurfang that have been there since the first war and every war after. The one that led Azeroths forces in Silithus and have been actively working with Thrall to establish peace between the alliance and horde.


Pretty much useless, reclaimed the area outside Gnomer but not the whole thing. Leader did help out the Alliance in the Broken Shore with his mech and was pretty cool

>Gnome warriors will never ride giant mechas with exchangeable parts
>Tinker will never be a class or hero class
>You will never be able to gain a proficiency in a class by becoming a hero class such as mountain king, Keeper of the grove, etc. by doing an epic and extremely difficult chain quest.
>Blizzard never implimented finding a runesword and killing your character as a way to unlock the Death Knight class.
All this wasted potential.

Races should get their own unique Hero classes that only they can be and as you said, make it difficult to acquire via a quest that unlocks it for new characters.

Dark Ranger for Forsaken being one I'd really like.

Maybe next expansion which will focus on Sylvanas right guys!

Orcs are the niggest race in Azeroth, for sure.

>people defending orcs

I know Sup Forums always wants to be contrarian, but man, get a grip. There isn't a single redeeming quality about Orcs and the one who isn't a bloodthirsty monster grew up among humans.

>night elfs had their queen wanting to get GREENED by Sargeras and she almost destroyed Azeroth doing so

Yeah she was a power hungry crazy chick before sylvanas was cool

Protip: They stopped her

>dwarfs can't decide their ruler and ends up having a civil war

Yeah it's almost as if they weren't ready for the betrayers of the dwarves to be in a position to lead them yet

Protip: They got over it

>Draenie had their greatest leader succumb to the legion and are probably one of the biggest forces in legion as Eredars

Yes the Eredar outnumber demons almost 100000:1

Also prophet velen still alive teachin niggas to wield light and shit

>humans were the biggest force in the twillight cult that worshiped an old god and the almost destroyed themselves before the alliance because they hated other humans so much



>raised by humans, brought up in an environment with a lot of depressed, nostalgic war veterans who regret drinking the blood

Yeah, he was totally the guy to listen to when it came to understanding what Orcs were really all about back on their homeworld

prob just fuck up the high elves

Worgen HD models when?

Post mogs

>Draenie had their greatest leader succumb to the legion and are probably one of the biggest forces in legion as Eredars

you got that backwards. 90% the eredar succumbed to the legion, 10% exiled themselves and changed their name to draenei which means "exiled ones" in the eredar language

the draenei are objectively the good guys

>Varian Wrynn was one of the leaders of the Grand Alliance that advocated that the Orcs be stuck in camps until they could be cured/got better

It's good he lived long enough to thoroughly regret that decision

Sounds like germans to me.


I like it

What's that goat climbing shit? A vanity pet or something?

hunters pet m8



Note: Your choice doesn't matter.

According to blizzard a war between the human kingdoms break out and the legion eventually finds another way in. With all the humans kingdoms un-unified and weak from war and the other alliance races remaining isolationist the planet is doomed.

you get different quests

yup just a hunter pet.

Wait, what
> dwarf civil problems doesnt concert others and there's no sign of such civil war causing destruction to whole world

And suddenly
> Orc being murderous scum even with or without demon blood is ok
> same corruption but from old god is unacceptable in human world

I want to remind you, that in orc, clans that refused to drink blood were minority, when humans ready to fuck up old gods cult were majority versus such cult minority

Elfs fought trolls and later arathi humans fought them too. That wars never threatened complete extinction of species or complete world apocalispe. And what happened to draenor? ooops, shattered

When highborne decided to be greened, rest refused and formed opposition, deciding to fuck sunwell and arcane magic aka read War of the ancients and how elf people reacted to events

Draenei are same as eredar like mag'hari tribe are same as orc. Both draenei/mag'hari are uncorrupted version of their species.

And there's only two examples of races comiting massive genocides and causing extinction - ork and eredars. Not even forsaken with their blight toped orc with their path of "glory" composed of draenei skeletons

Thrall literally means slave.

