Do you think the video game industry needs to be held to a higher standard of integrity for the sake of the customer?
Do you think the video game industry needs to be held to a higher standard of integrity for the sake of the customer?
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Depends son how much you wanna charge for your game.
>expecting numale cuck'd faggots to make good games, deliver on their promises, or be anything but pathetic
So what then? Stick with Japanese Only games?
how can someone be so excited to create such a steaming pile
Turns out 15 people are not enough to make a fulfilling AAA-level game. Who would've thought.
Every form of entertainment nowadays needs to be held to a higher standard, the state of the comics and movie industry is particularly gut wrenching.
The video game industry's catching up to them though.
This question doesn't even make sense. Held to a higher standard by whom? What is the "standard"? Who gets to define this "higher standard"? Are you planning on forcing people to like only what you like?
The fact is that there are thousands of products that are considered shit by some yet liked by others. There are the Twilight books, Adam Sandler movies and Smart cars. The beauty of free market is that you don't have to buy the things you think are shit.
I believe that change will only come about based on our spending habits
And fuck, it's a bleak future
would ruin, dat thickness, dat look in her eyes
post more
As a customer, yes.
But it will never happen. The general consumer is a retard, you market anything heavily enough and they'll gladly shell out for it. And there's nothing that can be done about it. They never, ever learn.
I wanna jinkies velma's velmas
Japanese and slavic games, yes.
Also porn.
Honestly the only thing he really outright lied about was the mutliplayer. The entire thing he sold the game on was "100 billion planets that will take 20 years to full explore!" and people ate that shit up while he was just being vague as hell about everything else. You really have no one to blame but yourself for being an idiot who bought into the "hype" if you bought the game.
All we really need is one good lawsuit for fraud/false advertising against one of these games and it will all come tumbling down
did anyone seriously not expect no mans sky to be shit, after the other 2 outsourced shovelware "indie" games that sony threw money at to make exclusive were bad as well?
this. the game was going to be shit from the start. If someone believes they were fucked over with the multiplayer thing, they can start a class action lawsuit and sue the devs for fraud. let the courts decide, simple as that. any further "discussion" like this is just pointless shitposting.
You just wanted to show this fucking face
obviously since the pre-launch promotion of the game has concluded, the marketers have moved on to the tactic of spoofing a cult of personality now
I fucked her too, believe it or not. She was drunk as fuck at Wizard World Comic Con right before they closed, and they brought out free beer. That pick was literally taken right before she pushed her tits up against my chest.
Stop posting him, I can't stand his filthy pubes face anymore.
tell me more
He really needs to shave that beard, it honestly does not look good for his face at all.
If he's worried about his chin or some pudge than he just needs to get on a diet and work out a little, he'll watch his features sharpen in no time.
>do you think restrictions need to be set in place because the customer is a baby
hmm surely there is no way this could go wrong!
If Overwatch loot boxes are any indication, then yeah things aren't getting any better.
If you want the straight truth, I was even there with my pregnant wife at the time. I told her she could go home, because she was tired of walking around, and I still wanted to buy stuff. She thought I was being considerate, but I honestly just started to notice a bunch of girls getting drunked up from free beer getting shoved down their throats. So anyway, she came alone to compete in the cosplay part of the con, and being drunk I could tell she was going home with someone, so it ended up being me. She was so thick, and I slapped her tits so many times they were probably bruised.
This is really on Sony.
If they just let Hello Games make thier mediocre space sim things probably would have been fine.
But they give Sean Murray E3 stage time and now people have a face they can attach thier hopes and eventual hate at.
Release this game for 30 dollars and not have Sean open his ducking mouth and things would have ok at least.
Yeah but the only one who can force that is the consumer and they will just keep buying 60 dollar turds, so 60 dollar turds will keep coming out.
I never listened to a word this man said, I have no idea what claims he supposedely made.
But I still knew from day one that this game was going to be vacuous bullshit.
It was so fucking obvious. Every hyped up fan I asked "So...what do you do in this game?" never had a real answer.
That people are treating this letdown as some kind of problem with the industry is horseshit. It's the players'faults they're disappointed, no one elses. They saw in this game only what they wanted to see.
Yeah fuck customer satisfaction!!!!
Yes. The concept in sales that it is okay to sell a product without informing the customer of all it's functions has got to go. It's too easy to abuse. And all games that show off tons of gameplay are almost always good.
