You have 10 (TEN) seconds to name a better vidya protagonist than Reimu or I'll exterminate your ass

You have 10 (TEN) seconds to name a better vidya protagonist than Reimu or I'll exterminate your ass.

Geraldo of Riviera.


Yuri Lowell.






Terry Bogard

Simon Belmont.
Captain Rainbow.

Most video games that aren't Touhou, really.


Literally no one in Gensokyo would be able to defeat Rance, because the most powerful characters are all cute girls.

>implying Rance has power over all women
>implying Rance is even the biggest pimp in his own universe

Literally anyone apart from maybe certain edgelords.
Reimu is a fascist bitch.

I think he and Miko would be friends

Pfft... women...

Isn't the one thing Rance can't defeat a literal x-million year old loli goddess? Yeah, Rance would be fucked in Gensokyo.


Who was in the wrong here?

Rance. Everybody likes Rance.

Except that one time he defeated a "literal X-million year old loli goddess" in battle and had his way with her.

The lovely shrine maiden of paradise ofc


He's got enough to handle even someone like Yukari. His luck and natural charm will let him win in almost any circumstance that his brute strength won't.

Sex friends.

He can't beat Alice, so yeah.

the diviner
>had no reason to become a youkai
>became a youkai in the shadiest way possible
>did so in the human village
>was a menace to gensokyo ("if he can be a youkai why can't I? You know, it doesn't seem that bad, maybe Youkai aren't that awful" and poof, Gensokyo is dead)
>insulted Reimu

That's because Alice is Alice, not because she's a literal X-million year old loli goddess, which Rance had gone on record to bone.
Gensokyo remains literally fucked.

Plenty of better protagonist to choose from really

Rance is a shitty meme character that betas like to self-insert as.

>He's got enough to handle even someone like Yukari.
Are we really turning this shit into a powerlevel thread now? Because we know how that goes.
>Lol Rance penis is unstoppable, no level cap, etc.
>Lol Touhou NLFs, invincible without spell card rules, etc.
Let's just agree that Dark Schneider would wreck everyone and did Rance's job better first time around and call it a day.

>Reimufags will defend this

Vault Dweller


nice argument shitposter-san




Literally any male character, you fucking homosexual.

Neptune is the best protag of all time.

>males are better than females!
>calls other people homosexuals

What strawman? I'm just calling Rance a shit character.

>Beating anyone in gensokyo

Demifiend could slaughter everyone in Gensokyo with ease including Yukari. Discuss.

>wanting to be a female
>wanting to be a male
Gee user lets see who's the real queer here.

Friendly reminder:
Girl in videogame does not = your girlfriend. Its either you being a cuck to two dykes or playing dress up with 3D dolls like a gay gay boy.

Well SMT is crazy overpowered, so yeah. Touhou caps out about planet/star system level whilst SMT is multiversal+, if you want to get into autistic powerlevel bullshit, but let's fucking not.
Aleph is cooler anyway.
>Being so stylish you can make Metatron join you just by DANCING FURIOUSLY

he has infinite potential, he can beat any of them if he had to

he'd just rather fuck them, and considering how his adventures go, he would get to fuck pretty much anyone in gensokyo

See: Give it a rest, it's been done before to death.

she is the law

besides, look at this cute face. she can't really be wrong
i'd love to see femdom doujin with this kind of face


Touhou femdom seems to be in short supply these days, as is femdom in general. Tragic, really.



He'd probably tie Yukari, and maybe lose to the Moonbitch

It's obviously Meiling you dip.

>playing a game with a female protagonist automatically means you want to be a girl
>playing a game with a female protagonist automatically means you want to fuck her

Who cares? Is all foreshadowing for when book girl becomes a youkai and reimu either does her job or upgrades her already massive hypocrisy to the infinity.

Reimu has hax bullshit like Fantasy Heaven and even she can't beat Maryhime Sue.

The Nameless One

I like Reimu a lot but she's not the best video game protag by a longshot, I think

Meant to quote

playing the game as a beefy male character doesn't change the fact that you're a skinnyfat schlub, user

2hu is full of cute faces

Most of these are terrible.

>best wizard ever because reasons
>literally the son of satan
>deadpool-level of survivability

Rance is practically a parody of him. Rance isn't even supposed to be taken seriously and is still a better protagonist.

Sanae Kochiya.


Whether or not that's true, Rance is a supremely shitty character. The thread's about good ones.