Name a better vidya protagonist than Reimu. You have 10 seconds before I add you to the list of fairy casualties.
Name a better vidya protagonist than Reimu. You have 10 seconds before I add you to the list of fairy casualties
Other urls found in this thread:
The Vic Viper.
Marona's pretty cool.
Reimu is also pretty cool, though.
>thread gets deleted
>immediatly makes a new one
Wew lad.
Fuck off, Hecatia. You needed to team up with Junko just to provide a modicum of challenge.
Why are Gradius covers always so based?
Terry Bogard
Sonic the Hedgehog
Fuck you
Fuck off. Atleast my threads ain't getting deleted for their shit off topic content.
I'm rangebanned on /vg/ though, I haven't posted in weeks on it. Apparently some fag is ban evading in my town and I have to face the consequences.
how's talkin' about video games off topic on Sup Forums-- wait
what am I saying
That's not Reimu, that's Benikurage.
Anyone but this drunk, overgrown tomato.
OP is a notorious faggot who makes shitty Touhou threads disguised as other things.
Or at least tries very hard to.
cookie is weird
Whoops, meant for , fucking appchanx.
>Still no Touhou game with the elegant young ladies of Gensokyo as the protagonists
Absolutely disgraceful.
hags go away!
>still no mainline game with playable Futo
Truely this doth be the greatest injustice of all!
>tfw there won't be more games with Cirno as the protagonist
>tfw no Futo as girlfriend
Please do not bully such fine young women, they're doing their best for Gensokyo.
Didn't this thread just get deleted?
Vidya is not allowed on Sup Forums
Who cares? Post pits.
More like no touhou funposting
Which I am fine with desu
my daughter Reimu is really cute
>have to input a name
Aaaand tab closed.
>Name a better vidya protagonist
Touhou is not videogames but condensed autism. They made a board to contain it, go back to it and wait for the heat death that boatsluts and grandberries will grant it
>Touhou is not videogames
2016 Sup Forums is fucking retarded. Don't you have No Man's Sky threads to shill in?
>Touhou is not videogames
Reimu isn't even best prot on her own games
what the hell is a discord
why do i need a name for it
Shoehorned sluts are not protagonists
IN is a thing you know
>games with shit/nonexistant plot
>good characters
if she wasn't a little girl, your pedo ass wouldn't care about her.
She's not little and not a girl
>nonexistant plot
Well the only definitive BBAs of the time were represented in IN, sure, not including Yuuka. But there's been so many more since.
Plus, they shouldn't have to share with the usual crowd.
Asagi Asagiri
>prinny 2
When did this meme started?
>implying asagi is a protagonist
>implying she ever will be
Estelle is dumb
>i'm going to shill my chat room that requires accounts in a forum where people can discuss freely without them
Is the Trails anime any good?
She brings the bant.
Since this thread is mainly image dumping.
I love that artist.
What's the point of imagedumping?
>better protagonist
I agree with you
What's her disability, Sup Forums?
She (Mio?) has a healthy obsession with Youmu. It's endlessly pleasant.
She's not my girlfriend.
That's the only problem with her.
it's shit on every level except for webms, don't bother with that.
Fair enough. Thanks.
>that 9 on Mystia just because she reduced Reimu's line of sigh so she couldn't see her danmaku
wich 2hu wud u hug?
You can't hug ghosts
What does Reimu do and why does she hate the fearies?
>Ghosts are the after-forms of humans who died and become phantoms and have lingering attachments that tie them to the world too strongly. Since, other than humans, there are no living things that die in this manner, there are no ghosts of beings other than humans. From the strength of that attachment, they preserve the form that they had while they were alive, as well as their body temperature, and since they are even able to touch living humans, one might not be able to tell that they are departed spirits if one is an outsider.
You're thinking of phantoms. And Youmu, amusingly, being a half-phantom is supposedly cold to touch, unlike Yuyuko.
She came from the outside.
I'll leave that to your imagination.
I want to hug Yukari!
>there are no ghosts of beings other than humans
Why can't youkai or other shit become ghosts?
Why are human such special snowflakes?
Fairies are vermin, like rats, in Gensokyo.
But they're important to the ecosystem, so you gotta keep them around. It's ok to fill the occasional one with needles or cover them in magical napalm.
The one on the left to be specific.
All comes down to something Marisa in FS calls "spiritual power." Basically, humans have a strong spiritual/psychic/Warp presence, whereas the spiritual presence of youkai is so weak they can be dispelled with as much as a simple phrase ("The foreseeing nyuudou was foreseen!" etc.). On the flipside, youkai often enjoy a greater physical strength than humans, on top of, you know, fucking magic.
Anyway, it seems like only humans have a strong enough spiritual presence for it to be able to persevere without a physical body.
Name a better vidya bucket loli than Kisume.
>tfw no touhoufriends
This shit makes no sense
Fuck everything
So if they get killed they die?
That's some fucking hideous art.
It's quite simple. Humans are weak physically, but strong psychically/spiritually. Youkai are the opposite. Youkai are so spiritually weak, in fact, they are easily influenced by humans' psychic emanations. They're killed by unbelief, and strengthened by fear/belief. Simple as that.
>It's quite simple. Humans are weak physically, but strong psychically
Feels good man.
Today I started UFO and damn, you are right
But just the fox died, not the shikigame possesing it.
What's your major malfunction?
ZUN's art is just so damn appealing for some reason.
Well fairies are manifestations of nature so if you kill one she just respawns. So I guess they're the only beings that don't die when they get killed.
Vermin or not I still want Star Sapphire as pet to love and cuddle.
>Neptunia: Gensokyou
>ZUN's art is just so damn appealing for some reason.
Isn't it just?
>Announcment of Death in the local newspaper: user
play riverbed soul saver