How do i enjoy old games. Have no nostalgia for them so they seem outdated

How do i enjoy old games. Have no nostalgia for them so they seem outdated

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Acquire taste

You stop being fucking underage, but we know that won't happen for a while.

>John Oliver
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

Accept them for what they are.

Play ones that are actually good, not just nostalgia.

Play genres you already like. Just because Super Metroid is fucking awesome, doesn't mean you're going to enjoy it if you don't enjoy that style of game.

You won't enjoy them before you get past your casual phase, assuming you want to. When you're passionate and well versed enough you'll start appreciating games differently

It's not nostalgia. I wasn't born until 94 and my first console was the N64. I still love playing NES and SNES games. Some of the "classics" are loved for nostalgia. Maybe they just aren't your type of games which is understandable.

Play better games

ofcoures you are going to play madden 2016 over 2006

Fuck off current year man

You tie a belt around your neck and hang yourself off some railing

Rummage through a bunch of "top 10" and "hidden gems" lists for systems that you might be interested in and download them to see. Most toasters can handle games up to the fourth or fifth generation.

Just realized this while making this post. Most people start coming here when they are 13-16. There are people here right now that are 13 years old. Those people were born in fucking 2003. It is totally acceptable for these people to have had a PS3 or Xbox 360 as their first console. Fuck.

Why does this snaggle tooth britbong like to talk shit about the US so much but his homeland is being overrun with sand niggers?

>I wasn't born until 94

what the fuck, who says they werent born until a date

you some kind of clone or test tube baby or ay lmao?

Enjoy the games for the mechanics they bring while accepting the limitations of the technologies they were designed with.

low hanging fruit

Or it's supposed to show that I was born after the NES and SNES era.

he talks shit about everyone. he actually makes more jokes on other countries than he does on US states.

How do I enjoy DOS games? I'm pretty sure there's some great games in there, but UIs seem to be universally bad.

>playing old games

He's a regressive.

Where-ever he is, he must shit on it. Because "it's CURRENT YEAR!"

I don't know, why is he constantly talking shit about a country whose next election is between two fucking celebrities?

Depends on the game. Some older games do things better than modern games as they were focused on having good gameplay rather than being pretty hallways. Thief 1 and 2 for instance.

Have you tried reading the manual

We're fucked either way. One is a psycho and the other is a habitual liar.

Accept that they are old going in, and force yourself through the first ~5 hours. When you finally get used to the aged gameplay/visuals you can start to appreciate it for what it is.

>one is a traitor and one is going to make America great again

Why does America get to talk shit about anyone when they're being overrun by spics?

Learn to not care about graphics.

1. only a small percentage of media is good in the first place
2. play to your genre preferences
3. classic game room, Sup Forums recommends, /vr/ in general, and hg101 are decent places to poke around and have a look at old games

80s vert shmups are every bit as visceral and entertaining as they were when they came out. There are some instances like that, where presentation and UI were minimal, so you don't really notice the quality of life changes that may have occurred over the decades. Compare old dungeon crawlers, and you'll see just how clunky things could get, and what people were willing to put up with.

you dont need nostalgia to play old games
Ive been playing games for a while but there are a multitude of games I missed because i couldnt go out and buy whatever I wanted. Hell, I didn't play Metroid 2 until like 4-5 years ago and I enjoyed the fuck out of it.

TL:DR stop relying on nostalgia and play the game to have fun and experience it, not just to play it like most people do.

How do I enjoy new games? 90% of them are complete garbage.

At least one man's lie turned out be a masterpiece.

Get over requiring fancy, psudo-photorealistic HD graphics and you should be fine. There are quite a few "classics" which honestly aren't worth playing, but there are also a number of them which are just as good now as they were back then.

Also, a healthy desire for challenge and exploration would probably be good. A lot of older games were either very hard, required a lot of focus on finding out where to go, or both.

I usually never want to punch anyone...

You mean like how Germany, Britain and Sweden are being overrun by shitskins?

None of these countries are on course for becoming majority nonwhite. With America it's inevitable.

