Is anyone playing on the Tonberry server?

Is anyone playing on the Tonberry server?
I've heard it's pretty populated so is it hard to log in?

Thinking of doing a world transfer to get rid of quite a bit of lag

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for a XIV thread.
/vg/ is unbarable

if you're not playing as a qt3.14 then you're playing it wrong

Seriously, what's with that shit?

I just started the free trial and I'm planning on buying the game and subbing, but when I went over there to ask questions I was so disgusted that I was forced to go to reddit.

FF14 General literally made me a redditor. That's how bad it is.

Are you Australian shitter? If so then just transfer. It's perfect place for you.


49 days

Yeah I am. $18 doesn't seem /too/ bad of a price for what it's worth. I kept thinking i could suck up the lag but I just played a dungeon and the buffs took about 3-4 seconds to appear on my team mates' health bars after casting

>those glasses

just play on a data center server closest to where you live cunt

Is there a Sup Forums fc?
I'm lonely and got no one to play with

Tonberry is the closest until they actually provide aussie servers. Wonder if that'll be part of the big october announcement

>Wonder if that'll be part of the big october announcement

Hah, no.

Eh, you never know. They've talked about australian servers in the past

are you EU, NA or are you a jap slanty cunt?

NA, Balmung.

Right? It's crazy how much of a difference those tiny glasses make.

>in 1.0 Sup Forums said to make characters on sargatanas
>we all do
>fast forward to today
>everyone quit or transfered

well that worked great

nobody plays on Tonberry. Everyone is on Primal or Aether datacenter.

Aether: Gilgamesh, Balmung
Primal: Leviathan, Excalibur

Gilgamesh is full of elitists, Balmung is degenerate central, Leviathan is the midcore server, Excalibur is the PvP server

Is BLM hard to pull off?
Before, my main job was MNK until the expansion where I did that with MCH. I'm looking for a bit of change.

fuck off tumblr


It's joke
Black Lives Matters = BLM = Blackmage

4.0 is removing ps3 and male miqo'te from the game, right?

>Tfw rogue/ninja is fun to play
>Tfw that gay Naruto run isn't a toggle

There's Golden Ratio on Ultros if you're looking to play with Sup Forums. There might be smaller group-of-friend Sup Forums FCs here and there but I never see them post in these threads.

Oh, I'm slow as shit.

What are you gay?.

>Lightning hair
>Tailed species

Fuck out of here

Let me guess. Nobody in japan gives a shit about doing that event, right? SE always delivers a belated trailer for shit nobody cares about. Happened with Chocoboracing when it declined, happened a week after LoV's release.

Is just boring.
And really grindy.

No clue, but I'm having fun collecting them even if it is a bit tedious.

I got all the minions and the blizzaria staff pretty much by accident, don't care to get the LED ghostcar

They should have given us the middle and the right one instead of the Robonyan and that fucking man-dog.

>its a "NIN is top dps in 4 man content" kind of episode

Anyone else just getting tired of carrying shitters?

LED ghostcar is best on a male roe

Played a bit during the free login. Palace of the dead and aquapolis were fun as fuck. Still not coming back to the game though.

Manroes sitting in that fucking ghostcar never gets old for me.

One leg alone shouldn't fit

>grind fates to get tokens to turn in for shit
Cant they come up with some new fucking ideas already?

God those cunts in the ffxiv subreddit are almost as bad, but for different reasons. Get out of there now.

do not play on ultros. cancer server, and this poster here is part of that cancer.

At least it's not Balmung with /vg/. He wanted to know if there were any Sup Forums FCs.

>It's a NIN is top dps in 24 man content run

I'm sick of this. I'm not even fully geared

but that FC is a /vg/ reject FC.

It's a relatively easy class until you get around level 40 and have to know your entire rotation.

>Hey Yoshi. We need to have this Yo-Kai event last at least three months, what should we do?
>Let them grind a shitload of tokens.
They could have given us one unique quest a week about the Yo-kais, but of course they didn't. Too much work.

Tonberry player here. Server is pretty populated but you'll never have trouble logging in unless it's on a major patch day.

Yes but then some idiot would complain that it's missable. You can't win.

Hardly. ZR cut ties with /vg/ over two years ago. Anyone who posts there typically gets ridiculed. I think we're in the pastebin but the guy who manages it is dead or something. We only recruit from the Sup Forums threads that pop up.

>Yes but then some idiot would complain that it's missable.
Not if they keep them up for everyone individual until they have done it.
>each quests gives you a specific Yo-kai
>each quest allows you to choose a weapon
Quests would be repeatable of course, but you can only get one weapon a week until you have unlocked all Yo-kai.