>Her first act under command of all Horde forces is to betray the core edict of the Horde: Lok'tar ogar.

Yeah great warchief.

You fuckers all know for as dindu and shit as Orcs are, the Broken Front would have been a bloody casualty ridden win if one had been leading the Horde.

>imploding they were relevant in TBC

So many of the classes are good looking, I'm having trouble settling on a main.

Garrosh only lived in shame because he didn't know what Grom did on Azeroth. Which was still just senseless butchering of natives, honorless killings and falling back into the hands of demons but Thrall's Orcs still revered him for it. Hell Thrall's entire point of showing up in Nagrand was to convince Garrosh that his dad was a hero.

I'm constantly out of rage as Arms warrior if I don't spec into max rage spec (-20% rage cost of skills, no rage cost during battle cry, spending rage reduces battle cry CD, Rend due to its low rage cost reducing average rage per GCD)

The Legion clearly had the upper hand and would've won even if everyone had stayed. What's really stupid is every Horde and Alliance leader leaving Tirion for dead without even trying to help him. He was one of their biggest assets.

Well the simple answer to that is AAHHHH! AHHHHHHHH!


Tell that to Bloodeye Redfist.

>not sure what class to boost to 100


Priest or any healer.

Running through dungeons as a Priest is mind numbing with every tard in looms just charging through.

>Blood Elves come with the interesting characteristic of magical addiction and even have abilities that reflect this
>Said characteristic is removed in the same expansion and never mentioned again


Just got done outfitting my DH

not hunter

Thermaplugg renuked it because if he couldn't have it nobody can

Thinking about the whole magical addiction thing I've just realized that Blood elves are some pussy ass shit.

They became extremely dependent on the Sunwell and developed a magical dependency. Night elves had the same thing with the Well of Eternity and later the World Tree and they've been living for like 20 or so years after the destruction of the World Tree and don't have any of the same characteristics of some "mana addiction".

Tinker is the only thing I've wanted since vanilla

Voljin gave the command to pull out


It's amazing that literally everyone who enabled the dindu nuffin narrative lived to regret it.

If it was intentional, it would be genius.

>Night elves had the same thing.

Not really. The Well was the purview of the Highborne, who were the Blood elves ancestors.

not really

t. beta tester


Except that's not the case. Every Night elf had been granted immortality by the WoE so it affected them all. And I don't think all Highborne left with Dath'remar.

>this isn't fair for us in europe..we have to wait more and avoid spoilers..SHAME!
>Unlocking everything requires a maintenance, alas. But the roles will be reversed in 21 days.

eurocucks are literally children

The BE arent even that bad now that Loreth is leading them

>Every Night elf had been granted immortality by the WoE
Elf immortality was granted by the Dragon Aspects by planting Nordrassil

I need to find some nice chest pieces for DH that shows the midriff. Only good one I have is the DH starting chest.





Yes, we also have the Nightfallen who, removed from the Nightwell, have the same problem the Blood elves had.

If you're female, one of the LW chests in Legion is pretty much just a bra

I did it just to trigger all the edgelords like you. I also use the "The Fabulous" title.

Altruis lets you not be as big of a dick tho.

>not gorgeous



>Invasion is supposed to be Demons invading Azeroth
>it's actually Demon Hunters invading the capitals and Battle Grounds
nice one Blizzard 10/10 marketing.

There is literally a joke in the game that goes:
"So an orc walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder, the bartender says "hey, where'd ya get that?" the PARROT says "durotar, they got em all over the place!""

The only good thing to come from the WoW general for vanilla is calling the horde dindus.

The Fabulous fits more with Illidans "The Betrayer" it also sounds better with my name. I have both titles.


It's been a long time since blizzard was creative, user.

but the UD hate the orcs just as much as they hate the humans, they only made an alliance with the orcs because the orcs didnt immediately try to slaughter them

Is that image just going to turn into a bunch of Garroshes laughing?

Orcs hate each other just as much as they hate the humans.


>All this wasted potential.
should have been the xpac's name