Is Nintendo straying too far from the usual Zelda formula?

Is Nintendo straying too far from the usual Zelda formula?

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if anything departing from the usual formula might be exactly what the series needs

yes because they dont have confidence in the original formula to stand on its own anymore

but they half ass everything they add so it just feels shallow and tacked on

its going to be a barren open world like every other series that adopts open world but doesnt need it

Im not even cautiously optimistic, but Im still going to buy it because I need something to justify owning this stupid fucking black box nintendo basically abandoned on me

No they're taking the series back to its roots as a hero exploring a mysterious world.

The first LoZ game was open world. It's what made the series famous.

define original formula, because if anything it looks to be returning to what made the original so memorable.


also, name me one 'open world' game as interactive as BoTW. (from the footage we've seen)

They call it a departure
Others call it a return

the entire series has basically been "open world" and the "open world" parts were always fucking garbage and empty

now they're multiplying the worst part of every zelda game and making it even bigger. Just make more fucking dungeons, that's all zelda has ever been good for.

The first LoZ perhaps?
Nah I'm messing with you, in terms of 3D vidya I can't think of any match - even the ability to climb anything is a new one. Pretty hyped tbqh.

>Just make more fucking dungeons, that's all zelda has ever been good for.
There are over 100 shrines (mini-dungeons), some of which were the size of a small dungeon already, and we haven't even seen the actual dungeons in the game yet (but they have been confirmed to exist).

Should I wait for NX or should I just get for WiiU?? Anyone worried about the WiiU's ability to handle the game at a solid 30 fps?

Well it's releasing on both Wii U and NX simultaneously, so unless there's Wii U titles you already want I'd say wait.

I already got a WiiU tho. And knowing the nintenyearold I am I MIGHT get an NX. Just wondering if BOTW will be worth waiting for.

I'm pretty sure Wii U can handle 60 fps. If Splatoon, MK8 and Smash 4 has 60 (and 1080p resolution), then why would BotW not handle 60 too?

And even if it were 30 or under, Zelda 3D is not not known for having great frame-rates. OOT and MM handles 20, IIRC.

>testing frame-rates in a stream
The dumbest shit.

You don't know much about game design do you?

The games you mentioned run that well because they aren't rendering as much in terms of visuals and physics

as opposed to the amount of shit zelda has to put out.

that being said It ought to run fine on the NX

BotW doesn't have a large object distance, though, only a large terrain render distance (object LOD drops quickly, in most cases objects will vanish if you're too far). That said, I'm guessing it'll run 1080p 30fps.

It's launching with NX and won't be out on Wii U til then anyway so just wait and see what NX is and if the game will be better on it and decide then.

I hope they do

>Nintendo does a buy the books Zelda
>WAAAHH it's to similar take risks WAAAHH

>Nintendo does something different
>WAAHH make it more similar WAHHH

Sup Forums might as well be one person because you fucking idiots hate having your own opinions

It doesn't but you also have to account for the physics being implemented a shit ton of computational power goes into that.

Except all that terrain is pretty taxing and unlike any other Zelda game before it. Also all the foliage and extra effects (spreading fire) is also incredibly taxing. The demo was running at 720p and dropped to 25 fps frequently.
Theres no way 1080p 30fps will happen.
True makes sense. Thanks

>The demo was running at 720p
I'm not sure on that, got a source?


Sup Forums is about shitflinging, dumb newfag

>my source is a compressed YouTube video
Yeah nah fuck off

Just Cause 2 maybe?

Close but not quite the same thing

This is bait right? Did you listen to the video?

Open world in 2d and open world in 3d are very different experiences due to scale, and frankly 3d just tends to feel empty.

The Legend of Zelda featured a Barren Open World.

Nah, it is hella fun but it is not very interactive.

Not quite sure how that's relevant to my post

Oops my mistake

No it still uses 85% of the world's supply of bloom

Eh, at least they're not just playing it safe. Even a shit idea is better than no ideas at all.

Are there people who actually want Zelda to stay the same? Even after 5 3D games?

