So is Overwatch fun or is it just a meme?
So is Overwatch fun or is it just a meme?
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it's fun, user. need friends to play with tho
Im a man of non violence but why does Tracer's face look so punch-able?
One of those games where you get the urge to play it every now and then, but it you try and play it day in and day out it'll get old fast
As a person who played vanilla/early tf2 for 1500 hours yes it is extremely fun and has completely filled the void modern tf2 left me with.
Nearly 170 hours so far and thats just quick play. I don't know if i'll ever bother with comp because i solo queue and don't care about gaudy golden shit everyone will have eventually anyways.
It's good for porn.
Both. Fun and meme.
Pretty fun. I usually just jump alone into a few quick play sessions.
If I wanna play longer though, I usually like to play with friends.
Never tried competitive and most likely never will.
>0.12 cents has been deposited into your account by Blizzard Entertainment
im not having any (zero) fun with the game except when I do really really good and get potg
the game is shit
meanwhile I can loadup tf2 and have tons of fun even after 1000 hours
>People having fun playing a game that is universally well regarded everywhere but muh contrarian Sup Forums?
>is TF2 fun or just a meme
I don't think it's a bad game, but it's pretty shallow. Every match is basically the same no matter who you're playing with and the more I play the more I realize that every map is my least favorite map.
fun if you have competent friends. suffering otherwise
>needs friends to be fun
so its trash. got it
Do you enjoy throwing balls? That's what an FPS is at the core. People throwing fast balls at eachother. Some balls are fast, some are slow, some go far, some don't.
Meh, I had enough after 15 hours, the game isn't very deep and all the characters are annoying little shits.
If you have a competent team, and everyone picks Soldier 76, you can't lose.
FINALLY some Tracer pits!
It's TF2 but costs $40. meme shit
I'm at 20 and I honestly dont feel like playing the game ever again, except for the fact that I paid full price for this
this picture is highly suspicious. this is what a shill thinks a meme should look like.
give sauce
Not every image is a meme reddit.
>tracer with no time harness
So, she is dying?
I think it's a really fun game but it doesn't really satisfy my competitive urges much.
On a competitive level the game is more about team composition and ultimate coordination than it is about pure fps skill. Nothing wrong with that at all but I prefer more a bit more precision and focus on individual skill. You can't really carry your team if they suck like you can in something like CS or Quake/UT/etc. "Picking the right hero" seems to be more important than actually playing well.
Some people like it some people don't, it's the nature of literally every game. Play it and find out for yourself.
Its a fun game just don't expect a hardcore shooter
But i need to know what Sup Forums thinks before i'm allowed to like it or not.
Ok. Play that then.
Probably best ship right there.
>no Mei
>Im a man of non violence
All things are memes nowadays. A person just needs to be media savvy enough to pull the strings and use the memes to make people do whatever they want.
That said, nowadays all games are meme games now. It is the way of things.
You're a meme
5 hours are enough to experience everything this game has to offer
if you like shallow and mindnumbingly easy shooters with built-in mechanics that are only there to make you feel important it'll be fun to you
>you will never /ss/ with tracer
Every once in a while, I get the urge to buy and play this game.
It usually lasts for about 10-15 seconds.
Then I'm back to normal.
this. i think its fun
You know what is it about this game i don't trust, just all the things leading up to the release back then
First when the game was announced no one had any idea what it was going to be, everyone asumed it was going to be another Sci-Fi shooter that was going to be forgotten soon enough, i think we had tons of those when this was announced
Second, the "butt controversy" which people to this day still refuse to believe it was just a publicity stunt, it sparked conversations about the game everywhere vidya related and the popularity increased
Thrid, the waifu pandering which is what this game was obviously going for when they designed the females, which i have no problem with but you should be able to tell if they are using that to catch your attention (Also, the introduction of the characters had a little TF2 feel about it, in a minor scale of course)
And fourth, it is just the fact that big games like LoL and DotA started dying out and OW was right there to fill the gap that those games left, i think at one point when they said that each character had abilities + an ultimate; everyone started comparing it to LoL making it look like "the new kid on the block".
Hands down, it is just another Sci-Fi FPS that is easy to get into, that's all, if you just account gameplay alone
TL;DR: An overhyped, overrated simple FPS that is easy to get into which main attraction seems to be everything outside the gameplay itself
I had fun for an hour and then i put it down because it became mindless action to me
>no mercy
It's just a meme, no really 15 million people are playing it ironically, it's the biggest meme ever conceived
zarya is spooky in this pic, suck your dick inside out or some shit
it's pretty bad. the community is full of redditors, and Sup Forums
Female characters have been designed as sexy since even before video games. It's not "waifu pandering," it's capitalism. Sex sells.
>no server browser
>no custom maps
>no custom servers
no thanks
Whose dick do you think that is?
Its not a pic
>no mercy or mei
I don't know what it is about overwatch, but I like most of the memes that come out from this game.
