The same framerates

>The same framerates
>The same resolutions
>The same textures
>Upscaled to 4K
>For $599

What's the point, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I got stood up on a date on Monday, lads.

Sorry br-



the point is sonycucks might plat at a stable 30 fps this time

People are idiots and give away money freely.

Is the Xbone Slim geta better performance from games, this will so the same.

eh, i'm sure she isn't worth your time. forget, forgive and move on

Reported for console war bait.

It's a guy but whatever


I would consider it if at least certain games received a free update to be 4k compatible, and I mean true 4k not that upscaled bullshit. If I could play Final Fantasy 14 or Doom 4 in 4k at 60fps then it would be worth considering, especially with Sony's comparatively cheap VR coming out soon. If it doesn't turn out that way though, and I'm not expecting it to, then it would make more sense just to build a new PC.

Then stop being a homosexual.

$599 for minimal performance gains though. Why?

You aren't getting Bloodborne at 60FPS

That's alright you can find a new boyfriend

>The same framerates
>The same resolutions
>The same textures
>Upscaled to 4K
>For $599
Wait, that's confirmed? It's a big pile fo nothing? So what IS the fucking difference, upscaling to 4k and that's It?

What about the performance? What the hell is going on

>buy a 1070 for $400
>can actually play games 4k@30fps

>upscaled to 4k
there not using shitty filters like i see on all the tvs where i work right?

Absolutley nothing confirmed.

Digital Foundry already did an analysis and found it's nowhere near capable of 1080P 60FPS even using a best case scenario of a full 8GB RAM and an Intel i7 and at the very most it can only do 1440P 30FPS

So you will be paying $599 to move settings from Medium to High at 1080P while being upscaled.

the difference is

shit is red

>inb4 muh overhead
face it console fags
you're stuck with 1080p 30fps

Then knock him out you fag

To try an make for the best VR experience.
They shat themselves and fell for the "VR is the next big thing in gaming" meme
I'm surprised they've dumped this much money and effort into it considering normies don't care about VR

Oh boy.
The hilarious thing is that not only the Xbone S did a better job but with the Scorpio coming out next year Sony is really shitting in its own pants.

actually those were on PS4 console matching settings too. Meaning they weren't souped up maxed out.

It's even less because the PS4's working with one single 8GB GDDR5 ram pool compared to that DF PC's 8GB DDR3 and the RX480 and a significantly more powerful CPU than the 20-30% overclocked Jaguar which means any open world game is never going to get 60FPS and stay at 30FPS while anything that allready struggled to CPU bottlenecks like Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne will only be able to get a locked 30FPS using V-Sync

Dev insiders posted on Neofag that it exists because Sony wanted to get the jump on Nintendo because it was thought Nintendo might have been releasing the NX in that power envelope as well and they also expected MS to do an Xbone 1.5.

$599 for that is going to be such a minor upgrade is going to be 2006 all over again. $399 wouldn't even save it.


sony will be seeing red if every game isn't 60 fps maxed out...


>Dev insiders posted on Neofag that it exists because Sony wanted to get the jump on Nintendo because it was thought Nintendo might have been releasing the NX in that power envelope as well and they also expected MS to do an Xbone 1.5.

Seems more legit. Others say it was psvr. All seem logical.

But the nintendo thing might have spooked sony seeing as they are afraid of them.

So how is this different from a built in tv upscaler?

>The same resolutions
>Upscaled to 4K

Man, why is Sony so obsessed with Nintendo. Even the new rumor about the new Vita model. Just give up, holy shit. They have been destroyed in the handheld market and yet they insist. Nintendo dropped the muscle competition against Microsoft and Sony years ago. Sony's obsession is almost embarassing.

did they really build a PC with the "same specs" as a neo, then used that to benchmark?

When did journalism get so retarded?

Like I don't even want a neo, I don't even have a playstation/xbox but I know this comparison isn't legit. PCs have way more overhead. There's no way you can even match the clock cycles just dedicated to the software on a PC.