OP you fucking shill stop
Rather, I think consumers shouldn't be bandwagoning retards that fall for the hype train.
are you so new that u dont know what shill means
Really wonder when people will get tired of adding nu- before everything, its worse then le, trollface, fedora and co.
If a game is broken day 1 devs should be forced to give refunds
Publishers need to give devs adequate time as well
No, I think your parents should stop giving you money since you're too retarded to use it wisely
What do you mean, you fools at Sup Forums are so edgy
>People legitimately finding this gross wop attractive
At least you fags don't need to worry about aiming too high
A large part of the blame lies in the consumers.
They need to be able to critique game play flaws and point out blatant dev lies instead of constantly defending the honor of billion dollar corporations on the internet and stop blindly purchasing games on day one.
I think consumers need to be less retarded.
It looked like a whole lot of nothing from day one.
People who thought this would be some wild space dogfight simulator with base building and vast cities on planets were out of their mind.
Customers should LITERALLY be willing to wait 24 hours at least to see if the product matches how it's being marketed and hyped
Those half million people who bought it day one and preordered it will learn this the hard way.
When you preorder a game you get a big dick in your mouth
When you wait to see if the reviews are favorable and then buy it you get a face full of massive titties.
Do people actually think they lied? We knew exactly what we were getting with No Man's Sky this whole time. A procedurally generated game focused on exploration, thats it. You should have been tipped off that it was not going to be a fun game when they said "procedurally generated".
If you're too stupid to figure that out, then thats your problem. Anyone with a brain knew that game was not going to be anything special.
He did lie
He said that players can see each other
i feel like this picture is taking this piss out of Sup Forums. subtly hinting that they are shallow
t. No mans sky advertiser
OP suggests that he lied substantially, as in he failed to deliver something big in his game. Now, I havent played the game, but from what I hear we got pretty much all of what he said we'd get. The multiplayer issues are pretty insignificant. After all, he said it wouldnt be a multiplayer game.
It will never happen. Customers are just for of shit. FE gets slammed about translation and censorship guess what it's the best selling FE. I wouldn't be surprised if his game become GOTY only because of a patch. People like to bitch but in the end developers know that the bitching is all just for show.
Dwarf Fortress is procedural generated and fun
Yes, fuck those entitled customers for actually wanting quality for their money!
>A bunch of marketing people at a con having fun, smiling, interacting with their fans.
>Know their game is very niche, but can sell by interacting and understanding with their target fans, adopting their silly in-jokes
no no. i saw
>le nu male xD
and then I saw
>top nep girl anime desu lol
i wan't to fuck may
The point of OPs statement was about product integrity not taste you retard, I mean my god man it went right over your head.
Hope your wife divorces your fucking cheating ass. Pathetic.
No, M-muh free market
Capitalists are so fucking stupid.
pretty damn sure she has a BF man
>getting married
He also said it would be. Since the question is "Do people actually think they lied?" the answer is yes, people do actually think they lied.
The reason people think that they lied is because of the lies they told.
false advertising and fraud are still generally illegal in free markets you dumb fuck
Wtf are you talking about, the man went on live tv and streamed gameplay that ended up being false, and stated clearly in an interview that Yes there will be multiplayer and you can meet up and see each other.
People who are saying otherwise like yourself are the ones pulling shit out their ass. Nothing vague or wishful about any of this. Just go back and watch the interviews on talk shows he did.
yeah i feel bad for anyone who gets married
there's no point for it and people who do it are just being nice
>being a normie
You should be able to tell at first glance if you'll like a game or not idiot.
>huur duur judging a book by its cover
Game still give you details on the back, theres also a nifty thing called the internet now.
>huur duur but their interviews they lied
Ideas were said and no promises made, they never lied, youre delusional.
OP here, and I never got the game... I think you misunderstood the question son.
You get it. Whenever they said it was procedurally generated I new it was going to be crap.
damn this potato headed fuck
i'd totally want to be with all three ladies at once
And I'm pretty damn sure I have a wife man
He said on live tv while on a talk show that it was multiplayer and that you could meet up and see each other
Yes, but if all games are the same quality as Twilight, and Adam Sandler movies don't we have a problem?
Its ok for those to exist, but if they are the ONLY thing that exists who wins?
Wow, looks like someone is justifying a shitty purchase. Better use buzzwords like casual to make feel people insecure over a faggot dev lying to people.