The game is fucking great at rank 70+
There are a ton of sheep out there.
As someone who enjoys UT, Quake, TF2, and other arena shooters, I think Overwatch is pretty decent and fun to play, thought it definitely needs more maps. More gamemodes too preferably.
why does that make it bad?
It's fun if you want a very simple experience you can just sort of turn you brain off and play, especially with friends
If you are looking for anything even slightly deeper it is not for you. Even as just a casual game I find it dull cause there is barely anything to dig into outside of sometimes using two moves together. The balance is also atrocious
nobody likes either
so its LoL all over again?
Why do retards misuse the word meme so much?
If you have to make threads months afterwards asking 'is... is it fun guys...?"
Then no. It's not.
I'm not sure why Overwatch fans are so unwilling to admit just how lackluster the game itself actually is. The only thing anyone seems to like are the characters, and a lot of that is due to the porn. I don't think it's a coincidence that the biggetst the game has ever been was during the pre-release hype with the whole Tracer fiasco.
Try comparing Splatoon threads with Overwatch thread. The differences between the two are astounding. Splatoon fans actually talk about the game itself sometimes, which I have NEVER seen from Overwatch.
That doesn't make Overwatch any worse. Really, it's so fun and easy to pick up, the popularity is understandable.
Why are you comparing two totally different games.
Yeah, it killed LoL in korea, kills lol on twitch as every big streamer moved to overwatch.
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong i'm not a homosexual who doesn't enjoy that. But as you said, sex sells, and sex was definetly used more than gameplay footage to attract people to the game
>overwatch players never talk about the game
>ignoring the daily threads post-release calling for McCree nerfs and Hanzo hitbox fixes
Leave it to a namefag to shitpost, though.
12 Maps. Designed for one mode each.
1 of the modes is complete shit.
Another mode is pretty bad.
Just think of TF2, but without the content.
ah, a fellow sophisticated gentlesir spotted!
Remove Omnics.
Remove Mei
Games that are easy to get into have allways been the most popular, even in the old vidya days
both a meme and fun. get friends to play with
Those posts are made by people who watch the game as an esport. You can tell because they don't seem to understand the finer points of the game, on top of using how popular it is on twitch to prove how big of a deal it is.
Splatoon is an example of a colorful shooter that takes the concept in new and interesting directions. Overwatch is just TF2 with new characters and less content.
it was fun until people started taking it way too seriously
Okay but its like comparing Gears of War to Halo.
Your argument is retarded.
>shipping them even just because theyre woman and wanted to kill each other.
In that case lets ship WidowReaper just because they work together amirite?
because they're not SLUTS!
pretty much anything can be defined as a meme you idiot
>some tard spent time redrawing mspaint comic
It was fun but the playerbase is cancer.
It's the worst elements of TF2's playerbase combined with the sexually frustrated ERPers there for the fap bait and the weaboos there to main Genji and Hanzo all in one big safe space where gg ez is a human rights violation.
Also the game is pretty skilless. Just spamming Ults and hoping you get past choke points faster than the enemy and then hope you win the coin toss.
They need to add in more game modes.
Just spamming ults mindlessly is a good way to lose the game.
Was just going to post this
It's OK but won't be fantastic until they give us mapping tools. Until then it's passable, with repetition wearing in quickly
But i want to be an aussie and drop bombs.
Please stop being a Nintendo fan strawman.
Splatoon is a great game, but the reason people called for nerfs is that those characters were fucked up.
"Adapting" wasn't even possible since every DPS player could just safely pick McCree and invalidate all of the opponents' tanks. Hanzo was broken because he could hit you with an arrow while you were behind a wall since the hitbox was so large.
Splatoon doesn't really suffer these same problems since it has much fewer moving parts to balance.
funny how 10+ years ago gaming magazines used to actually have covers like that. Nowadays they'd be crucified if they did that.
a much better game was plants vs zombies garden warfare. why didnt this place like that game? It was a great take on a shooter and had really cleaver gameplay and great balance.
Lucio Surf
>not a slut
That wasn't how it went at 65-70 ranks. You just charge a few ults and team wipe then push the cart and then they do the same thing and you hope the coin toss goes your way for the free win.
>Talking to coworker who plays games
>Earlier this week told him I picked up No Mans Sky and enjoyed it
>He mentions he Picked up No Mans Sky today
>Said he was bored wanted something new and he's enjoying it so far
>Also mentions he considered Battleborn or Overwatch rather than NMS
Blizzard+OverMEME BTFO.
Honestly I dont blame him
Overwatch would get boring 10x quicker than NMS. Not even kidding.
splatoon and overwatch are actually pretty similar when you take away the different heroes, slap in loli+shota and make it third person
skinner box
I think it has a good chance to kill the LoL/Dota 2 cancer in the future. There's been some speculation that LoL in particular may be starting to lose players, but we need actual numbers.
Because no waifus
Why do you think shit like DOAX and Senran Kagura sells?
>these two games are pretty similar when you completely change one