No mans sky, one mans lie

>no mans sky, one mans lie
>PC version is exactly the same as PS4 version
>the game is literally a boring version of subnautica


Other urls found in this thread:

It's better than Subnautica


>There are people who will vote for Trump
>Despite him being a bigot and unqualified.

bigot. BIGOT!

>there are people that get paid to post CTR talking points

More like 3d Starbound.

I hate starbound and i think thats an insult to starbound.

>No Man's Sky was a blunder
>Trump is going to lose


what did hillary/trump do to get more/less popularity?

>posting rigged polls
>posting CTR talking points
$0.5 were deposited into your account, thanks for correcting the record.

Paid pollsters.

This, though somehow it has much less content

so how about that Pay to Play?

>there are people so upset by the reality that their ideology is still not publicly accepted and their candidate is heading for a record landslide loss, that they scream everything not in their echo chamber is being paid by evil demons


"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4

>polls support Trump
>Every poll, even fox news, shows Trump down
Even Trump himself quoted the most favorable of the polls, in which he was still down. Also, elections don't generally change much this late. The person with the lead this late in the race has won the election every time since 1948.

Is subnautica good? Actually interested in getting it now that this is a massive flop.

It's true.

Subnautica is crap and even worse than No man's sky.

>upset by the reality
Sorry, but the reality shows that Trump is going to win in a landslide :)

Rally in Pennsylvania that is about to begin with thousands of people -

Even Pence gets more people in mostly blue states -

Pic related, crowds in same city 1 day apart

>crowds mean more than polling

But it isn't.

November is going to be a very sad month for you. Might as well buy that rope now.

Crowds are real, polling is fixed, hillary said there were 1500 people in her last rally, people counted the pictures and there was 750.
Trump gets 1500 just in the overflow room :^)

caring about mcdonalds or pepsi

No politician gives a fuck about you dumb nigger

It is HORRIBLY optimized and even on a 1080 might run at 10 fps. The game is always the same, nothing is randomly generated and every instance of a save has an identical map

In terms of building bases, there's very little variety and almost nothing in terms of decorating

There aren't many sea creatures.

I mean it doesn't have MP either so clearly it's shit. On top of that, at least NMS can run at above 15 fps and doesn't crash every 30 minutes.

$0.5 were deposited into your account, thanks for correcting the record.

I think Bernie supporters will always have it the worst this year.

This triggers the millennial CTR paid employee.

How much are you selling tin foil hats for

Hey, at least Clinton pays her debts and doesn't refuse to pay for services rendered like a bald orange I know.

>15 fps subnautica
jesus christ how old is your hardware?

>Hey, at least Clinton pays her debts and doesn't refuse to pay for services rendered like a bald orange I know.



How do you like that now you know what is happening you can honestly prepare yourself more for the situation coming up and can tell other people so you can help them too?

the whole purpose of ww2 was to move jews from eu to israel

The Thule Society (/ˈtuːlə/; German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ("Study Group for Germanic Antiquity"), was a German occultist and völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP; German Workers' Party), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party

ONLY the brainwash is in christian countries and islamic countries
I wonder why is this the case
HMM cuz they are setting up a war of religions

Does your CTR mean Crash Team Racing? Probably the best kart racer out there.

Trump told people to kill Hillary and said Obama literally founded ISIS

Also shat all over a gold star family, and refused to support high profile members of his own party in re-election.

>white trash rubes abandoning their hoarding trailers and gathering in masses after picking up some burgers and milkshakes in Dirtbag, OH

The smell must be horrendous

>CTR spends $1 million mostly on some ads on facebook and twitter

There is also probably a lot of meth


>the game is literally a boring version of subnautica
So it's Subnautica?

>Legitimately defending Hilary Clinton

then its true............... there are shills amongst us..................

is a single picture all it takes to get Sup Forums pontificating?

that's some creepy pavlov response shit right there


I really hope for your sanity Sup Forums isn't and never was your main board.
I can't believe how bad it got.

>he has a "main" board

This Trigger Trumpettes

>this triggers the trumpet


I support her over Trump, as does most of America it seems.

Use this one m8

Looks like you CTR faggots are spreading everywhere now.

>being surprised the world isn't a hugbox and supporters of your enemy exist
Sup Forums has never been the GOP staging ground you think it is

You really need some better talking points.

Well, it seems these are the people I have argued with about videogames this year.
Take this thread as a warning, still sane newfag and choose another board because people call Sup Forums the worst board for a reason.

In what world do rallies over ride polls? Like what, we know a minimum of a few thousand support Trump now?

Nah I'll let the math do the talking for me

>trust the most unscientific method possible!
Judging popularity or decisions based on "show of hands" is retarded

Time to pet our egos

who /called this game being bad from the start/ here?