>Sonyggers STILL falling for bullshots with fake numbers attached to it
seriously you guys

>did they really build a PC with the "same specs" as a neo, then used that to benchmark?
No, the PC they used was actually much much much more powerful.
They just took an RX 480, plopped it into a build with 16 GB of RAM and an i7 6700k and downclocked the GPU to match the PSNeo's supposed specs.
Basically, we're most likely going to see performance on par with an HD 7950 or 7970.

Playstation was built from spite, specifically to destroy Nintendo.
You'd think that they would move on at some point though.

raging asshurt

they prob still have nightmares about the wii

Nintendo still rules Japan. If NX was a mid-ranged power console like PS4 and Neo that's easy to develop on. Nintendo's going to take back all the Japanese 3rd party support it lost because the audience will be back on Nintendo. And if Nintendo starts making ground in Japan. They start making ground globally.

Nintendo is the biggest threat to Sony's business. Especially since Nintendo will have even more of a traditional games console than Sony's media center.

PS4 Neo will run significantly worse even when DF Compensated for overhead because of it's hardware setup so not sure why they bothered unless it was for only theoretical targets.

The main take from this is that PS4 Neo is still going to be a 1080P 30FPS machine just like PS4 was. Which makes you wonder why they bothered in the first place.

>What's the point, Sup Forums?

Consoles are for those who are too stupid to build a pc. That is the point.

>PCs have way more overhead.
I think the sad part is that people still spout this despite the fact that the GTX 750 Ti, GTX 950, R7 265, R7 370, and HD 7850 all still perform on par with the PS4 or even outperform it in some cases despite all being weaker on paper.

>downclocked the GPU
So it's even more of a retarded comparison than I initially thought. Oh wow.

It's based on the same spec you dumbfuck.
Same amount of ROPs, TMUs, and compute units, just running at a much much much lower clockspeed than the base RX 480, ergo they downclocked it.
I know you're retarded, but surely you're not this retarded.

>The main take from this is that PS4 Neo is still going to be a 1080P 30FPS machine just like PS4 was. Which makes you wonder why they bothered in the first place.

They can up the eyecandy a bit. Maybe maintain 40-60 fps in linear games. Then again if they up the eyecandy it will be 30 fps.

Well even the scorpio has a rumored jaguar. Frankly a good cpu would make their console price explode. I don't think either is willing to do a 500+ price point given how they know that's the failure range. Sony was successful with 400 and so was ms with the 360. The minute either stepped 500 or more they fell

It's ok that you don't understand the topic at hand. But raw power doesn't work the same on consoles. You don't have as many abstraction layers between the User the software and the hardware. PLUS on top of that you can do fancy optimization tricks/hacks on console since you know EXACTLY the hardware your dealing with.

For a basic example of this, it's why N64 emulation is still trash in 2016.

and then on TOP of all that, these dumb ass sites are using the PC builds of games. They have entirely different drawcalls. They literally aren't crunching the same numbers even at comparable "graphics levels".

Once again to make it clear: I just got a PC, I think the Neo and the NextBone are stupid. I think they're even more stupid for thinking they're going to challenge the PC gaming market with them.

but these "benchmarks" are even more stupid than that.

>You don't have as many abstraction layers between the User the software and the hardware.
Stopped reading there.
Abstraction layers haven't been a major performance barrier in nearly a decade.
You're basing your knowledge off of decade-old information.

My guess is that this alleged handheld is going to do what the NX is rumored to do: play games on the go and also be playable on the big screen.

The problem is that, with Nintendo, you'd get it all in the same package, since that's their design from the beginning. With Sony, as usual, they'd be taking the Sega approach and just add it as an accessory (no doubt hundreds of dollars) for a "me too!" product that no one will want because of segmented developer support and cost.

