Why do most of the new Pokemon look like total shit?

Why do most of the new Pokemon look like total shit?

Why is May trying to rape Ryuko from kill la kill?

because they need them to be easy to animate or the anime is going to be too expensive

I think it depends on when you started the series.

to me, everything after Red and Blue look like shit to me.

I like the top 10 changes.

Because you're a queer

t. genwunner

because it's about the stats and min-maxing, not fluff and aesthetic

Well it has been that way since gen 5, so what did you expect?

Because Game Freak ran out of good designs after gen 4

>gen 4

Fuck these new designs, why can't we have the simplicity of the earlier games?

Because they are shit, Pokemon was great until Generation 7.

Nah, it's true. Some of the Pokémon of gen 4 were bad designed, but most of them looked good. Can't say the same for gen 5.

Gen 2 wasn't perfect but at least they had a lot of good lookin ones

Tell me 5 pokemon you have issue with and why without mentioning the Keldeo, or the Vanilluxe and Garbodor lines. I'd like to hear you out.


Don't bother. The "cool" thing to do is call everything released after you stopped playing "total shit" or use other similar non-arguments. Everyone knows this.

Because is a game by nintendo, all nintendo is shit

Moe anime crowd, also because it's easier to make a decent looking toy out of the blob designs.

Bonus points for pointing out "design flaws" that also apply to every previous generation, specially the first one

Off with you


I mean, I do genuinely want to hear him out. The important thing is not what he dislikes and why, but rather that he looks and thinks for himself.

Different user, but even as a fan of Gen 5 in general I didn't really care for the Roggenrolla line, Gothita line, Conkeldur, Simisear, or Simipour.


You have the worst fucking taste.

Not him, but goddamn you're retarded. There are more than 5 bad designs every gen, including 1 (though certainly 1 has fewer bad designs than the other gens).

Elaborate yourself, faggot.

You aren't really getting the point.

Because you're gay

Not that user but:
Tepigs family: I've never liked their designs. I might be a little bias though, after so many fire/fighting starters I got sick of them.
Woobat: as someone who loves Zubats family, woobat looks like shit.
Timbur family: they look like fucking veiny dicks.
Sawk and Throh: we already have the hitmon family. They are wasted space.
Scraggy family: I always personally despised them. They look dumb.
Archeops: we finally get an aercheopterx Pokemon and it is so fucking stupid looking. Instead of creating a fossil Pokemon to compete with aerodactyl, we get that.
Boufalant: that fucking Afro.

There and I didn't even mention your precious exceptions. In the end it's personal taste, but personally I think the problem with fifth gen is the fact that there just aren't any Pokemon I love. Every ten has had weak designs, but they are offset by the good ones. Fifth was the first, and only time that I legitimately didn't like any of them. At all.

Because pokémon always had shit design from the beginning.

If you're triggered with some designs you better not play any pokémon game.

>Leg made of corn

>In the end it's personal taste
You said it, it isn't a matter of being a good or bad design, it's just "I like it" or "I don't".

Why does she have a chicken leg?

these edits get worse and worse

There are objectively bad designs. Like Blob Bear and Onion monster cat. Fuck them.

Man, I like a lot of the designs for the newer ones. I even actually sort of like the garbage pokemon, I'm sort of amused by that. Mainly because of the cardboard little fingers. Vanilluxe however isn't bad to me, just a bit mediocre but you can't have perfect designs for everything.

You could've posted something better

I had no plans to attack you for your tastes, I just wanted you to speak your mind without going through the usual motions that most people go through. So thanks I guess.

Vanilluxe is pretty inoffensive, it's just there. My opinions on many pokemon is rooted in their gameplay rather than their looks anyway.

Those aren't objectively bad you dumbass, you just don't like them. If ditto, arguably the WORST designed pokemon gets a pass, then everything else is fair game.

Man, I just want that popplio clown evolution to be true, thats it.

Holy shit popplio is so shitty looking, but if he evolves to that I'd be so damn glad.

It's been fake for a while now

No. They're objectively bad. One is a blob that doesn't even represent the animal it's supposed to be. The only way you know it's that animal is via paw pad stickers, redpanda/bear stickers on its face along with a hairband on its head that represents its ears.

Onion cat on the other hand is a wish wash of awkward parts sewn together like a Frankenstein's monster. Complete with two giant ugly tubes on its back. None of these features make sense together and it doesn't even possess any quality to make it an endearing design. It's just a giant ugly red onion that has a steam gimmick.


At least back in 95 they gave a decent reason why the Amorphous Blob of DNA is an amorphous blob. Why exactly is a Red Panda a reminiscent of a spongebob balloon design? Because moe anime, but be wary, it hugs you to death because it's lolsorandum!!

They are monsters, they could have any design they want without needing to accurately represent anything.

>but be wary, it hugs you to death because it's lolsorandum!!
You can reduce any pokemon to simple description like that.

>You can reduce any pokemon to that simple description

What other pokemon are amorphous blobs that hug people to death?

>They are monsters, they could have any design

So you went from calling ditto a shit design to now defending said shit design by saying they are monsters and it's okay. Can your pea sized brain please stick to one train of thought, please.

>They're objectively bad
Haha here's your (you)

>What other pokemon are amorphous blobs that hug people to death?

>So you went from calling ditto a shit
Different user
>What other pokemon are amorphous blobs that hug people to death?
I meant to say you can do simple description, let's use ditto again

>a cute amorphous blob of dna that can transform into anything, lolsorandum!!

An opinion can't be objective you monster autist.

we've known for a while now these are probably the evolutions. That girl in the litten art got shown in an official video months after these were posted online.

Honestly, if you look at the percentage of bad mon's in gen five compared to other gens, it really isn't theat bad. Gen 5 was the first time in a while they made a whole new pokedex (of 156 pokemon, which, I might add, is more than Gen 1), instead of just adding some new ones and cobbling together a pokedex from new and old. I personally think this game gave the greatest sense of adventure and felt th most unique a pokemon game has in years, but whatever. People will just focus on the 5-10 pokemon they don't like, while there are still about 140 they're probably fine with. And I can definitely say there are some of the original 150 I don't particularly care for.

tl;dr Gen 5 had a normal amount of bad mons for how many they introduced and still had a shitload of good ones.

>an outline with a smiley face is okay
>a cartoon bear is not okay

Man, Gen 2 was really disappointing. It probably has more to do with the game than the pokemon. Good region though.

>You can do a simple description

Ditto's description fits its design fundamentally. A mass of scrambled DNA which has the ability to mimic anything. Pretty believable and being a literal blob compliments the idea.

Bewear is a balloon that hugs you to death. Literally hot topic tier trash. Also I don't know if you're the original idiot I responded to, but once again

>Needing to strawman an existing design from over 20 years ago now to defend a shitty design 20 years later

Really says something when the only thing people can say is BUT BUT DITTO IS A BLOB SO TAKE THAT to validate terrible 2016 mons.