The game is still about using the tools available to you to navigate your environment. That's what every Zelda game is. Breath of the Wild just has it on a bigger scale yet is looking to have less bullshit in between to ruin your fun that Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword had. A jump button is not straying too far.

Good point, senpai.

I think Witcher 3 did open world well and I didn't even like the game much. You have to load down the world with enemies and quests out the ass or it will feel empty.

I agree, Witcher 3 is a perfect example of open world done right. You're wrong, tho. You loved the game.

It's obviously a return to the original formula. That's why people are so excited about it.

Hopefully it's more like W3 and less like TPP in open world.

Please don't link that video. People look up to them as if they're knowledgeable and legitimate, but they made a dozen or so outright errors in their video and it was so bad that they even had to make a follow up video where they had to backtrack on a bunch of stuff because they had outright lied in the first one.

My bad I didn't know. What shit did they backtrack on?

Really like what?

>not going back with added SS elements in crafting and harvesting mats, and WW elements in outposts and having to map the areas

If anything its all the best parts of zelda wrapped into one. The only thing that people assume means it cant be the same game is "muh open world" despite the fact that all that means is player freedom which the older games have always had.
Like how they claim that the game has no AA whatsoever for instance. When it actually clearly does, even more than one type. They also fucked up how the game renders stuff and criticized in really unfair ways when it actually does some really impressive stuff like it, such as the reflections for instance which they had to bring up in the second video. And then there's the foliage and how it behaves and all of that.

The first video is really just pretty damn bad. And this one is a follow up that is more truthful, but it's mostly just damage control for how terrible the first video was.

Digital Foundry really do mess up like this from time to time. This isn't the only occurrence. I really wish people would stop taking their words as gospel straight out because the analyses they make aren't flawless. A lot of their observations aren't properly conducted or backed up. They make errors like these every now and then, but since Digital Foundry said it has got to be true!

Are you shitting me?
It's jaggy as fuck

>muh jaggy

No fucking way shitforbrains

Games are "jaggy as fuck" in 1080p with simple AA. I can see tons of "jaggies" when I use 2xmsaa on 1080p and no one bats an eye. But if a fucking 720p image with light AA has jaggies its the end of the world.

Dont be an idiot you wanted a more powerful wii u but nintendo wont do it so cry in a corner until you can emulate with tons of bugs and performance issues in years. Dont worry the 4k with AA will be worth it.

can't wait to play this on pc

It still has fucking AA. Do you have any idea how games look with no AA whatsoever?
Also as stated in the video the game does have pretty good AA in certain aspects of the game.

>X2 msaa
Yeah no shit it's jaggy X4 minimum

Doesn't change the fact that it's jaggy as shit does it.

no its an obvious evolution

>needs 4xmsaa minimum at 1080p
>complains when 720p with light AA has muh jaggies
You know what I'm going to tell you user but I'll leave it to the lurkers imaginations.

Never change Sup Forums, never change.

deus ex

No, they're going back to the original formula.
You haven't even seen a town yet and the game is hardly barren at all. Just imagine any open-world game without a city. The mini-dungeons that are filled with skills once you clear are good.

>Doesn't change
No. And it also doesn't change that they spouted complete inaccuracies in the video.

The fact that it's a formula is exactly why they need to stray from it. They've been doing the same shit for quite literally two decades.

Jaggies are the least of the games issues believe me
Yeah for something that has little effect on improving the image quality whoopee

>I am wrong but it doesn't matter!

Wrong about what exactly?

The part where it does actually have AA.

I never argued against that, I said it still looked jaggy as hell.

No one ever argued against that. The claim was that even though DF claimed it had no AA it does indeed have AA. And then what I presume was you posted
>Are you shitting me?
>It's jaggy as fuck

Ok. It's jaggy, whatever. That wasn't really relevant to the argument. It was whether or not the game has AA or not. It does.

Let me put this in perspective for you bud
I don't care if it has AA or not it still looks like it has a lot of issues visually. If anything having no AA and using the processing power to maintain a better framerate would be more ideal.

As I said before visuals are the least of the games issues, The game needs to be interesting and it's gotta be that for more than just 2% of the map.