Stop being a fucking pleb.

I missed out of SotN in my youth, but played it for the first time last year at the age of 25 and I absolutely loved it. Same for Rondo of Blood.

Only underage faggots believe that the only way to enjoy older games is having nostalgia for them.

>None of these countries are on course for becoming majority nonwhite
Are you retarded by chance?

>Sweden and Britain
>not 60% Muslim

No European country is 40% nonwhite.

>don't care what religion you are
>have drinking holiday
>sexy ladies

>death to non club members
>no fun allowed
>spooky ghost women

gee you tell me

They will be soon with Muhammad having 9 kids and Hans having 1 little cuck spawn.

It's a IT'S 2016 joke ya dip.

Well, let's put it this way. The media is owned by jews. This isn't Sup Forums, this is a documented fact. Those jews are extremely pro Israel to the point where they might actually be mousad or however it is spelled.

That very same media is extremely critical of Trump and extremely pro Hillary and often doesn't cover or barely covers stories that would hurt Hillary and takes every opportunity to attack Trump.

If I knew nothing else about the candidates, this would be enough for me to vote for Trump. It's obvious they want Hillary and if that's what they want, then the opposite is the best chance America has for survival.

Same way you enjoy old movies.

You do enjoy old movies right?

And somehow spics aren't the same?

What he said still applies
>Being so much of unself aware newfag that you meme that

Trump loves Jews as much as anyone else, he's in their pocket and they don't even want him kek

Spics aren't fanatical white-hating murderers.

>Mexico isn't a warzone

Some old games were good a lot of them were bad, just like games today. Play any old games that are still given praise today and see if they still stand up. Worst case scenario, the game sucks and you can shit all over the nostalgia fags.

Not an argument

>cartels are trying to obtain nuclear weapons, martyr themselves, and kill anyone who isn't a member of the cartel

The North isn't.
Bcause there's whites

I watch cnn regularly, the post.

Nothing wrong with CNN (not really)

Trump is a complete imbecile. He's incapable of doing anything except stroking his own ego and making vague claims that aren't back up with any kind of evidence. Hillary is corrupt but she's at least smart.

>Hillary is corrupt but she's at least smart.
>implying that's a good thing


Hillary has a lower IQ than Trump though

Keep your enemies close user. I'd rather have a predictably bad leader than an unpredictably bad leader.

Calling black people African Americans is the stupidest shit. 99% of negroes haven't even been to Africa.

If the things Trump himself says are to be believed he would be a horrifically bad president. He's extremely authoritarian and doesn't even seem to understand how the constitution works at all.

>cherrypicking: the videogame: the pic: the post.

You need better taste. I've played Metroid for the first time yesterday and I'm loving it. Same for many other old games that I've only played now in my 20s for the first time.

Democrats are less intelligent and more neurotic than conservatives.
They're also less capable of long term planning, and vastly more intolerant. (Thus why their policies are always like candy, sounds good in the short term, but too much of it will wreck your system. And why they've worn out the various -ist labels.)

IQ scores are not an accurate measure of intelligence

Why do you think theres so much shitposting? If only newfags could at least follow the simple "lurk moar" before posting it would be a lot better. I've lurked for a good 2 years before my first post to make sure I know a bit about Sup Forums culture if I could say it that way.

[citation needed]

It gets worse, I was out, in Ireland, with a black Irish friend of mine. We got talking to an American who referred to my friend as an "African American". We almost fell out of our chairs laughing. Guys never even been to America, let alone Africa.

>sexy ladies

lmao, Americans and their excuses

On average, left wing people are more intelligent than right wing people, this has been shown time and time again.

That being said, people who think Trump is unintelligent haven't a fucking clue.

lmao, retards and their reading comprehension


90% of the black and 70% of the latino population votes Democrat,of course their average IQ is lower.