>Get's called out for cheating on his wife who is pregnant.
>Only response is calling that person a retard.
Real smooth man.
Thumbnail looked good til I opened it and saw the face.
Should it be? Yes. Will it ever be? No.
The problem is casuals pretty much. Just people who like games, but don't pay any real attention to them outside of the overhyped overcommercialized AAA pieces of trash.
Gets called out... I said it first, and bluntly you idiot. You can't call someone out on something that they just openly stated they did. You're just a retard for throwing such a little cuck tantrum, because you're jealous.
I'm sorry you're a neckbears buddy, but defending my'lady ain't gonna get you pussy.
Yes. Many developers are in constant violation of consumer protection laws but very few people are willing to pursue legal action and even fewer are willing to prosecute because videogames are still seen as a childish form of entertainment that has no objective measurements.
Hello games generated interest for their game by advertising features it clearly does not have. They did this to get more money from their customers while providing nothing extra.
The only issue with your question is that the "higher standard" they need to be held to is the legal minimum for other industries.
If someone doesn't break Sean's face by the end of the year, I'll be very fucking disappointed.
I have never at any point been remotely interested in NMS, at all, but Sean and his vague nu-male faggotry is legit triggering.
He quite literally and blaintently lied during a live talk show interview with Colbert saying the game was multiplayer and that you could meet up and see each other.
You're delusional, and a bit of an idiot.
Integrity is not some objective thing; the 'integrity' that customers get is directly related to what their standards are and what they will buy. That's a matter of taste as much as anything.
>it's wrong to pander to reddit
>it's great to pander to Sup Forums
Both are pretty cancerous. Neither really bother me.
>it's great to pander to Sup Forums
Well since we hate almost everything, yes I think it would be better to pander to us.
No. It's not dumbfuck. Jesus kid just admit you're an idiot. Integrity is referring to not lying about what your consumer just consumed. Dear god man is your IQ 40?
It's as though you haven't ever bought an unfinished game.
If you have spent money on a game that has on-disk locked DLC, a Day One patch, or bugs on release, you voted for more of the same.
except skinny girls with a top nep hat on
and anime
Do you really, honestly think that this site is less cancerous than reddit? It's just a different kind of scum.
>literally 16 threads up
>all of them shitposting one way or the other
Fuck this website. Fuck this game.
The problem is that if you churn out shit to a large enough audience, enough of them will buy the game that quality doesn't even matter. This is exacerbated by the fact that Steam, once tightly curated, is now throwing open the game to any shovelware shit that they can get their delicious 30% profit off of.
>before everything
Like what?
Didnt he retract that before the game's launch? He's clearly stated its not a multiplayer experience.
True, but when you looked at this game, did you think "dwarf fortress"? DF is not an "exploration" game. Its not just that its procedurally generated that sends a red flag, its that we're supposed to explore procedurally generated landscapes and accept that as infinite content.
What I'm saying is, he didnt lie, people who havent played enough games just dont know what they want and feel betrayed when the game doesnt live up.
Yeah, good thing for Sean, he didnt actually lie.
u sound like a prick
If you're referring to multiplayer in NMS, we deserve what we get because we have been buying unfinished games for years. If you want to deny any part in that, then I hope the last game you bought was on cartridge.
Though I would like to see less bullshit games on steam, I think the problem here was the years of momentum and free advertising E3 brought to this game. The developer saw an opportunity to make it sound like gods gift to gaming while we waited for the release.... Now that it's out; well, it may have fallen a little short of what we were told in dozens of interviews and game articles.
can somebody shoop a dick in his mouth and send it to him on twitter?
I for one managed to dodge the hype train by staying off Reddit and ignoring Sup Forums. I don't know very much about it except for the fact that it's a big universe, you get a ship, and you get to land on planets and walk around. Sounded great when it was announced, still sounds great.
But I'm not a total fucking idiot and I didn't buy it Day One. No fucking way is a game like this going to come out without problems. I don't intend to pay full price, either.
>It's as though you haven't ever bought an unfinished game.
>people are unironically defending this shit
Where did everything go so wrong..?
He never retracted it. He only became more silent. If I tell you 2+2=6 and the. Later when you ask me what 2+2 is, if my answer is to just stare down at the floor and mumble "uh yeah it's still 6 but it's kinda unlikely... That uh it is." That's not retracting. That's lying, like a nervous 10 year old boy who just got caught doing something wrong, but lying non the less.