I am a little worried that there won't be enough dungeons to tackle but hey, as long as there's gameplay, I'm there.

That's a respectable opinion.
But why did you butt into the middle of a discussion of whether or not the game had AA?

To bring up the point that whether it does have or doesn't have is irrelevant when it looks rough to begin with.

rlly makes u think

1 0 0 S H R I N E S

The 6(?) we saw in the demo are only the very first few in the game, they're supposed to get a lot more crazy and complicated later. I want real dungeons too, of course

10 years later, nintendo discovers BLOOM

look at that fucking log texture

how are they still in business? bankruptcy when?

given that the They could run On the original wii's money for another decade and the 3ds is printing money not in the forseeable future.

>wide open world
>b-but muh more dungeons
>over 100 shrines that can get pretty big
>b-but only 4 dungeons (is a rumor)

Why the hell you brought about something that has no relation to the current argument discussion? Did you read the posts?

you are seriously delusional if you think nintendo cares about GRAPHIX

>dude says the game has AA
>The game still has jaggies
>I point it out

You tell me

You're already falling for the open world meme
Then it's going to be as empty and shallow as all the other open world games in the past few years

No, that's what you neo-Sup Forums faggots turned it into.

I am more worried about what they're going to do AFTER this game.
Like, after adding so much and changing so much from the usual Zelda, where do you go next?

>waaaaaaaaay more interactivity with the world as in any other open world game
>it's going to be as empty and shallow as all the other open world games in the past few years

Im alright with what they are doing but im a bit worried that they might be replacing the traditional dungeons with the shrines. Hopefully that wont happen completely but it still worries me.

Also i think items should be more durable, from what we have seen most things break in only a couple of hits and i sort of get why (they want you to explore and get new stuff that way), but i dont think it really fits the game. And that kind of stuff will get annoying

Maybe put more polish into this new type of Zelda and then maybe doing something crazy, like flying/ space travel gimmicks or something

It feels more like sandbox game than a open-world game

They confirmed that dungeons and shrines are a separate thing already. They also removed dungeons, towns and NPCs for the E3 demo in order to avoid story spoilers.

>Also i think items should be more durable, from what we have seen most things break in only a couple of hits
It's very likely that there will be a weaponsmith in every town to reinforce weapons that you want to keep.

Also i hate the new HP system, having to prepare meals and such is fine but being able to go into your menu in the middle of combat and use them just like that without putting link in danger is just going to break the tension and flow of fights.

Sure potions did much the same thing in other games but you didnt have them on you all the time and you still couldnt use them from the menu. In the other games you would be forced to play skillfully to get the hearts you lost back trough enemies or pots (that didnt interrupt the gameplay), you didnt have to go into a menu or use a potion


I think its more likely that the great plateau just didnt have that stuff rather than they cut it out. You will probably get to towns after you get the glider.

And yeah the weapon smith is probably going to be a thing. It needs to be quite frankly.

Also i dont know how to feel about the traditional items being replaced by the tablet items. It seems they offer more utility for puzzle solving but are worse for combat than ever before. Seems harder to switch between them too.

>Sure potions did much the same thing in other games but you didnt have them on you all the time

you could have full healing potions almost all the time, and especially whenever anything dangerous was going to happen. There was always a potion shop, and you always had more rupees than you knew what to do with.

Not to mention that pausing thing game, selecting a potion, unpausing and mashing the potion button is not much different at all from just using it in the menu itself. The only real difference is that you aren't force to go through the menus and item selection process a tedious amount of times


wait and see nintendo might surprise us

ding ding ding winner

Zelda pretty much was always an open world, just with very specified dungeons and towns

The Wii U already has a solid library, whereas NX will likely have droughts as bad as wii U did. I'd say get a Wii U.


One thing, BotW looks as though it's taking a note from the Just Cause series. That is making exploration fun.

I think that's what makes the new Zelda keep looking fresh

that's a hell of an assumption. The hybrid design has the benefit of combining handheld and console devs, making a drought far less likely


>finally not ALttP 2.0
>finally trying to make a true 3D Zelda 1
nah, I'm all for it. The shame, however, is this would be super easy to fuck up