3.4 coming out next month

>Ishgard houses confirmed
>Apartments confirmed
>Diadem 2.0 confirmed
>Final Alexander 9-12 Raid Tier confirmed
>New Primal fight confirmed
>Job balance changes for PvE and PvP confirmed

>>Ishgard houses confirmed
>>Apartments confirmed
neither of these matter unless you bought gil

[Citation needed, fuckface]

I'm pretty sure they said diadem revamp wasn't until 3.5 unfortunately.

How much would an aprtment cost?
I got 800k saved up


we're talking a cool 3 mil minimum

FC sub-rooms cost 250k. So if they function similarly around that price makes sense. If they're larger or more complicated, probably more.

Anyone who cared about that hard mode already farmed their weapon. But yeah game is dying for sure.

>hard mode
It's EX.

>Job balance changes for PvE
riot blade potency increased by 10 and reduced mp on clemency please look forward

just hang yourself, you know what I mean. When normal is "hard" and "hard" is "extreme"

>PS3 has 512mb of RAM and is about to be 10 years old in November
Why is this allowed?

>being this salty
You should take a break from XIV, buddy.

Eww women

That being said great choice on the chest Sky Pirates Goon and Tank gear looks great

lol dragoon

>farm for your weapon when trial comes out
>get it
>never run it again unless for friends

Does anyone on here play on Cactuar?

>neither of these matter unless you bought gil
OR, you know.
Sell your ironworks craft for millions.
Sell your gathering stuff too.

are you in NSFW?

So glad they finally drop it for 4.0.

The PS3 has been a chain that stopped FFXIV for doing a lot of great things.


>That outfit
>Jellyfish hair
Absolutely disgusting

I'm sitting on 400mil and I haven't bought gil in my entire life

money is just way too easy to make in this game

>ps3 rimitations meme

You people who think the game is going to be massively better without it are delusional.

>bell bottoms

>not clearing it on launch week

you have nobody to blame but yourself and or PF shitters slowing you down

Just tried to go for a 70s hippie look, I think it was pretty successful.

I'm not saying it will change fucking everything and make the game 90% better but like, remember that they had to move the party stars bar to add the TP bar in the party because of the RAM limitation.
The PS3 is literally chaining down the game right now.

Aren't they great?
Wiping city Healer pants.


MNK TP buffs when?
Running out of TP after like 4 min fucking sucks dick.


use purification you fuck

>Both with 2min CD

What the fuck do you need more?

What's wrong with the /vg/ threads?

>Content is nearly 3 months old
>Expecting people to flock to it
>When they can just use the Duty Finder

But muh deeps.
Jokes aside, should I really not use Mantra in favor of Purification?

>What's wrong with the /vg/ threads?

Use invig the first time you hit around 500 and you're good until it's almost back up, and even then you have purification to fill in case you are just firing rockbreakers 24/7.

Is dark night any good for tanking? Thinking about making one

Go to /vg/ and see for yourself

I expect you back in 2 minutes with renewed hated that you never knew you had.

I can't speak for the rest of /vg/ but the MMO threads are pure cancer, full blown autism, avataring, and constant competition for attention.

Yeah, sure, I pop Invig. as soon as I go below 500 and get a tick up to 590 so as not to waste TP, but I still run out of TP on high/full uptime bosses without Mantra. Even then it sometimes gets kinda close. So, Mantra is absolutely necessary on some bosses now?

>should I really not use Mantra in favor of Purification?
What? You mean forbidden chakra? If you're having TP issues, then no you need to be using purification instead. Isn't this quite obvious?

pic related

All 3 tanks are good for tanking.

my gripe with DRK is that everything is a tradeoff. want MP regen? you need to use grit. What optimal DPS? you need to drop grit. The class is filled with these little trade offs you need to make to get anything done. PLD is a bit like this, WAR doesn't have to deal with this.

And yeah, I meant Chakra, not Mantra.
Went full retard there.
So, okay. Guess I gotta save dem Chakra stacks for Purification.

>want MP regen?

meant HP regen.

Ive yet to see a general that wasnt fucking complete sewage.

ffxiv general is just pure circle jerking with 10% of the thread discussing actual gameplay. Even reddit is better than this

I'll be back in 10 minutes or so guys, I'm delving into the /vg/

Wish me luck
or call me a faggot either or

Back when the game started it was ok. As time went on the people (mostly on balmung) started trying to turn the thread into their personal erp circle jerk.
The people trying to erp posted non stop on the thread while the ones playing the game just stuck to in game chat.
Everyone on other servers or in stable FCs (Ultros, Tonberry, Hyperion) etc just abandoned ship because it became a cancerous circlejerk that would lash out at anyone not posting a picture or erp/lewd comment.

It's why people actually playing the game come here for like-minded discussion until the wanker clan on /vg/ gets wind of it.

And if you want a Sup Forums FC, Ultros is the place to go instead of getting rused to balmung from the echo chamber of a thread.

Although if you love degenerate erp by all means go there.