I've found that I can really enjoy old games, but my biggest hang up is the fucking controls. If the controls are bad or awkward it is just not enjoyable at all. And I don't want to spend 5 hours tweaking emulator controls to my liking on a per game basis.

even niggers aren't stupid enough to put stock in IQ tests

>90% of the black and 70% of the latino population votes Democrat,of course their average IQ is lower.
>anyone who doesnt agree with me is obviously stupid

The only one that won't be sourced is the "less intelligent" one.

Neurotic is self evident. But 9 out of 10 mass shooters are registered Democrats.

Their policies alone should spell out the "worse at long term planning" angle on it's own. But many of the "Democrats are more intelligent" studies also bear that out in their results.

Intolerance is born out by a social media study showing they were more than twice as likely to block someone for disagreeing politically than moderates or conservatives -combined-.
As well as a study that found they were 87% likely to discriminate against an applicant for a position that disagreed, versus Conservatives and moderates who did not.

But really, if you cared, you'd've started looking for the info yourself already. You just was me to waste my time on something you'd dismiss out of hand anyway. Seen that game played way to many times.

>trump is a complete imbecile
I love how everyone who says this is literally way poorer than him with crapton of college debt on their neck. If you're so much smarter than him, how come you can't make more money than this "idiot" and earn a better life for you and your family?

Now I don't like trump personally, but saying that he is dumb is just shitting in your own mouth.

>anyone who doesnt agree with me is obviously stupid

Yes? Do you not understand how American politics work?

Actually, it has a striking correlation to the economic outcomes of the populations.

Obviously, for individuals it may not always pan out. But in populations, you find that they end up stratified by their groups average IQ.

Asians and Jews on top, then European Whites, then Hispanics and Arabs, and at the bottom Blacks.

>sexy ladies
But they have a really short shelf life. They're hot as hell in their late teens and early 20's, then they turn into midget grandmother babushkas.

Don't waste your time arguing with Drumpf fags.

>grew up with PS1 and Win95 games
>mega nostalgia for old games just because they look and sound comfy and cozy af
best feels

they all let themselves go
mexico has a bigger obesity problem than the US iirc

Rich white male privilege REEEEEEEEEEEEE

do you really think trump started out poor and became rich through hard work? you should probably look into his family.

>That being said, people who think Trump is unintelligent haven't a fucking clue.

Trump is intelligent in a way I guess. I'm pretty sure his entire campaign is built on a few vague statements he repeats over and over again and a good portion of the republican party was duped by him. I worry that he has no clue what he'll do if he's elected and he'll probably get himself backed into a corner after getting into an argument on twitter with the president of Mexico or something. He seems to be extremely narcissistic and incapable of admitting he's wrong and taking advice. He frequently makes controversial statements and has demonstrated that he doesn't seem to understand the constitution which is the founding document of the American government. If he's elected the only thing we can hope for is that congress will block everything he proposes and everything remains the same until the next election.

He has a lot more money than he started with.

IQ tests are only semi useful in determining potential intelligence in specific subjects or areas they also have severely nebulous and flawed scoring methodology

the man who developed it did it to specifically identify specific areas where children needed to be improved

using it as an overall determination of a person or groups intelligence is as retarded as saying that because you don't know how to grow almonds or have trouble growing them then you don't know anything at all about farming in general

if you start out with a large sum of money, then investing it and making more money off of it is easy, especially when you have ties to the real estate market. what is your point?

He also inherited his daddy's business when he passed away.

Drumpf is an Islamophobic bigot, we should he's not elected period.

I'm fucking sick of all this hatred towards Muslims in the West right now. The Constitution does not say you can't be Muslim.

Well, at least you didn't go for the old canard of a single vocabulary question on a single test disqualifying the entire thing.

Though, that doesn't address the correlation. That persists through trans-categorical adoption, so it can't be dismissed through parenting or environment.

>its a flawed methodology because non-whites/asians are scoring badly

He literally inherited all of his wealth from his Klansman father. He's what happens when a trust fund baby has clinical narcissism.

plenty of successful businessmen started out poor as all fuck working at fast food joints and such

also, this he doesn't sit on a pile of money all day, rich people aren't dragons, he's investing and leading profitable businesses. that is hard work and he is successful at it.