It'd be a Sega Nomad, is what I'm saying.

must be a shitty dev if he's not up to date or likely not even one

how laughably sad

Making money, what else. They finally found an audience retarded enough to pay premium for their DRM infested shit tier PCs just by sticking a PlayStation logo on it. Single handedly saved the PC division. The work of a genius.

>Upscaled to 4K
sonyggers getting the lesser experience as always lmao. upscaled vs native 4k looks like a total blurry mess, native 1080p looks better.

>Abstraction layers haven't been a major performance barrier in nearly a decade.
lol tell that to the fancy "always on" OSs on all the consoles today.

That's half the reason the performance/power ratio is so garbage.

>implying sonycucks won't pretend that blurry looks good

>That's half the reason the performance/power ratio is so garbage.
That makes no sense considering last gen consoles also had "always on" OSs.

waiting for the price drop of the original ps4. thats a good thing neo will bring/

i know they'll do this. gotta have muh silky smooth 14 fps blur

>That makes no sense considering last gen consoles also had "always on" OSs.
And they had the same problems. I didn't exclude those.

You should stop listening to retards on Sup Forums.

>And they had the same problems.
But not nearly to the same degree, you didn't see an 8600 GT outperforming an Xbox 360 3 years into its life cycle.
We're STILL seeing GPUs like the 7850 and 7870 outperform the PS4, nevermind the XB1.

Scorpio using Jaguar mostly based on old rumors about the Zen yields, but right now it looks like AMD's on schedule to deliver Zen and Zen-Lite to consumers and vendors on schedule early next year and with the same pricing as their current Bulldozer range (Which is still fairly price conscious). So it's entirely possible we could see it in Scorpio as either full fat or Zen-lite.

Personally I think Sony had multiple elements that caused them to make the call. The fear of Nintendo having a product that can grab Japan was one (And this time last year Nintendo was heavily rumored for an AMD SOC to power NX) and the media and electronics divisions constant underperformance making for an "All Or Nothing" 4K Push meant that Playstation had to get in line as the companies most prominent product and produce a "4K Console". Holiday 2016 is when companies are anticipating the biggest adoptation of 4K TV sets yet so it makes sense that Sony wants to have their products out and firing on all cylinders or else Samsung and LG are just going to finish them off. If Sony had of marked it for early 2017, they may have been able to get Zen-Lite but the timeframe doesn't match.

But in the battle of Company Vs Console priorities. Console loses every time

>you didn't see an 8600 GT outperforming an Xbox 360 3 years into its life cycle. We're STILL seeing GPUs like the 7850 and 7870 outperform the PS4, nevermind the XB1.

I think that can be attributed to people learning those optimization tricks/hacks I was talking about. While the 8600GT was "equal" to an xbox 360 at launch(Bioshock 1), how did the 360 get better and better visuals on the same hardware unless that was the case?

to add to this:

look at the wizardry/duct tapery that went on to get Dragon's Dogma running.

4k is shit i'd prefer a better framerate, 1080p is all that is practical
i dont mind a consistent 30 fps, but 60 is better

>how did the 360 get better and better visuals on the same hardware unless that was the case?
Because even on paper it had the stronger GPU, especially in terms of raw compute power.

>look at the wizardry/duct tapery that went on to get Dragon's Dogma running.
Define "running."

>people still think consoles are "coded to the metal" and don't have the same overhead problems as PC
Most console ports run similarly on similar PC hardware. Some even run better. Look at that Alien game that came out recently where the PS4 can't even keep a steady 30 fps while on PC you're getting 100+ fps with cards less powerful than that in the PS4.

There are some that don't but the fact that there are a lot that do means the ones that don't are because of the dev not caring enough to make their game work well on PC.

>mfw 144hz
i dont give a FUCK i went from 4k to 1440p this is AMAZING and current gen cucks will never experience it. good luck when the PS5 comes out it another 6 years.

People forget just how powerful the 360's GPU was at the time.
AMD didn't even release a more powerful GPU until early 2007.