>people form a small get together to talk about hillary and probably spreading the word
>trump supports get together on reddit and pol and post memes while never leaving their houses.

>all those traditionally red states that are blue
I also find it odd the places that vote for "change because us middle class folks are hurting" are all in the states easiest to live in if you are low income.

>Everyone who thinks the orange cheeto would make a shit pres works for ctr

I've been to a few Trump (And Hillary) rallies.

I can confirm that Trump rallies usually smell really bad and there is a lot of drug use in parking lots near them.

Hillary rallies are just boring. No one is excited and it honestly seems like most of the people are paid to be there.

The best rallies I went to this year were actually Sanders rallies, but the people there didn't really know a damn thing about politics or economics.

LMAO, its too easy to make you copy and paste more talking points, you are too easy CTR employees.

>but the people there didn't really know a damn thing about politics or economics.
So it was like a trump rally?

Based trump.

They do. Longroom which unskews the polls shows Trump up. The polls are biased there were more republican voters than democrat voters in the primaries no reason to oversample dems. In 2008 the dems outperformed reps by like 100% so it did make sense to oversample. There's also the simple reality that only 50% of Bernie supporters are going to vote for Hillary.

>Trumpcucks really are this delusional


Thanks for __________ ___ ______!

>South West blue
Should not have let in those Mexicans, boys, avoiding ethnic dilution should be 101 on state running.

Nice quads btw my fellow delegate.

Btw this is as likely as Trump winning at this point

>Unskewing polls

That worked really well for Romney in 2012, right?

Trump rallies are special because the people there don't really know anything about anything.

They don't even know where their voting locations are more often than not.

It's actually my job to ask people attending rallies a bunch of questions so if you want to know anything about the major groups feel free to ask.

nah, it was more like a crowd version of you

2012 is calling, they want there Romney talking points back.

More triggered CTR employees pasting talking points, LOW ENERGY!


To be fair, can't say who is winning til the debates start.

>You will never be white



You realize I literally said several posts ago that Hillary rallies are filled with people who don't give a shit and seem to be paid to stand there, right?

Fucking the bunny?

Obama was running unopposed as an incumbent so it's completely different. Compare Obama's 08 primary numbers to Romney's and then you'll see why unskewing the polls was futile. Obama still had massive democratic support. Hillary does not plain and simple. They're undersampling independents and oversampling democrats. The only people trying to unskew the polls in 2012 were Romney shills. Longroom is actually based on voter data.


To be perfectly clear it's obvious that the democrats aren't going to magically outperform by 100% on election day. Obama was a 1 time deal.

Ignoring reality is not going to end well for you

>trump is a billionaire in the public eye for decades
>every media outlet has taken a look at him and nobody has found any dirt on him
>sometimes considered to be far left
>Runs against Clinton
>Suddenly Donald Trump is a racist homophobic warmongering bigot that hates children, babies, black people, asians, facebook, and eats kfc wrong
Really makes you think huh

>>sometimes considered to be far left


Eh polling 3 weeks after conventions tends to give you a very good idea on who is going to win desu, Hillary would have to fuck up majorly to lose at this point.

Sorry what? Donald Trump has been getting shit for saying nonsense about Obama for years

He made a tweet a while ago about how violent video games are making children into monsters

No mans sky is a videogame, talk to the CTR employees if you find politics annoying, they are the ones being paid to flood Sup Forums with talking points.

t. Talking Point.

I don't like any of the candidates
Vermin supreme for president.

No. It doesn't.
What really makes you think is why Trump shills spam Sup Forums when they have literally the entire board on Sup Forums to worship some cunt.


PS: Hillary is also a cunt. As are all politicians.


That was absolutely the shittiest article I've ever read with absolutely no substance to it all. Typical Nate Silver cuck.
Again, state a reason for oversampling dems. Why would you oversample dems if there going to show up to vote at a lower rate then republicans? Do you also think it's magic that almost every death near the Clintons is suicide, plane crash, car crash, or assassination. Do you understand how statistically unlikely that is?

I'm not ignoring reality. Trump may indeed lose. He may half a fall out with independents, but it makes no sense to oversample democrats and if you notice it only happened after the DNC conventions. Polls before that were much more balanced.

>obviously trying to say eff eh em
Your opinion holds no weight, sp00k.

>No mans sky is a videogame
Because clearly I was saying that No Man's Sky was the problem with this thread.
>talk to the CTR employees if you find politics annoying, they are the ones being paid to flood Sup Forums with talking points.
How about I talk to Sup Forums shills who constantly flood other boards and sperg out when anyone even comes close to criticizing THE DON XD

If you can't handle criticism, the go to reddit.

It's almost amazing considering polls after the convention started seriously oversampling democrats.