ITT monsters that terrified the crap out of you as a kid

ITT monsters that terrified the crap out of you as a kid

they still kinda do


my stepdad

Any game that had underwater monsters made me cry like a bitch.
>that moment in HL2 where you get dropped into the ocean.
fucking alt tabed the game so quick and didn't play it for an entire month.

Played X on the original Playstation and fuck, these with the level music made me extremely nervous.

>dat piercing yell

ITT: enemies that unnerve you

I couldn't handle it; 8 year old me ran out of the room.

Predalien from AVP 2 in marine campaign

The chain chomp

What is it about the water?

Like in Shadow of the Colossus, the one colossi I really really did not want to even go near again was the electric eel one.

these guys look dopey to me now but holy fuck were they terrifying as a kid

I rented nightmare creatures on the N64 and some of the shit on there spooped me too

These fuckers scared the shit out of me the first time they showed up. I panicked and took refuge in Kakariko Village and desperately waited for daytime to come so I could go back out and find my way to Hyrule Castle. It didn't take that long for me to get more used to them, but it sure took several agonizing encounters.


The sound of it walking around literally haunted me when I was remotely worried at night and was always in my nightmares in one way or another.

Now I know why I'm terrified of slavs

Play Valiant.

The little guys crawl out of their suits when they die.

Fuckinggreat megawad


What the fuck happened to Zelda. The look of the games have changed so much and now it's just cutesy "monsters" that look like they were designed to be an action figure for a Disney show.




I think it's the fact that moving under water always feels clunky in games. That and most enemies move faster and smoother than you do.

slow paced deterioration and implementation of self-censorship, unfortunately. Stuff like MM were literally work of crafty and cunning devs "hiding" as much cool stuff under that seemingly cute-sy coating as possible.

How many anymore remembers facts like all the ? -blocks in Mario being cursed Mushroom kingdom citizens?

I always liked the KF2.5's Patty's looks more than the Steam version's.


Nights of nightmares


is this Demon Souls on PC?

it's Demon's Souls, kiddo.
And no, it's clearly King's Crown.


It's very unfortunate, Zelda used to be good.

what metaphor for rape is this supposed to be

None. It's literally a mix of Alessa's fear for big animals and the horror stories of beats living in the sewers.

This fucker right here
